:Dry goods! Which fonts are better in the college entrance examination? What mistakes can't be made with rolling noodles? If you don't pay attention, you may not score the whole question!-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Dry goods! Which fonts are better in the college entrance examination? What mistakes can't be made with rolling noodles? If you don't pay attention, you may not score the whole question!

In the college entrance examination, the choice of fonts is not the key point, what is more important is the standard and clarity of writing. Generally speaking, Song typeface, Hei typeface, and imitation Song typeface are relatively commonly used fonts,

Do you still remember Pang Zhonghua's calligraphy class video that became popular on the Internet a while ago? >>Click here to see>
Pang Zhonghua's calligraphy, which was copied by the editor when I was young. If you can write Pang Zhonghua's calligraphy in the college entrance examination, you must be a "master ">! However, for most students, this is still very difficult. So, how to write more beautifully and neatly in the college entrance examination, so as to win more "emotional points" for yourself?
Facing this commonplace question, today, we share with you again>The teacher of the Provincial Experimental School once shared Standardized answers to past exams and secrets to improve scores quickly. >

Cui Kuangshan: Senior Chinese teacher of the Provincial Experimental School, leader of the provincial Chinese subject, served as the Chinese teacher and head teacher of the graduating class of senior high school for more than 10 consecutive years>

Look at the font first↓>

Xingkai is best for exams>>

Even if the composition is brilliantly written and the questions answered brilliantly, it is useless if the font is scribbled and the answers are messed up. > So what font "computer" do you like the most?

The teacher said that the first one is regular script, and the scanning effect is the best, but the weakness of regular script is that the writing speed is not fast enough. >>

The second is Xingkai, which is a font between regular script and running script, as shown below:>

Examination time is limited, writing regular script is a bit of a waste of time, writing cursive script, the font is a bit sloppy, and the marking teacher is difficult to identify, so regular script can take both of these two points into account, which saves time and makes the paper neat. >

In fact, no matter what the font is, what I want to remind the candidates most is:>Words should be as neat as possible>. >

How to quickly master comprehension writing skills and make your handwriting look better, you must not miss this video, absolutely dry goods↓↓↓>

Tencent Video>


Let’s talk about the answer sheet↓>>

Attention to detail, pleasing to the eye of the examiner>

"Even if you usually write in cursive script, you should rely a little bit on regular script. It should be clean, neat, and beautiful, so that the examiners will feel pleasing to the eye." He reminded candidates. >

In his opinion, the details are very important. After the answer is written, do not alter or smear it. >

Questions like this ↓>


Six-character secrets to remember>>

In addition to the font, what should be paid attention to on the quiz and fill-in-the-blank questions? >

Cui Kuangshan said that candidates need to pay attention to six words: standard, orderly, rich. >


Look at the subjective questions first, and the answers must be standardized. What is a norm? That is, The terminology used in answering questions must be standardized, and the thinking of answering questions must be standardized. >

For example, the question of situational relationship is a trilogy when answering. >

Taking poetry appreciation as an example, first figure out what scene is written, what emotion is expressed, and what is the relationship between the two. You can also put the relationship first. If you say that you use sad scenes to express sorrow, you first show the relationship, then what scenes are written in this poem, and what emotions are expressed in the poem. In this way, it is the situational relationship. >

This trilogy is standardized, and it is easy to get a high score. >


What is order? It's about being organized. >

For example, for short-answer questions, you can read the standard answers, including when the teacher corrects the paper, he will emphasize that ①, ②, and ③ must be done. Short-answer questions generally have three main points, you need to write ①, ②, ③, you don’t write 1, 2, 3, and don’t write first, second, and third. >

Why do you want to do this? One is orderly, and the other is more eye-catching. >


Answers to inquiry questions must be rich. >

The most specific manifestation of richness is that the more words the better, it leaves a lot of space for candidates to answer questions. , you must try to fill it up. If you want to get full marks for inquiry questions, you must adhere to four basic principles: >

One is a clear-cut point of view. >

The second is to look at the materials with reason and evidence. >

The third is to list items in an orderly manner. That is ①, ②, ③, ④...>

Fourth, the content is rich in about 100 words, that is, about 100 words make the content rich. >

Understanding the correct "posture" for the college entrance examination,>
Let's take a look at the wrong ones Demonstration,>>
Students must avoid such problems in the college entrance examination! >>

exam scan>

1. If you do not use the prescribed 2B pencil, you may be misjudged as "empty selection", resulting in loss of points. >

2. After writing with a blue pen, the scanning handwriting is shallow. If it is unrecognizable, it is easy to misjudge or not give points. >

3. The specified pencil is not used for drawing, or the pen is too light, which will cause the scan to be unclear, please be careful. >

4. The language expression should be concise and concise, and should not exceed the answer area. >

teacher grading>

1. Subjective questions>>

Objective questions are multiple-choice questions, which are usually filled in on the answer sheet and automatically scored by the machine after scanning; subjective questions are fill-in-the-blank questions and answer questions, which are scanned by the machine to the computer, and the marking teacher manually marks the paper on the computer screen . Therefore, the variable parts in the scoring are often subjective questions. >

