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DA Techie | LaTeX

Ability to generate complex documents with high quality. LaTeX provides a professional typesetting quality suitable for various types of documents, including scientific papers, academic papers, books, presentations, etc. LaTeX uses a markup language to de

What is LaTeX?

LaTeX is a typesetting system based on TeX behind the scenes. Using this software, users can give full play to the powerful functions provided by TeX without the knowledge of typesetting and programming, and can generate book-quality prints in a few days or even a few hours. This is especially true for generating complex tables and mathematical formulas.

Translated into adult language:

    Use it to write a variety of literary core/English/experimental reports/letter essays/big homework reports, improve editing speed, and improve document appearance< br >

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    Inserting formulas/codes in the document is faster and more friendly than other editors, refer to Wikipedia, Zhihu's various popular science articles, and CSDN/StackOverflow Formula code rendering on these dreaded sites.

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  • Know a little word-->document

    Know a little LaTeX-->beautified document

  • PS. Links to resources, documents, and templates will be summarized at the end of the article

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Why learn LaTeX?


Easy to edit

LaTeX is essentially a macro language. A great man once commented on it: "What is eaten is code, and what is squeezed out is the document". As users, we use commands to edit text and formats, and insert pictures as external links (the left side of the picture below is input, and the right side is output). Therefore, in theory, you can render a paper by just picking up a notepad, not to mention the Vim and Emacs used by dalao. As for the online editor, the one-stop service of editing->compiling->rendering can be called a conscience product (will be introduced later).

Because of its simple and unpretentious text format, it is also very convenient to perform some "automated" processing. Some people on Zhihu use python script + LaTeX to automatically generate pdf reports and send them to the boss every day (in fact, they read and write text files).

< strong >clear structure

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On the basis of editing with codes and instructions, we generally do not use the method of adjusting the font size to layer the article--use title (section) and subtitle in LaTeX (subsection), small subtitles (subsubsection) to show the context of the document, which virtually forces us to keep a clear idea of ​​the hierarchy of the document when editing.


The formula table is great

First picture:

LaTeX should be the undisputed first weapon for inputting mathematical formulas. It not only has advantages in rendering effect and input speed, but also has unique command and package support for various complex input formats, numbering and other functions in mathematical formulas.

Compared to Word

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(Image credit: n+e)


  • LaTeX has a lot of standard and beautiful templates

  • Everything can be done by operating the keyboard

  • Let the author focus on the content rather than pictures, tables, font size, placement, etc.

  • Disadvantages: It takes time to compile; difficult to preview in real time; sometimes even report bugs

P.S. If you are a markdown user, then the logic of using LaTeX can be said to be relatively close to markdown.

< strong >Getting Started Environment

The localized TeX compilation environment can refer to this Zhihu question [What are the good LaTeX editors? ], the high-vote answer covers many compilers under windows, you can choose according to your own situation. For Mac users, searching for "MacTex" will turn up many resources. It should be noted that some compilers may have requirements that Chinese characters cannot appear in the name/path.

The volume of the complete installation package may make you subconsciously check the balance of the Internet fee. Fortunately, there are several online compilers that can satisfy our daily use of writing homework and laboratory reports (in fact, high-end operations are also fine). Overleaf and ShareLaTeX are two of the more popular ones. Notes before editing:

  • If the content contains Chinese, you need to usepackage{ctex} at the beginning, similar to the form of #include<header> in C.

  • If the content is mainly composed of Chinese, it is recommended to select the compilation engine as XeLaTeX in the compilation options of the compiler or web page, commonly known as evil LaTeX. This engine supports Chinese better than the usual default pdfLaTeX.

  • The first two points ensure that we can enter Chinese with confidence. There are several math macro packages that can simplify commands when a lot of math formulas need to be entered (represented by amsmath).

  • If you want to make the format more beautiful, make good use of (change) the template. There are several commonly used paper/report/math assignment templates at the end of the article.

  • After editing, it can be output as pdf/html

  • The author's feeling: Don't be full of tricks when you first get started. The document rendered by LaTeX may not be the most beautiful in your mind, but it is likely to be the most compliant, so many attempts to change the style are not necessary. Another example is that in the mathematical formula input environment, the general letters should be in italics, but functions like 'lim' have been built in, and it is not only irregular (should not be in italics) but may also make mistakes in order to enter 'lim' conveniently. (The homework is about to be handed in. What is the experience of writing a document and finding a bug?)

  • Baidu/Google, CSDN/StackOverflow... are the best teachers. It is suitable for problems encountered in situations ranging from configuration environment to special input requirements.

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Common commands

Seeing this, it is mainly to give you a little intuitive impression. It is recommended to use a computer to register an online editor account for practical operation, and eat it with the introductory tutorial at the end of the article.

Table Basics

< strong >mathematical formula

Theoretically, the formulas that LaTeX can input can basically be input in Word. However, when you have 3+ courses in a semester and need to write lab reports, you will realize how anti-human it is to click formula symbols with the mouse in Word.

In fact, Word also supports the use of code commands to enter formulas, but it uses the LaTeX set of instructions. In fact, there will be no lag in LaTeX/markdown, and Word is still not smooth.

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  • CTeX package( http://www.ctex.org/CTeX)

  • MacTeX (https://www.tug.org/mactex/)

  • Getting Started with Formula Input-MathJax Tutorial (https://math.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5020/mathjax-basic-tutorial-and-quick-reference)

  • Detexify-Handwritten Formula Recognition (http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html)

  • Online editing-ShareLaTeX (http://sharelatex.com/)

  • Knowing users: How to start from scratch and get started with LaTeX? (https://www.zhihu.com/question/62943097)

  • GitHub-Tsinghua University Dissertation Template (https://github.com/xueruini/thuthesis)

  • LaTeX commonly used mathematical symbols arrangement (http://blog.csdn.net/ying_xu/article/details/51240291)

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  1. LaTeX-Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX)

  2. A practical LateX introductory tutorial (http://blog.csdn.net/u014803202/article/details/50410748)

  3. LaTeX form - CSDN blog (http://blog.csdn.net/yhl_leo/article/details/50066137)

  4. What are the "newbies" in LaTeX? (https://www.zhihu.com/question/30090572)

  5. Know almost-What are the advantages of LaTeX over Word? (https://www.zhihu.com/question/20542113)

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Contributed by Guo Peikun

Review | Lu Yiwen

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