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Document format analysis (font, font size)


Official title font

The title of the official document should be in No. 2 subscript Song typeface, and the subtitle should be in No. 3 italic typeface, and generally do not need to be bold. Many people like to use small standard Song Simplified, Song Type, Fake Song Type, Chinese Zhong Song, Hei Ti, and use small two and one, which are all wrong.

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Title position, Format

Red-headed documents (commonly known as documents with the name of the issuing authority used by party and government agencies, and the header of the document is generally red)The title is arranged under the red dividing line Leave one or two blank lines, and the title of the non-red head file should be arranged in the first line of the page.

The title is composed of the name of the issuing authority, the subject and the language. (Issuing authority is on a separate line)

The title is divided into one or more lines and arranged in the center; When returning to the line, the word meaning is complete, the arrangement is symmetrical, the length is appropriate, and the spacing is appropriate. Multi-line headings are arranged in a trapezoidal, inverted trapezoidal or rhombus instead of a rectangle with the same length up and down and an hourglass shape with a long top and bottom and a short middle.

If it is an unofficial paper document submitted to the leader for review and approval, generally there is no approval page and the leader may have a long section of instructions. For this type of title, you can add a few lines before the title and leave a lot of blank space for reference. Leadership criticism.

If the official document has a subtitle, the subtitle should start on a new line with dashes; in addition, the title and quotation marks should not appear in the title (except for forwarding notices). (pictured below)

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about the text Requires

The text is the main body of the document. The main text must be displayed on the first page of the official document, The text should be written in three-point imitation Song typeface, arranged in the line under the name of the main sending agency, Each natural paragraph has two characters in the left space, back to the top of the line. Here it is emphatically emphasized that use "Fan Song _GB2312" (that is, the national standard imitation Song) as much as possible, and do not use "Fan Song", because Microsoft has developed win7 and win8 since the xp system , Win10 system "Fang Song" font, copy this type of document to the XP system, the Fang Song font becomes bold.

The ordinal numbers of the structural levels in the text are marked with "one," "(one)" "1." "(1)", which cannot be reversed, here In particular, pay attention to one is followed by a comma, 1 is followed by a dot (solid dot), (one) and (1) are not followed by any Punctuation. Under special circumstances, appropriate adjustments can be made. Generally, The first layer uses No. 3 boldface, the second layer uses No. 3 italic characters, and the third and fourth layers use No. 3 imitation Song fonts< /span> label (mostly refers to the font of the subtitle). Here, a common mistake is to abuse comma, "(one)," "1," "(1)," are all wrong.

If the text involves numbers and years, it must not be split into lines.

For regulatory documents with multiple levels of subtitles, the serial numbers and titles of the first-level chapters and chapters (such as "Chapter 1 General Provisions") are typefaced in the center with three subscripts in Arial, with a line above and below each blank ;The second level (such as "Article 1") is typefaced in three-point bold typeface, followed by the text (for details, please refer to the 15 commonly used official document examples in the "Dao" member database).

Separate subtitles, without punctuation marks at the end; subtitles followed by text, with a period at the end.

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Attachment requirements

The word "attachment" should be arranged in a line below the text, followed by a full-width colon and the name of the attachment (that is, the format of an attachment is attachment: ×××). If there are multiple attachments, use Arabic numerals to indicate the serial number of the attachment (such as "Attachment: 1. ×××"); do not add punctuation marks after the attachment name. When the attachment name is long and needs to be returned, it should be aligned with the first letter of the attachment name on the previous line. It is wrong to write "Attachment 1:", "Attachment: 1," "Attachment One:" and so on; in addition, it is also wrong to use natural paragraph format in the return line of attachments.

After the appendix description, the issuing authority and the date of writing should be followed, and the order should not be reversed. (pictured below)

Appendices should be arranged on a separate side, not on the same side as the main text, but bound together with the main text of the official document. The word "attachment" and the sequence number of the attachment are arranged in the top grid of the third bold font, arranged on the first line in the upper left corner, the title of the attachment is arranged in the third line in the center, and the order of the attachments The number and title of the annex should be consistent with the description of the annex description. The format of the attachment is the same as that of the text. (As shown below)

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Issuing authority and Date of writing

The signature of the issuing authority should be the full name or standardized abbreviation of the issuing authority. For example, the standardized abbreviation of "National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China" is "National Development and Reform Commission".

