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Formal beauty of font design! Straightforward

The unique style can be expressed through different lines, sizes, thickness, spacing, colors and shapes, etc., making the expression of text more vivid, interesting and full of appeal. The formal beauty of font design can be discussed from the following a

Text/Zhang Yuetu/Google

Text has the dual experience of conveying information and visual appreciation in terms of expression. The font form in the design should have unique characteristics and also have special aesthetic functions. The variety of font forms can bring different formal beauty and different perceptions. In the design, the various forms of text design have an important influence and bring new inspiration and experience to the design. Font design is an important way of artistic expression, which has a direct impact on the basic meaning of advertising, and can also affect the value of advertising.

The unique beauty of the font shape

Fonts have many forms of expression, and fonts can form a unique aesthetic feeling with personality. Some designs are graceful and elegant, bold and unrestrained, and some can reflect the characteristics of business and culture in design. And because the overall design is different, it also has different characteristics. There are many forms of expression in the text itself, with different presentation methods. But the overall concept of design must follow the characteristics and attributes of the product. Recommended reading:Chinese character design skills! Pictograms

Formal beauty of font shape

The uniqueness of the font itself can fully demonstrate the spiritual connotation of the text. First of all, no matter what language the design is in, it can convey a unique visual experience. In the design, it can fully display its own uniqueness, and can convey unique meaning to people visually. The embodiment of formal beauty must first conform to the theme of the design, and the strokes of the fonts should be used flexibly to form different experiences.

There are many ways to form the beauty of the font shape, such as the beauty of symmetry, which is a relatively common expression in font design, and has the characteristics of seriousness and regularity. The beauty of rhythm is mainly displayed through the structure of fonts, and the use of lines can be repeated and reversed. Let people feel the rhythmic visual experience in the viewing process and show different emotional expressions. The design of fonts should mainly follow the principles of balance and space, and pay attention to the structure of fonts while pursuing aesthetics.

The imagery of the font is beautiful

The meaning of the image will be displayed at the ideological level through the description of the objective object. In people's overall understanding of objective objects, they can discover and understand the symbolic meaning expressed by things. In the design of fonts, attention should be paid to the overall and individual grasp of images, to realize the formal meanings endowed by images to fonts, and to fully display the role of images in the design process. There are two forms of image beauty expression in font design.

The first type reflects the connotation of culture. my country's excellent historical culture has created rich cultural traditions, and text design can reflect cultural attributes and express the representative meaning of commodities. Personalized forms in typefaces distinguish geographical differences. The use of imagery in font design is a display of the culture of each region. Every region and nation has different cultural differences, and text design can use differences to form its own unique style.

The second is the form of imagery for information, and information symbols are the main representative things in people's daily life. Information symbols have a complex expression system and play an important role in life. Imagery is used to express symbols in font design, to enhance people's sensory experience, and to understand the meaning of information through previous cognitive abilities. This can effectively save people's reading time and enable them to have a concise and intuitive understanding of the information. When people see fixed symbols in their lives, they will have corresponding understandings in their minds. This is the cognitive ability that people form in their lives. The use of imagery in font design to show the fixed awareness of symbols can effectively reflect the cognitive function of advertising.

Reflects the structural beauty of the font

fonts are first of all highly recognizable, no matter how the design is embodied, it will show the specific meaning of the font. In the design, we should pay attention to the clarity of text display, so that the fonts on the advertisement can be clearly displayed, which is convenient for understanding the advertisement information. On the basis of keeping the basic structure of the font unchanged, adding a relative form of artistic expression to enhance the aesthetic feeling. It is necessary to respect the font design and not affect the principles of font reading, so that the core concept can be reflected in the design.

style of font form

The font style can be fully reflected in the design process, and the form beauty should be ensured in the design process. At the same time, in the design process, it is necessary to be able to grasp the basic attributes of the theme, and to focus on the goal in the design process, and to be able to show the value of the advertisement. In the product design, it is necessary to have a high degree of integration between the attributes of the product and the font form, which also has an important impact on the establishment of the corporate cultural image. In the premise preparation of the design, understand the attributes and overall style of the product, and improve the recognition of the product by expressing the beauty of the font.


Embody artistic beauty in font design

The font design itself is an artistic expression. Through the font design in the design, the aesthetic feeling of the design work can be improved, so as to strengthen people's favorability and awareness of it. It is necessary to integrate font design and design as a whole, so that the combination of content and art can be realized in expressing products. According to the overall content of the design, the form of the font design is arranged. The overall purpose is to give people a good reading experience. For example, different forms of artistic expression can give people different viewing experience, and a reasonable font structure can give people a serious and rigorous reading experience. Compared with easy reading content, most of them use artistic expression methods.

The formal beauty of fonts plays a very important role in design, and it is the most intuitive expression of visual experience. According to the unique attributes and characteristics of the font itself, the artistic design and expression of the text can be carried out in the design, so that the design works can not only reflect the attributes but also have artistic beauty. The text in the design should be consistent with the whole. It is an important form of information transmission and content, which can fully display the inherent attributes of the product and increase the appreciation of the product. The following design rules for font design.


Whether it is a Chinese font or an English font, recognizability is the most basic requirement for font design. The main function of fonts is to express the creative intention and information in the advertisement to the audience in the process of visual transmission. When the font is artistically created, the recognition is weakened, and the function of the font design itself is lost, let alone the auxiliary effect in advertising. Clear and easy-to-understand design techniques are the demands of font design in advertisements, not for the sake of design.

Visual Aesthetics

In the process of print advertisement design, text, as one of the elements of the layout, not only has the function of conveying information, but also meets the requirements of aesthetics visually. A picture with aesthetic feeling is always pleasing to the eye. Font design plays an important role in print advertisement. Although the share of fonts is not large, it can always play a finishing touch, and now many print advertisements, many of them are designed with fonts in a large area, the impact is not only strong but also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Recommended reading:Chinese character design techniques! The use of decorative beauty


According to the theme to be expressed in the print advertisement design, the personality of the font design is highlighted without declaring an army to overwhelm the dominance, and a characteristic font consistent with the theme is created, which emphasizes the expression of the designer's intention. Utilize the differences in the external form and rhythm of Chinese and English fonts, and use them together to create a sense of agility in the screen.


The design of the font should be consistent with the style of the advertising work, and it should not be separated from the work itself, let alone conflict. In terms of color use, it is also necessary to be consistent, constantly revise and ponder over and over again, and clearly convey the formal language of the work. The unity of font and picture is the unity of form and content. Therefore, we must pay special attention to this point when designing, so as not to interfere with normal reading.

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