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Father of "Futura"

Bernard Schols and co-founded a type design studio. They devoted themselves to developing modern fonts to meet the needs of the rapidly developing printing technology and new design concepts at that time. During their collaboration, Paul Renner designed m

Paul Renner was born in Wernigerode and studied painting at the art academies in Berlin, Munich and Karlsruhe. He is a famous German typeface designer, graphic designer and writer.

In 1907, he cooperated with the publisher George Muller in Munich to study font design and designed the familiar Futura font.

In the long history of font development, font design made great progress in the 1920s. There were some geometric fonts, one of which was the sans-serif Futura.

In the decades since, different typecasters have derived various types from it, some very slender and others extremely wide, but none of these variants are as close as Paul Renner's As famous and popular as the prototype Futura.

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