:Congratulations to the customers who have bought the house, your house will appreciate in value! The China Index Academy predicts that house prices will rise steadily in 2021! Hurry up if you haven’t bought a house yet, once you rebound, you’ll be in vain-PPT information免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Congratulations to the customers who have bought the house, your house will appreciate in value! The China Index Academy predicts that house prices will rise steadily in 2021! Hurry up if you haven’t bought a house yet, once you rebound, you’ll be in vain

It is predicted that China's housing prices will continue to rise in 2021. 2. According to the "Report", China's real estate market will experience a short period of downturn in 2020 due to the impact of the epidemic. However, as the epidemic is gradually

1. The Central Finger Institute released the "Report"

On December 3, China Index Research Institute released the "2020 Summary of China's Real Estate Market & 2021 Outlook". According to the "Report", It is expected that the national real estate market in 2021 will show"The sales area will be slightly adjusted, and the average price will rise steadily , new starts remain at a high level, and investment is growing at a medium to high speed.

2. The "Report" reviews the situation of China's real estate market in 2020

Reviewing the situation of China's real estate market in 2020, the "Report" stated that in the first half of the year, in order to resist the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, all policies were launched. Superimposed with the frequent introduction of real estate-related support policies in various places, the market recovered rapidly. In the second half of the year, real estate regulatory policies have shifted, industry financial supervision has continued to be strengthened, and the pilot implementation of the "three red lines" has been implemented. At the same time, many cities with unstable housing prices and land prices have successively upgraded their regulatory policies, urging the market to return to rationality.

3. Looking at the market, land and enterprises

In terms of market,Commercial housing market scale in key cities It has basically recovered, New housing prices in a hundred cities have risen steadily, and the upward trend in volume and price in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions is prominent.

In terms of land,Supply and demand of residential land in 300 cities increased slightly year-on-year, first-line The increase in the number of urban land projects and high-quality land plots has led to a structural increase in property prices.

In terms of enterprises,Represents real estate companies to increase marketing and accelerate payment collection, Sales performance continues to increase.

Looking forward to 2021, the "Report" stated that the overall regulation of real estate will still maintain continuity and Stability, "housing to live in, not speculation", city-specific policies to ensure the smooth operation of the market, and policies such as restrictions on purchases, loans, and sales are unlikely to be significantly relaxed in the short term.

Under this background,The China Institute of Index predicts that in 2021, the national real estate market will show a slight adjustment in the sales area and a stable average price. Rising, new starts remain high, and investment is growing at a medium to high speed".

On the demand side,The tightening credit environment in the real estate industry will promote a more rational release of demand. It is expected that the sales area of ​​commercial housing will decline in 2021 2.3%~3.8%, the average sales price will continue to rise slightly structurally, and the increase will be between 3.9%~5.4%. On the supply side, with the pressure of sales reduction, new construction will continue to adjust However, the increase in land area in 2020 will support the maintenance of a high scale of new construction in 2021, and the annual decline is expected to be controlled within 1.6%, while investment will maintain a medium-to-high growth rate, with an increase of 5.4% to 6.9%.

Don't be afraid

Soon, you will find that

The pre-launched house purchase discount is gone,

There are fewer listings and higher prices!

Real estate sales also seldom contact you,

Because it is the end of the year again, and 2021 is coming soon. Recently, many friends have asked me, Now that housing prices are so high, is there still time to buy a house?

Today I explained here:Is pork more and more expensive? Will your salary go up? Will! This society is constantly improving! Everything around is rising in price, can house prices not rise?

The cost of goods determines the price of goods. When the energy, transportation, materials, and labor costs of building a house increase, the house price will inevitably rise.

We can't stop housing prices from rising, but we can get in the car as soon as possible before housing prices rise!

Just need it, don’t doubt it, the best time to buy a house is always now!

I told you that housing prices would continue to rise, so I told you to buy a house quickly, but you said that I would trick you. When the price went up, you said it wasn't the same price before,But the gods of all walks of life, the house price is beyond my control, all I can do is to convey the listing information and discounts to you .

Real estate sales have stopped calling you, not because they forgot you, but because the price has risen, and it is no longer suitable for you. So please treasure every call you make from every real estate sale!

Buying a house is saving, the concept changes destiny

In the first year, I gritted my teeth and bought a house. In the second year, I will not spend money randomly, because I want to pay off the monthly payment. In the third year, I have developed a good habit of saving money on time.

3 years later, you will find that your friends don’t have a house, you don’t know where to spend your money, you still have nothing in case of emergency, and your family is in a precarious situation!

People who bought a house did not affect their life and family happiness, and eventually accumulated a large amount of wealth, which can be mortgaged and sold in case of emergency!

The biggest difference between people is that ideas change destiny!

Today's hesitation is tomorrow's regret

Today, the customer who bought a house came to the store and yelled at me: Why did you sell the house I saw yesterday?

I said: I told you yesterday that I bought it if I liked it, otherwise other customers would buy it, so you have to go back and think about it.

He was still in a hurry: Then why didn't you force me to buy it then!

I said: I want you to buy it, you have to go back and think about it!

He yelled: If I don't buy it, you can hold me and don't let me go! ! ! .

I am speechless: What he said is so reasonable, but I am speechless and unable to refute it. The professional level needs to be improved!

For a real estate salesman, buying a house is just one more performance, and this commission will not make him rich.

But as far as you are concerned, it can save you a year or even several years of work.Perhaps a persistent persuasion can save you Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. Selling a house, I'm serious!

Sometimes, it is also very helpless. When the house you want is sold and the price rises step by step, it’s not that I don’t remember you and don’t contact you, but that the good location and price at the beginning are gone. reverted.

If you pay, you will get rewards, and the same goes for buying a house

Ma Yun said: Giving birth, you know it hurts, but you still give birth.

Investment, knowing that there are risks, but still investing;

Don't want to pay at all, but want to earn more than 10,000 a month, hundreds of thousands? That was a dream

Two skills of a successful person: know how to buy a house and know how to invest

Two meetings for ordinary people: dating and parties.

The two wills of the poor: neither this nor that.

——To you who are still watching!

Please choose the correct house buying process

Correct process of buying a house:Look at the development and environment 1→Look at the environment 1→Look at the project 1→Determine the house type 1→Sign the contract and pay 1→ Receiving room 1 → check in.

Wrong process of buying a house:Ask the price→Ask the price→Ask the wife→Ask the mother→Ask the sales→I will ask the seven aunts and eight aunts→ Ask my dog ​​one → disappear.

Brother Waiting, Uncle Changtian, Stewardess You, Aunt Xiangxiang, asked around and came back. Sorry, the house is gone and the price has gone up! The previous house payment was only enough for the current down payment!

In fact, there are really not so many routines in real estate. Any urging is just to try to let you spend less money to buy a home in this ever-changing city.

Looking back, I have never heard of anyone regretting buying a house, but I often hear regretting not buying a house in the first place.

We can't stop housing prices from rising, but we can get in the car as soon as possible before housing prices rise!

Just need it, don’t doubt it, the best time to buy a house is always now!

Disclaimer:The content is for readers’ reference only, and the accuracy is not guaranteed. Some articles come from the Internet, copyright Belongs to the original author, if there is any copyright infringement, please let us know and we will delete it immediately!

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