The date of writing should be marked with Arabic numerals for the year, month, and day, such as "December 30, 2015" instead of "20 December 30, 2015".

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Contacts and Contact

Organizations report requests for instructions, issue notices or official letters, and often leave specific contact persons and contact information. It is better to put a blank line under "Issuing unit, document date", arranged in the center, with brackets, and commas separate contacts and phone numbers. (As shown below)

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About language

According to the current "Regulations on the Handling of Official Documents of Party and Government Organs", there are 15 types of official documents (the previous regulations are 13 types that have been abolished), which are resolutions, decisions, orders (orders), bulletins, announcements, Circulars, opinions, notifications, notifications, reports, requests for instructions, replies, motions, letters, and minutes. For details on the specific usage and examples of the language, please refer to the second original article of the Laobitou official account, so I won’t go into details here.

Summary, key points, proposals, plans, arrangements, plans, suggestions, and replies are not formal official documents, but they are often used in actual work. Everyone should pay attention to the difference between the above two.

Focus on The most confusing thing is reporting and asking for instructions. The report is mainly applicable to reporting work, reflecting the situation, and answering inquiries to the people's congress at the same level, its standing committee, and higher-level organs. Asking for instructions is mainly applicable to requesting instructions and approval from higher authorities. A report is to state a certain situation, please read it to your superiors. Ask for instructions is to make a request and ask the superior to reply. The recipient of the report has no obligation to reply, but the recipient of the request for instructions has the obligation to reply.

A request for instructions should be one document and one matter, and the request for instructions should not be included in reports and other non-instruction official documents. There is absolutely no "Report on Requesting Instructions About ××××××", which is wrong and belongs to the mixed use of languages ​​ (for details, please refer to the 15 commonly used official document examples in the old writing "De Dao" member database).

A little more about circulars and letters. Notifications are suitable for commending progress, criticizing mistakes, conveying important spirits, and notifying important situations. Generally speaking, both good and bad things can be notified, and it is not generally understood that the notification is only used for criticism; the letter is suitable for negotiating work between non-affiliated agencies, Asking and answering questions, requesting approval, and replying to approval items are absolutely not allowed to send letters to higher authorities, and to higher authorities are either reports or requests for instructions.

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About official documents Many details

As the saying goes, "details determine success or failure", and the same is true for official documents.

(1) Document drafting. The drafting of official documents should:

1. Conform to the party's theoretical line, principles, policies and national laws and regulations, completely and accurately reflect the intention of the issuing agency, and be connected with the current relevant official documents.
2. Proceed from reality, analyze problems and seek truth from facts, and the proposed policies, measures and methods are practical.
3. The content is concise, the theme is prominent, the point of view is clear, the structure is rigorous, the expression is accurate, and the writing is concise.
4. The language is correct and the format is standardized.
5. In-depth investigation and research, full demonstration, and extensive listening to opinions.
6. The official document involves matters within the scope of authority of other regions or departments. The drafting unit must solicit opinions from relevant regions or departments and strive to reach a consensus.
7. The person in charge of the agency shall preside over and guide the drafting of important official documents.

(2) Review of official documents. Before the official document is issued, it shall be reviewed by the general office (office) of the issuing authority. The review focuses on:

1. Whether the reason for writing is sufficient and the basis for writing is accurate.
2. Whether the content conforms to the party's theoretical line, principles and policies and national laws and regulations; whether it fully and accurately reflects the intention of the issuing agency; whether it is connected with the current relevant official documents;
3. Whether the matters within the scope of authority of the relevant regions or departments have been fully negotiated and reached a consensus.
4. Whether the language type is correct and the format is standardized; whether the name, place name, time, number, paragraph order, quotation, etc. are accurate; whether the usage of words, numbers, measurement units, and punctuation marks is standardized.
5. Whether other content meets the relevant requirements for drafting official documents.
Important official documents that need to be reviewed by the issuing authority shall be pre-checked by the general office (office) of the issuing authority before deliberation. Official documents that are unsuitable for publication after review shall be returned to the drafting unit with an explanation of the reasons; those that meet the requirements for publication but require further research and revision shall be revised by the drafting unit and resubmitted.

