360 font:College students' "wedge-shaped" font became popular, and the upright strokes, the teacher said after reading it: take it away-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

College students' "wedge-shaped" font became popular, and the upright strokes, the teacher said after reading it: take it away

Text/Education Perspective 360

Text is an important carrier for people to transmit information. In text, people can find a lot of information they want to discover, and even in handwriting, they can detect some hidden information, such as personality, habits and so on.

For students, the most important thing is to study, especially when facing school exams, many students try their best to get higher scores in the exams, and one of the factors that greatly affects the scores is, That is the student's handwriting, especially for middle school students, it will even affect their admission to higher education, so many teachers have suggested to students that it is best to practice their handwriting, but is this not important for college students?

College students' "wedge" font became popular, every stroke is straight, the teacher said he was dizzy

When I was in high school, many teachers would advise students to practice their own fonts in order to let students get higher test scores as much as possible, but after entering college, few people would mention the fonts of college students, so Students not only slack in their studies, but also have great changes in their writing habits.

Some time ago, a college student’s test paper went viral all over the Internet. This test paper was posted on his social platform by a marking teacher, and even wrote: Don’t let me see this paper again. If I’m guilty, Just let the law punish me instead of writing like this. And this roll of paper has also attracted the attention of many netizens.

In fact, it can be seen from the pictures posted by the teacher that every stroke written by the students is straight without any bending. Many netizens jokingly call it "the most upright font in history". Although there are such comments, but It is also undeniable that when seeing such fonts, most people will feel dizzy. If you don’t look carefully, you don’t even know what the students are doing. It is understandable for the marking teacher to give 0 points , so for college students, fonts are also very important.

In the eyes of the marking teacher, these fonts are simply "punishment"

  • 1. Unscrupulous font

Every time during the exam, the marking teacher has to read a lot of paper, and even every second after that is to test the teacher's patience. When the teacher sees such unscrupulous fonts, it is a punishment for the teacher. Every stroke is like It is like taking off, giving the teacher a very bad sense, and of course not giving the child too high a score, so children with such fonts must correct it as soon as possible.

  • 2. Hypothetical font

The hype-style font is also a font that many teachers dislike. The most obvious part of such a font is that there will be a lot of scribbled and altered parts in the test paper, just like the hype, which makes the paper look very messy, and even makes the teacher look The thinking is very unclear, so after the teacher sees such fonts, it will also have a great impact on the test scores.

  • 3. Chicken pecking rice font

In fact, every student will show their inner character when writing, so many students with inferiority complex will write a lot of "small" fonts, making people look like a handful of millet sprinkled on a roll of paper, although Every word is beautifully written, but the teacher is also very laborious when reading, so when parents see students writing such fonts, they should not only pay attention to the child's personality, but also correct the child's font.

For college students, these influences make writing more important

  • 1. Influence the impression students give to others

In the process of everyone's development, interpersonal relationships and first impressions are very important. Not only appearance will affect one's first impression, but the words written by oneself will also leave traces in the hearts of others , when a person can write beautiful fonts, he can also leave a good impression in the hearts of others, but if a person's fonts are very messy, his ability to work will be questioned, and these aspects will greatly affect the future develop.

  • 2. Impact on test scores

A student's font will greatly affect the cleanliness of the paper. Many marking teachers will have more patience to analyze the student's paper when they see a neat paper. But once the student has a messy font, the teacher will There is no way to start when grading the paper, and there may even be situations where students cannot understand the students' answers, which greatly affects the students' test scores. Therefore, a clean and tidy paper is very important if you want to get high marks.

  • 3. Influence on thinking logic

When many students with chaotic thinking write, the content will also appear upside down, so there will be various smears on the test papers of these students, and even many teachers will become confused when they see these chaotic fonts. It is very confusing, so when the child's scroll is very messy, it will also affect the clarity of the child's thinking logic.

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