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For Beginner Designers Design Sharing

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On 11.12, I made a design sharing in the design group of @贾丽芳(贾姐), hoping to help the newly employed design partners, and find the direction when I am lost! Find confidence when you feel downhearted! Avoid detours on the road of design!

I can't send the courseware now, I hope more friends will benefit!

Please call me Lei Feng! ! !

对于初学设计师 设计分享

<br> Design sharing begins!

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<br>Introduce yourself! Everyone can ignore it! ! !

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<br>Design is the art of purpose!

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<br>If the following sharing is helpful to everyone, I think it is meaningful!

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<br>Share from five themes!

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<br>How do I do career planning! <br>Come to me to talk about my work experience and talk about some of my interview experience and skills. In my sophomore year of university, I learned software from @解师 from our class on behalf of the software department. I usually go to the teacher’s studio to check out pictures when there are no classes or on weekends, and arrange simple DM lists, albums, LOGOs, etc. Then I will go to the teacher There is no salary in the studio, so I worked hard in the teacher's studio until the eve of graduation, (but later my ability improved a bit, and the teacher would give me some living expenses every month...) So I still miss the time when I was an apprentice . <br><br>After graduating, I looked for jobs and interviewed about ten companies, and I was lucky enough to be hired by a small design company. Apprenticeship experience, I should have an advantage over graduates without work experience, so planning must be early! The daily work in the design company is to design LOGO/VI manuals, posters, magazines, etc. In this design company, my ability has improved rapidly, and I feel that I have matured a lot from vision and software proficiency. <br><br>I worked in a design company for more than a year, and I jumped into a public relations company, a medium-sized public relations company. The clients I contacted in this company were all for China Mobile, China Unicom, Pfizer, etc. Do some conference and exhibition design! Work content Design of online/offline materials. The general workflow is that Party A determines the theme, time, and venue of the event, and then we design the main image related to the meeting. There will be two or three drafts each time. The main K will go to see after confirming The venue mainly depends on the design extensions of the main venue/sub-venue (mainly including the main image backboard, schedule backboard, sign roll-up, floor stickers, road flags, door headers, KT boards, invitations, etc.) < br><br>In addition to graphic design work, I also do some illustrations, learn C4D, learn post-printing technology, exhibitions from bidding to landing, etc., so if you want to enter a big company like BAT, you must have multiple talents. Don't be overwhelmed! ! !

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<br> Design it! <br><br>1. Plan early and you can be an apprentice without salary during college! <br><br>2. Just graduating is the key time for learning and accumulation. Just graduating is recommended to join a design company to train yourself! <br><br>3. It is not recommended to change jobs too quickly. If you feel that what you have learned has been saturated after working for more than a year now, and staying any longer is a waste of time (or the salary is too low), it is recommended to change jobs.

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<br>It’s okay to have a low salary just after graduation, as long as you can learn something in the design company! If you go to a training institution to study, it is recommended to consult in advance, because a lot of training is not reliable now, and it is irresponsible to make money.

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<br>The design major does not require a high degree of education! <br><br> A college degree may not necessarily earn less than a bachelor’s degree!

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<br>Don't position yourself as a major when you first start working! <br>Learn your own skills first, such as fonts, typography, color matching, etc.!

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