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Cost engineer work summary ppt model essay

Cost Engineer Work Summary Dear leaders and colleagues: Hello everyone! I am a cost engineer of xx company, and I am very honored to report my work summary in the past year to you here. First of all, I would like to thank the company leaders for their spe

20xx has passed away quietly inadvertently, and it has been the fifth year since I came to xx. Looking back on this year's work, with the special care and reasonable arrangement of work tasks by the company's leaders, there is still time to seriously prepare for the examination of registered cost engineers when the heavy work tasks are idle. During this period of work, I did my best to complete my own job and actively cooperate with colleagues and other departments. As a cost clerk, I work in strict accordance with the company's and engineering department's various rules and regulations and job responsibilities, and complete the project audit work of the engineering department on time and according to the quality. It is my summary since 20xx below:

According to the requirements of the company's leaders, the work completed

1. xxC2 plot settlement review.

2. Renovation project of office building, comprehensive building and dormitory of xx printing and dyeing Binhai factory area.

3. xx real estate development project.

4. Budget preparation for a series of engineering projects.

5. Obey the work arrangement of the company's leaders, everything is based on the company's interests, complete the duties and cooperate with other colleagues in the company.

6. Use the rest time after work to carefully prepare for the registered cost engineer exam. This year, I will sign up for four subjects at once, and I want to pass the cost engineer exam at one time. Although the difficulty is very high, the emperor pays off. I believe that as long as you have a correct attitude towards the exam and prepare hard for the exam, there is still hope.

7. Make a work plan for the next year, so that you can do every job in an orderly manner.

As the saying goes, you live and learn, especially in the work of cost auditing. During the audit process, you often come into contact with many new things and encounter many new problems, but at the same time, it will also provide us with new knowledge and new knowledge. The opportunity of experience has enabled me to improve and further improve my ideological understanding and work ability. While acquiring a lot of new knowledge, I also learned about my own shortcomings.

First of all, it is very important to improve the professional knowledge and skills of cost. Now the engineering cost industry has moved from the era of manual calculation to the era of computer calculation, and the whole industry is vigorously promoting the list price model. It is indispensable for me. After such a long period of theoretical study and practical operation training, I have basically mastered some basic skills of using Glodon calculation software and tea price calculation software. I will strengthen this aspect in the future. Exercise and pay attention to learning skills, which can not only improve the accuracy of the cost, but also shorten the working time and improve the work efficiency.

Secondly, our company is a cost consulting company, which can be said to be an intermediary service company. It is to provide professional suggestions and opinions on project cost for construction units and construction units. Professional and profound engineering cost knowledge is the foundation of our foothold. In addition, what enables us to provide better services is that we must have good communication skills. The construction unit and the construction unit are often opposite in terms of project cost. One party hopes to earn more, while the other party hopes to spend less, and our consulting unit is a bridge for communication between them. Good communication skills enable us to get acquainted with them further, understand their needs and existing differences, and then use our professional professional ability to eliminate differences for them on the basis of maintaining principles and achieve a win-win situation for both parties.

Although this year's work tasks and the preparation of the four cost engineer exams are very busy and hard, but all this is worth it. There are things that I did not do well in my work. Through this exam preparation, I feel that my professional knowledge and skills and audit transformation ability have been greatly improved. This is the harvest after hard work.

The above is my year-end summary. If there is any inappropriateness, please criticize and give pointers.

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