Simple past tense ppt:(Current Politics) "Let's set off towards a new goal of struggle!" - General Secretary Xi Jinping led the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to pay homage to the Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Site (1)-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

(Current Politics) "Let's set off towards a new goal of struggle!" - General Secretary Xi Jinping led the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to pay homage to the Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Site (1)

Xu Wei, Zhang Jiansong, and Jia Hongwei According to your instructions, I provide you with a news report titled "Towards a new goal, set off!" General Secretary Xi Jinping led the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to

Xinhua News Agency, Yan'an, October 28th, title: "Towards a new goal, let's set off!" - General Secretary Xi Jinping led the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to pay tribute to the Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Site

People's Daily reporters Du Shangze and Wang Lewen Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhang Xiaosong and Lin Hui

No matter how far we go, no matter how glorious the future is, we must not forget the past we have traveled, and we must not forget why we started.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was only four or five days away. On the morning of October 27th, General Secretary Xi Jinping led the newly elected members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 20th CPC Central Committee to Yan'an. The first central leadership group has the firm belief in continuing the red blood, inheriting the spirit of struggle, and handing over new excellent answers to history and the people on the new road to rushing for the exam.

The rising sun in autumn shines on the green pines and cypresses and the ginkgo trees covered with golden leaves, showing the profoundness of history in the vastness of the yellow land.

In front of the site of the Seventh Party Congress, Xi Jinping and others got off the car one by one and walked steadily towards the site of the Seventh Party Congress.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is at the forefront. The guide walked up to him quickly: "Welcome the General Secretary to Yangjialing again!"

I can't remember how many times I've been here since my youth. The last time I was here was in February 2015. The general secretary recalled emotionally: "I have been here many times. When I jumped in line, I had to visit Yan'an every time. Every time I was baptized spiritually."

Every brick, every tile, every plant and every tree, engraves the suffering and glory of the party. General Secretary Xi Jinping said affectionately: "Yan'an is the holy land of the Chinese revolution and the cradle of new China. The towering pagoda mountain and the rolling river water. Yan'an nourished the growth of the Communist Party of China with whole grains and supported the Chinese revolution to victory. Yan'an and Yan'an The people have made great contributions to the cause of the Chinese revolution, and we must always remember it." "The Yan'an Revolutionary Site has witnessed the glorious course of our party leading the Chinese revolution and exploring the modernization of Marxism in China during the Yan'an period. It is a book that can never be read." Book."

In the past, the older generation of revolutionaries walked from Yan'an to Beijing through all kinds of hardships and hardships.

Today, the Chinese Communists of the new era came to Yan'an from Beijing.

This is a dialogue across history and a declaration for the future.

(Subtitle) The Potential of Prairie Fire

The majestic Central Auditorium held the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China at a critical moment when the Chinese people were faced with the fate of light and darkness and the choice of future.

General Secretary Xi Jinping led the members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to step over the mottled threshold carved over the years and enter the venue.

Tables, wooden chairs, blue bricks, and stone tiles are simple and solemn. What has become more eye-catching after years of baptism is the red flag and red characters. A line of red slogans hung above the rostrum: "March victoriously under the banner of Mao Zedong."

In order to successfully hold the Seventh National Congress of the Party, the Party Central Committee has been preparing for a long time.

The venue is newly built. When Comrade Zhu De delivered a speech to the conference, he first mentioned "holding meetings in the house we built ourselves". General Secretary Xi Jinping inquired in detail about the builders and construction stories of the year.

Representative, it was notified very early. They came from the revolutionary base areas, the Kuomintang-controlled areas, and the enemy-occupied areas. There are many mountains, long roads, and long rivers.

"It's not easy for the representatives of the Seventh National Congress to come here. Some of them take a year or two to come here." General Secretary Xi Jinping sighed, "It was really hard work, hardships and dangers!"

Comrade Mao Zedong used the "Little Long March" to describe it: "China's famous rivers, mountains, and railways have all been made by you!"

755 representatives resolutely came over. General Secretary Xi Jinping slowly looked up at the venue: "They are all gathered here."

The convening of the Seventh National Congress of the Party is the 11th year of the Party Central Committee in Yan'an. Wearing straw sandals, eating bran vegetables, climbing snow-capped mountains, crossing grasslands, and walking through most of China. In northern Shaanxi, where the mountains and mountains are poor and the water is thin, the Chinese Communists finally gained a firm foothold. Comrade Mao Zedong said that without this piece of land, we would not be able to land.