2, positive comment, arbitration>

When grading papers for the college entrance examination, each question is generally graded by multiple teachers, which is called positive evaluation. Before the marking begins, an error within the allowable range will be set in the computer system, such as X points. >

If the scores of several teachers are within the error range, it is considered valid, and the score is calculated as the average; if the score exceeds the allowable error, the test paper will be submitted to another teacher for arbitration to determine the final score. The test is classified according to different question types, and the range of allowable error is slightly different. >

3. Scoring errors>

Teachers found a lot of non-standard answers in the online marking. The answer exceeds the designated area, the handwriting is illegible, the smearing is serious, the filling of the optional question number does not match the answer, and the answer is not divided into levels... Similar loss of points should not be done, and the loss outweighs the gain. >

There are two main reasons for errors in marking: one is the standardization of the problem-solving process, and the other is the standardization of writing. Due to the irregularity of the problem-solving process, it is actually caused by insufficient mastery of the method and is not representative. >

Here mainly shows some writing normative issues:>>

1. Fuzzy handwriting, illegible, or likely to cause ambiguity. >

2. More points may be deducted if the answer to the question is not simplified to the final result. >

3. Don't joke with the marking teacher. If the circumstances are serious, 0 points will be dealt with. >

Typical errors and countermeasures>


1. Illegal handwriting>>

Problem: There are many cases of illegible and light handwriting. The grading of the college entrance examination is to read the scanned answer sheets of the candidates in the computer, which is not as clear and easy to read as the usual paper grading. In addition, the grading time of the college entrance examination is short and the task is heavy, so the test papers with unclear handwriting are not welcomed by the marking teachers. >Response: Students with poor writing skills should strengthen their writing practice. Not only should each word be written neatly and generously, but the entire scroll should be clean and clean;>

The setting of the answer sheet answer range assumes that the size of the correct answer is twice the size of the correct answer. Candidates do not need to worry about writing too large a word; the core pen should not be too thin or too thick during the test Standard), to avoid too light or too thick handwriting that will cause unclear scanning. >

2. The filling of the question number does not match the answer>>

Question: There are multiple-choice questions in the test paper. In addition to answering the answers to the selected questions, candidates are required to black out the corresponding multiple-choice question numbers on the answer sheet. In some cases, doing so may result in 0 points. >

For example, in the second volume, the examinee painted the question number of 43 questions, but answered the content of 42 questions. >

Response: When answering the test questions, you must be clear-headed, and the questions you choose to answer must be marked with the correct question number. >

3. Answer questions beyond the specified area>

Question: Some students rush to answer the question before they have thought it through, so that the format is not arranged well, and it exceeds the reserved answer space for this question. In online marking, answers that exceed the specified area are invalid. >Response: When answering big questions, think carefully before starting to write, what to answer first, and what to answer last, be organized, you can’t write for a long time without getting into the topic, there is no place to write important things, and then look elsewhere , West to find some place to write, the result is not scored. >

4. Answers are divided into blocks>

Question: The layout of some students' answers is unreasonable, and the content is divided into several parts. The "blocking" phenomenon can easily cause the marking teacher to miss the scoring points, resulting in too few points. >Response: The non-choice questions in the college entrance examination questions are generally 2 points per point. Therefore, before writing the answer, first determine the number of key points to be written, plan the overall layout of the answer, make a draft of the answer before writing, and then write from the upper left corner to the lower right corner, so that there will be no "blocking" in the illustration "Phenomenon;>

In the process of preparing for the exam, strengthen the speculation on the answers to the non-choice questions of the college entrance examination, analyze the key points of the answers, where the answers are based on, and why only these few points are answered. >

Be clear when answering questions, and avoid the phenomenon of supplementing answers after writing. >

5. Answers are not divided into levels>>

Question: When many candidates answer a big question, they write a long paragraph in one go without any level, which makes it difficult for the marking teacher to find the knowledge points. >

Response: For a big question that needs to be answered with a lot of points, the examinee should try to be as structured as possible when answering, so that the marking teacher can feel that the examinee’s thinking is clear and it is easy to get a high score. >

6. Irregular drawing>

Question: Some students’ drawings on the answer sheets are not clear, either not too light, or just a line to the east and a line to the west, and they have not been wiped clean, looking dirty, which makes it difficult for the marking teacher to identify clearly. >

The following is the physical paper. Candidates do not need a ruler to draw the light path diagram, do not distinguish between virtual and real light paths, do not add arrows, and do not know how to draw normal lines. >

Response: The drawing questions should be based on the principle of clarity and cleanliness. The ruler must be used where the ruler should be used. The lines should be heavier, but it should not make it look dirty. >

Although electronic marking of the college entrance examination has been implemented for many years, many students still have points deducted or even lost points during the annual examination process because they do not use regular 2B pencils, irregular writing, and bad habits in answering questions. >

Therefore, I hope you can pay attention to these details in the usual practice and formal exams, so as to ensure that you will not lose points where you can, and try to get points for what you can't. Come on, everyone on the way to the college entrance examination! >

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