(3) Issue. The official document shall be approved and issued by the person in charge of the organ. Important official documents and above-mentioned documents shall be issued by the main person in charge of the agency. The official documents prepared and issued by the party committee and the government's general office (office) according to the authorization of the party committee and the government shall be issued by the main person in charge of the authorized organ or in accordance with relevant regulations. When issuing an official document, the issuer shall sign the opinion, name and complete date; if it is circled or signed, it shall be deemed as consent. The joint document shall be countersigned by the responsible persons of all joint agencies.

The above text should be marked with the name of the issuer. The format is composed of the three characters "Issuer" plus a full-width colon and the name of the issuer. There is a space on the right, and it is arranged in the space of two lines under the logo of the issuing authority. The word "Issuer" should be written in three-point imitation Song style, and the name of the issuer should be in three-point regular script.

If there are multiple signers, the names of the signers are arranged evenly from left to right and from top to bottom according to the order of the issuing authority. Generally, there are two names in each line, and the first line is the same as the previous line when returning. Align the issuer's name.

(4) Text size. Use No. 3 font imitating the Song Dynasty, the year and the serial number of the publication are marked with Arabic numerals; the year is marked with the full name of the AD, and it is marked with hexagonal brackets; the serial number of the publication does not add the word "第", and does not make up empty places (that is, 1 is not coded as 01), Add the word "number" after the Arabic numerals. The code of the issuing authority shall be accurate, standardized, unambiguous, easy to identify, and used regularly. For example, "Qingzhengbanfa [2015] No. 3", instead of brackets such as [] () <>.

The text numbers of the parallel text and the downstream text are arranged in two lines below the logo of the issuing authority, and arranged in the center; . (Three and four related descriptions are shown in the figure below, three cases)

(5) Document paper. It adopts the international standard A4 type. In the past, A4 paper was used by government agencies, and 16K paper was used by party agencies. At present, the party and government have been unified.

(6) Numbers and English. For all Arabic numerals and English in the title and body text, it is recommended to use Times New Roman font, and imitation Song font is also acceptable. Things, phenomena, and events that appear in modern social life, the written form of the name contains Arabic numerals, which have been widely used and stabilized, and Arabic numerals should be used. Such as: "7·5" incident, "12·5" shooting case. However, words containing Chinese characters and numbers that have been stabilized in Chinese for a long time should use Chinese characters and numbers, such as: the May 4th Movement, the "January 28th Incident", and the "December 9th" Movement. If you want to highlight the solemn and elegant expression effect, you should use Chinese characters and numbers. For example, the First Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress should not be written as "the First Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress"; the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee should not be written as "the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee". For legal documents citing legal articles, such as "Article 40 of the Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People's Republic of China", it should not be written as "Article 40 of the Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People's Republic of China".

(7) Book title. There are two forms of book titles: double title """" and single title "<>". When the book title number is also needed in the title number, the inner layer uses a single book title number, and the outer layer uses a double book title number. For example, welcome to subscribe to the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Punishment" Study Reader. The most common mistake is to use angle brackets or "greater than" or "less than" in mathematics to replace the title of a single book, such as " Study Reader".

(eight) hyphen. There are three types of hyphens: short horizontal line "-", straight line "—" and wave line "~". To mark the start and end of related items (such as time, region, etc.), a straight line is generally used, and sometimes a wave line can also be used. A common mistake in practice is to use dashes instead of one-character lines, such as "××××× Five-Year Reform Outline (2014-2018)", the correct expression should be "××××× Five-Year Reform Outline (2014-2018) 2018)”.

(9) Page Setup. The general requirement is 22 lines per page, 28 characters per line. The left border of the document is 28 mm, the right border is 26 mm, the sky head (upper border) is 37 mm, and the foot (lower border) is 35 mm.