In Yan'an, our party not only gained a firm foothold, but also ushered in great development and entered an irreversible historical track of development and growth. When the Party’s First Congress was held, our Party only had more than 50 party members. By the time of the Party’s Seventh National Congress, it had grown to 1.21 million members across the country. In the history of the party's development, the 13 years in Yan'an were decisive.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Adhering to the correct path is the root cause of our party's continuous development and growth, from victory to victory.

During the 13 years when the Party Central Committee was in Yan'an, Mao Zedong and other revolutionaries of the older generation thought about China's future and destiny with keen eyesight and profound insight, planned strategies, and made a series of major decisions on the Chinese revolution, which provided our party with continuous success. Victory towards victory points out the right direction and opens up the right path.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has also gained enlightenment from revisiting those historical materials that have become brighter after the dust of time has passed. He said earnestly: "The Seventh National Congress of the Party is an important milestone in the history of the Party, marking that our Party has matured politically, ideologically, and organizationally."

"Politically, through the Yan'an rectification movement, the party united the whole party under the banner of Mao Zedong, achieving unprecedented unity and solidarity of the party."

"In terms of ideology, the party has established the guiding position of Mao Zedong Thought in the whole party and written Mao Zedong Thought into the party constitution."

"Organizationally, the party formed a group of tried-and-true politicians holding high the banner of Mao Zedong."

Once a party with lofty ideals and lofty aspirations has a clear ideological banner, a centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, a correct political line and a clear program of action, it will be invincible.

(Subtitle) The tide is rushing

On the hillside next to the Central Auditorium are the former residences of Mao Zedong and other revolutionaries of the older generation.

On the way, the narrator described in detail the process of adapting and creating the song "Dongfanghong": "There was a farmer named Li Youyuan. He went to the city in the morning and climbed up the mountain. He saw a red sun rising, and the sky and the earth were red. He blurted out "The East is red, the sun is rising, and Mao Zedong came out of China..." After entering the city, I saw "Chairman Mao is the great savior of the people", and the following lyrics came into being."

This song, which sang the people in northern Shaanxi's love for Chairman Mao and the Communist Party, quickly spread in Yan'an and various base areas across the country, and became a household name.

General Secretary Xi Jinping was very emotional: "These literary and artistic works praising the Party and Chairman Mao were created spontaneously by the masses, which fully shows that the people chose Mao Zedong and the people supported Mao Zedong."

The hope of China, the hope of the Chinese people, lies in the Communist Party and in Yan'an. The will of the people is like a tide. "We are not afraid of walking on the soles of our feet", "I am afraid that we will not be able to eat the millet in Yan'an". The magnificence of "All the hearts of the world return to Yan'an" made the foreign friends who aided China sigh with emotion when they saw this scene: "Miracle, miracle. This is simply a miracle!"

Popular opinion is the greatest politics, which determines the success or failure of a career. The country is the people, and the people are the country. Fighting the country and guarding the country means guarding the hearts of the people. The Communist Party of China is the party of the people, born for the people and prospered by the people. General Secretary Xi Jinping's words revealed the mystery of the Chinese Communist Party's winning the hearts and minds of the people.

The Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China wrote "the spirit of serving the Chinese people wholeheartedly" into the party constitution for the first time. Since then, serving the people wholeheartedly has become the fundamental purpose of the Communist Party of China, which has been unswerving and consistent.

If you win the hearts of the people, you will win the historical initiative, and you will be able to firmly grasp the future and destiny of China.

On the occasion of the opening of the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Mao Zedong talked about the significance of the congress and declared with confidence: "It is a congress that concerns the fate of the 450 million people in China. There are two kinds of destiny in China: one is that someone has already Wrote a book; our conference represents another kind of China's destiny, and we also want to write a book."

For more than 70 years, the Communist Party of China has written this book so thickly: the party not only led the Chinese people to win the new democratic revolution, established a new China, implemented reform and opening up, but also created two major achievements: rapid economic development and long-term social stability. Miracle. Especially in the past 10 years in the new era, great changes have taken place in the cause of the party and the country, and a new chapter of two miracles has been written. Today, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people are full of confidence to promote the great leap of the Chinese nation from standing up, becoming rich and becoming strong. The realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. (to be continued)

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