Arabic font:"Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition)" Reading Notes 00355-Arabic Calligraphy-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

"Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition)" Reading Notes 00355-Arabic Calligraphy

Modern Arabic calligraphy, and the latter part is new Arabic calligraphy. In the previous period, the development of Arabic calligraphy was mainly carried out during the copying of the Qur'an, so it has a strong religious and normative nature. In the latt

Arabic calligraphy

Arabic script calligraphy in the Islamic era. Originated from the manuscripts of the Qur'an. Taking the 11th century as the boundary, it can be roughly divided into two stages of development, the former and the latter. The former period is the ancient style period, and the latter period is the new style period. The writing forms of the archaic period can be divided into two types. The first type has the earliest origin and is called Kufa style. Its structural feature is the emphasis on vertical strokes, straight lines, clear edges and corners, and obvious decorative interest. It is equivalent to China's Jinshiwen or Li seal script. This typeface is mainly used to write the Qur'an, and secondly, it is used as decorative patterns of plum blossom mosques and handicrafts, or as inscriptions on steles, tombstones, and metal coins. The second type of ancient script, although easy to recognize, is more difficult to write. It is a rather cumbersome and standard handwriting and printing, which is equivalent to Chinese regular script or traditional block script. Fluid and curvy style. Among such fonts, Nas Hei and Sirhi are typical representatives.

Since the 11th century, Arabic calligraphy has become increasingly prosperous, famous calligraphers have emerged one after another, and artistic styles have become rich and colorful. In addition to the above-mentioned old-fashioned fonts, four new-style fonts with their own characteristics have appeared: Muhakaq, Raihani, Rukua, and Tauqi. Arabic calligraphy has two characteristics: one is the pursuit of external form beauty (such as rhythm, decoration, pattern), and the other is the special writing tools. Arabic calligraphers initially used reed pens to write horizontally from right to left on parchment paper. Because the tip of the pen is flat and hard, it is easy to form simple and smooth curve effects, but it is difficult to produce as complicated as Chinese calligraphy (used brushes, rice paper) penmanship and affection.

Excerpt from: "Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition)" Volume 1, Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2009

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