(ten) page number. The page number of the official document shall be number four and half-width Arial Arabic numerals, with a straight line on the left and right sides of the numerals. Arranged under the lower edge of the official document version, the single-page number is on the right, and the double-page number is on the left. When the attachments of official documents are bound together with the text, the page numbers should be arranged consecutively. (As shown in the picture below) As for the page number setting of informal official documents, you can set it as you like, but it is basically located at the bottom of the page, and most of them are centered and right.

(11) Common typos. Such as "inspection and inspection", "as of" and "deadline", "formulation" and "formulation", "do" and "do" and so on.

Writing itself is a subject of great learning. Writing official documents is boring, but there are many things to pay attention to; Laobitou is the first batch of original public accounts in the field of official documents, and members of "Dao Dao" are the earliest comprehensive official documents brand with the most complete content. More than 300 articles have been pushed so far, The purpose of the uploaded 5 million-word sample essay is to try to achieve the unity of introducing thinking methods and providing high-quality sample essays, so that everyone has both directions and benchmarks, and can improve their writing ability to stand out more quickly.

According to: half-month talk

The following is for reference—

Font and size of printed text:

1) Font
Font refers to the various shapes of characters, and some people say it is stroke posture. Common basic Chinese fonts include Song Ti, Fang Song Ti, Kai Ti and Hei Ti. In addition to these four basic fonts, word processing software also provides many types of printing fonts for people to choose from, such as Shusong, Baosong, Lishu, Meihei, Advertisement, Cursive and so on.
2) Font Size Specifications
< span > There are large and small changes in the printed text, and the measurement of the font size of Chinese characters in word processing software currently mainly adopts the number system, point system and series system dedicated to the printing industry. The size specifications are based on square Chinese characters, and for long or flat deformed characters, the two-way size parameters of the characters should be used.
Ⅰ.Number system: The size of Chinese characters is set to seven levels, arranged according to one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven, and some font sizes are added between the font size levels. And name it a small number, such as small four, small five and so on. The higher the number, the smaller the characters. The characteristic of the number system is that it is simple and convenient to use. You can specify the font size when using it, and you don’t need to care about the actual size of the font. The disadvantage is that the size of the font is limited by the number, and sometimes it is not enough. Large characters cannot be expressed by numbers; Directly express the actual size of the font; there is no unified multiple relationship between the font sizes, and it is inconvenient to convert. Nevertheless, the number system is still the most widely used method to represent glyph specifications.
It should be noted that the font size of traditional standard type is the same as There are often some errors in the size of the text actually output by general word processing software, which is caused by the calculation and processing of word zooming.
Ⅱ. Point system: It is a measurement method of printing fonts that is accepted internationally. The "dot" here is not the dot matrix of computer fonts, but the "dot" is the traditional unit of measuring word size, which comes from the transliteration of English Point, and is generally represented by a lowercase p, commonly known as "pound". The conversion relationship is:
1p=0.35146mm≈0.35mm 1 inch=72p
In word processing, the point system and the number system are used side by side. As a supplement, there is a corresponding conversion relationship between the two, which can be obtained by looking up Table 4.1.3. Since the character size can be flexibly and steplessly changed when the computer processes Chinese characters, and for some large characters, the limited number system cannot be measured, so the point system with a smaller unit of measurement is more suitable for word processing systems to measure glyphs.
Ⅲ. Series system: It is actually a font measurement system implemented by manual imagesetter. It is based on the gear of the lens that controls the font size on this machine, and each tooth that moves is one level, and it is stipulated that 1 level = 0.25mm, 1mm = 4 levels. There are many electronic typesetting systems that also support the series system in font size. my country has a national standard for the series system, namely GB3959-83.
Ⅳ. Standard Conversion The conversion relationship between number system, point system and series system is shown in Table 4.1.3.

Table 4.1.3 Print size, point and series list


Font size


Series (approximate)


Main purpose

No. 7





Little Six




Row angle mark, annotation





Corner note, copyright note

Little Five




Notes, newspaper text

No. 5




Books and newspapers

Small four




Title, body

No. 4




Title, document text

No. 3




Title, document text

Small two





No. 2





One size smaller



8. 5


No. 1










First number







Selection of font, font size and line spacing:

1) Basic principles of typesetting words
Basic words used in publications are selected according to the following three factors.
●Format size——The size of the characters used is directly proportional to the format of the publication.
●Typesetting content——use larger words for important content.
●The length of the text - the size of the words used is inversely proportional to the length of the text.
2) The font and font size of the main body
The common usage of the font size of the main text in the printing and publishing industry in my country is shown in Table 4.1.4.

