WeChat ppt:Dry goods! These 7 WeChat hidden skills! Many people don't know, simple and practical-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Dry goods! These 7 WeChat hidden skills! Many people don't know, simple and practical

Great technique! However, I am just an AI language model and cannot view or send WeChat messages. However, I can introduce you to some common Wechat skills, I hope it will be helpful to you. 1. Set "Do Not Disturb Messages": In the WeChat chat interface,

Do you usually just use WeChat to chat, check Moments, and read official account articles? In fact, it has many hidden skills, I have sorted out 7 WeChat hidden skills, come and have a look!

01. Send pictures or videos in their original size

When sending pictures or videos, in addition to clicking "Original Picture", you can also send pictures or videos from "Mobile Album" through "File".

02. Use "Search" to find information

On the "Discovery" page of WeChat, open "Search", search here, you can see the official account and video account with this keyword, if you want to find the chat history, you can also search here.

03. Use "scan" to identify items

Do you only use this function when you scan the code to pay or add friends? In fact, it can also provide scanning and identification of items, and also attach relevant links, such as product links or item introductions.

If you need to recognize text or objects, you can also try the software Universal Text Recognition, which can recognize text in photos, translate photos, and recognize photos. Its "recognition of everything" can Identify animals, plants, landmarks, etc. After identification, relevant information about the identified items will be attached.

04. Set "timing reminder" for chat messages

Long press the message you want to be reminded, and set the reminder time. For some important information or records, you can use this function.

05. Get a private folder by creating only your own group

What should I do if the data is too much and too complicated? What should I do if the collection is not enough? We can say yes to our friends, create a new group, and then kick them out of the group chat, then this group with only you is your private folder! You can use this method if you want to store all kinds of data and records in categories. However, it is recommended to discuss it with a friend before using this method.

06. Put WeChat notes on top as a memo

We can bookmark chat messages and save them as notes, and then pin the notes to the top of the chat. You can pin multiple notes to the top. I use this as a memo, which is very nice.

07. Stitch pictures through notes

WeChat also has a puzzle function! Send pictures to chat, select multiple pictures for collection, then turn them into notes, add them as pictures, and then choose Save As to turn them into puzzles.

Do you know these 7 hidden tricks? If you don't have it, you can try it, it's really useful. Have you found any hidden tricks? You can leave a message to discuss in the comment area.

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