:FREQUENCY function performs segmented statistics-Table skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

FREQUENCY function performs segmented statistics

  • Picture and text skills
  • Case

Calculates how often a value occurs in a range and returns a vertical array of numbers.



Data_array An array or reference to a set of values ​​for which you want to calculate frequencies.

If data_array contains no numeric values, the function FREQUENCY returns an array of zeros.

Bins_array An array of intervals or a reference to a interval used to group the values ​​in data_array.

If bins_array does not contain any values, the value returned by the function FREQUENCY is equal to the number of elements in data_array.


■The function FREQUENCY should be entered as an array formula after selecting a range of adjacent cells for displaying the returned distribution results.

■For formulas that return an array, they must be entered in the form of an array formula.

■The number of elements in the returned array is 1 more than the number of elements in bins_array. The extra elements represent the number of values ​​above the highest range.

For example, if you want to count three numerical intervals entered in three cells, be sure to enter the FREQUENCY function in four cells to obtain the calculation results.

The extra cells will return the number of values ​​above the third interval value in data_array.

■Function FREQUENCY ignores blank cells and text.

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