Table 4.1.4 Common usage of text font size



Text font

Text Size


Song (Song)

No. 5 (10.5p), No. 5 (9p)

Reference book

Song (Song)

Small five (9p), six (7.87p)


Report to Song Dynasty

Small five (9p), six (7.87p)

Official document

Imitation of Song Dynasty

No. 3 (15.75p), No. 4 (13.75p)


Song, fine and other styles

No. 5 (10.5p), No. 5 (9p), No. 6 (7.87p)


3) Font sizes and fonts commonly used in title layout
The main basis for choosing the size of the title of the layout is the level of the title, the size of the layout, the length of the article, and the type and style of the publication. .
⑴The font and font size of the title of the book
The font size of the title of the book is mainly selected according to the level of the title. Small initial size (36p), first size (27.5p) and second size (211p);
21p and third size (15.8p) can be used for large-character titles in the 32-size format;
64-size headlines can be selected in size 3 (15.8p) and size 4 (14p).
In book typesetting, titles are often processed in grades, so titles Words generally choose font size and font changes according to the division of levels. The first-level headings use the largest font size, and then arrange them in descending order, from large to small.
The font of the title of the book generally does not pursue too many changes. It adopts basic fonts such as HeiTi, SongTitle, FangSongTi and KaiTi, and uses different fonts for different series.
⑵The font and font size of journal titles
< span > Periodicals and magazines attach great importance to the treatment of titles, and use title layout as the main means of layout modification. The change of the font of the title is more particular. It is generally used in the typesetting system of periodicals and magazines to match a dozen to dozens of fonts to meet the needs of the title.
The titles of periodicals and magazines have no classification requirements, and the fonts are generally higher than The title of the book is large, the choice of fonts is diverse, and the changes and modifications of fonts are more abundant. The layout of journal titles should be able to reflect the characteristics of publications and be consistent with the content style of article content columns.
⑶ The font and font size of newspaper titles
The use of words in the newspaper title is very particular. The size of the title word should be arranged according to the content of the article, the position of the layout, and the length of the length. The font should be as diverse as possible. When editing a newspaper, when inspecting and purchasing a word processing system, it pays great attention to the variety and quantity of fonts. The fonts must be complete, otherwise it cannot meet the needs of editing newspapers.
The title of the official document mainly has two parts, one is The first word is the first word, and the second is the title word of the main text. The head of the text is the name of the document, and larger title characters are often used, such as standard Song typeface, big black typeface, official script, Meihei typeface or special handwritten characters; the main text title mostly uses No. Title Times New Roman. The official documents use more rigorous characters, and there are not many font changes, but it should be noted that the title words in the official documents should not use the general Song typeface, but the title Song typeface, such as Xiaobiao Song typeface, otherwise the layout will be unsightly, and the title will not stand out and appear "The title can't hold back the text".
4) Line spacing in text layout
There must be a certain interval between lines of text to facilitate reading. This blank space between lines is called "line spacing". The line spacing between the text of the page should be selected appropriately. If the line spacing is too large, the layout will appear sparse, and if the line spacing is too small, it will be difficult to read. The line spacing is generally selected according to the font size, and the following empirical data can be obtained:

