Where is the merged shape in ppt:Easy to use, analysis of shape merging function in PPT-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Easy to use, analysis of shape merging function in PPT

Guide: Many friends want to insert some shapes in the process of making PPT, but there are no shapes in the system, what should I do? Today, the author will take you to learn about the powerful function that comes with PPT—shape merging. With it, it is not difficult to make eye-catching graphics.

First of all, let’s talk about what merged shapes are. Merged shapes are actually based on a logical operation——Boolean operation

Boolean operations are digital symbolic logical deduction methods, including union, intersection, and subtraction. This logical operation method is used in graphics processing operations to combine simple basic graphics to generate new shapes, and develop from two-dimensional Boolean operations to three-dimensional graphics Boolean operations.

Where are the shapes merged in PPT

Select Insert Graphics in ppt, insert two graphics respectively, select these two graphics, and you can find the merge option in the format menu.

What are the types of shape merging

There are 5 types of shape merging provided in PPT, namely: union, combination, split, intersect, and cut.

Types and basic principles of shape merging

Union: Combines two shapes into one

Combination: Remove the intersecting parts of the graphics

Intersect: keep the intersection

Split: Split the shape along a path

Cut off: Cut the front graphic object remove the back graphic object

Example of shape merging

Different shapes of two equilateral triangles obtained by shape merging.

Let me share with you the process of drawing a Tai Chi diagram with shapes.

First, insert a large circle and two small circles by inserting shapes. The diameter of the small circle is half of the large circle. In this example, the diameter of the large circle is set to 6 cm, and the diameter of the small circle is 3 cm. You can select graphics and use the format menu. Set the height and width of the shape.

Select three graphics, the selection order is big circle - small circle, execute the Merge Shape - Cut command, and get the graphics with two small circles missing from the big circle above.

Inserts a borderless rectangle of any color

Move the rectangle to cover half of the big circle, here you can set the auxiliary line, you can see it more clearly, then select the circle - rectangle, and execute the merge shape - cut command.

Draw a small circle of the same size as before (the diameter used here is 3 cm), move to the position of the gap, and select the merged shape—union. At this time, the shape of a yin-yang fish in the Taiji diagram is basically formed.

The rest of the operation is simple, add a small white circle on the half of the Taiji diagram, then combine it, make a copy, rotate, and move the position (here you can enlarge the displayed scale for more precise operation), great success, A picture of Tai Chi is ready.

To summarize:

1. Merging shapes in PPT is done based on Boolean operations.

2. There are 5 ways to combine shapes in PPT: unite, combine, split, intersect, and cut.

3. The default rule of PPT is to retain the properties of the graphics selected for the first time (this is very important, so the order of selection is very important).

4. As long as your brain is big enough, it is not a problem to make a new graphic. Of course, this may require the flexible use of multiple merging methods and the use of multiple graphics for merging.

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