Official document line spacing - 23—1 of the text
Book line spacing - 12—23 of the text
Reference books, dictionaries line spacing -14—12 of the text
Newspaper line spacing -- 14—13
The line spacing parameters of general typesetting are all selected within this range.
Basic arrangement of text
1) Close, sparse and tight arrangement of text
In traditional typesetting, the text has a close layout (normal Row) and sparse row. In electronic typesetting, a special typesetting method-kern typesetting is also added. The three arrangements produce different effects.
Close layout is a normal layout, that is, words and words Arranged next to each other without gaps. In some systems, the distance between words can be set by parameters, and the word spacing is zero when densely packed.
/wbr> Thinning means that there is an even space between words . Thinning is often used in special layouts such as children's books and elementary school textbooks. In electronic typesetting, as long as you specify the character spacing parameters, you can easily realize the thinning of characters.
Kerning is to make the arrangement between words One point overlap is a special function of electronic typesetting. Kerning may cause the connection of strokes between characters. Generally, this typesetting method is rarely used, and it is only used in the typesetting of newspapers and periodicals. When there are a few characters left in the main text that cannot be typed, it is used for "squeezing", or for special treatment of foreign characters that appear too sparse according to normal typesetting.
2) Horizontal and vertical
There are horizontal and vertical layouts in printed matter, and vertical layouts are also called vertical layouts. The publications in the history of our country all adopted the vertical layout, and the horizontal layout was introduced later. In word processing, horizontal and vertical layouts are only arranged in different ways, and the conversion between horizontal and vertical layouts is very convenient. Often a single operation or command can achieve full or partial vertical layout. As far as the layout is concerned, the vertical and horizontal coordinates are equivalent to a 90-degree clockwise rotation of the coordinate system, and the line spacing and the word spacing are just inverted.
vertical, there are many typographical rules and the use of punctuation is different from horizontal. If the title is generally not centered when the article is vertically arranged, the punctuation marks should be automatically replaced with vertical ones. This conversion from horizontal to vertical is generally performed automatically by word processing software without user consideration, but for some systems with incomplete functions, attention should also be checked. Some word processing software or typesetting software imported from abroad often do not support vertical layout, or the output results often do not meet the requirements, so you should pay attention to it when using it. If there is a mix of Chinese and Western characters in the vertical row, pay attention to the arrangement of foreign letters and Arabic numerals. According to the regulations in mainland my country, it should be placed vertically, that is, "head to the right, feet to the left", and in Hong Kong and Taiwan areas of our country, there are also horizontal forms.
3) Align left, center, align right and fill lines
< br >Horizontal text is aligned to the left. The text goes to the next line (also called return line), which can be divided into line break and paragraph change:
If the text is changed to a new line, it will be on the top row on the left; There are various forms of paragraph breaks in Western typesetting, some are indented by one or two characters, and some are typesetting with a blank line after the paragraph break. In addition, the arrangement of the word lines also has the forms of right alignment, centering and fullness.
⑴The line is centered: The line is arranged in the center of a line, which is called "centering". The title in the typesetting and the data in the table are generally centered. When typesetting scientific and technological formulas, centering is also a basic principle. There are two forms of centering: left-right center and top-bottom center.
⑵Align the lines to the right:Sometimes the text content needs to be aligned to the right, which is called "right alignment", such as the page number of the catalog, etc. content.
⑶The lines of characters are full: "Full" rows are also called "even empty rows", which means that the distance between words is evenly opened, and the lines of words occupy The specified width is full, such as 4 characters occupying the width of 8 characters. Two lines of characters with unequal numbers often need to fill the entire row when they need to be aligned left and right.
4) Baseline alignment and centerline alignment
In electronic typesetting, when characters of different sizes are arranged in a line, there is a bottom line alignment (baseline alignment) There are two ways to align with the midline.
⑴Baseline Alignment: "Baseline" refers to the bottom line of a line of characters horizontally. In most cases, the text is arranged along the baseline, and when it is vertical, the baseline is on the right side of the line.
2) Centerline alignment: When arranging mathematical formulas and chemical formulas, various symbols should be aligned along the centerline, and the overall structure should also be arranged along the centerline.
5) Columns and columns
When typesetting, the line length of the main text is equal to the width of the center of the page, which is called the "column".
The column is to divide the layout into two parts (double column ) or multipart (multi-column). The purpose of column division is to facilitate reading, enrich layout changes or save layout. Column division is a common form of text arrangement in newspapers, periodicals and reference books. When dividing columns, there must be a few words between columns, which is called "column space". Adding a dividing line to the column space is called "column line".
Most of the columns are in the form of equidistant columns (the width between columns is the same), and there are also a small number of unequal columns. column. When arranging in columns, each column should be "flattened" at the end to prevent the number of lines in each column from being inconsistent at the end.
After the above editing process, if there is no special requirement, you can save and print out a pleasing document.

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