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College student translation internship report ppt model

The reverberation, in the blink of an eye, was over. During these two months, I participated in the company's translation projects, accumulated rich translation experience, and improved my translation ability. First of all, I would like to thank my mentor

The two-month internship period is over. These two months can be said to be a major turning point in my life, and it will be very helpful for me to go to work in the future. The two months passed really quickly, and the scene of the first day's internship was still clearly visible in my mind, but the time that separated in a blink of an eye also approached quietly. In the past two months, I have felt confused, felt the joy of gaining knowledge, and realized everyone's cultivation and concern for me. Everything is something I have never experienced before. I have been sad and sad, but it has brought me the most Still moved and rewarded.

At the beginning, I didn't pay much attention to the school internship. I thought that going to the company was just doing odd jobs, and I couldn't touch any substantive content, and I couldn't learn too much. But with the beginning of the internship, this idea slowly changed. I also realized how precious and important the school gave us this internship opportunity, and I was ashamed of my previous thoughts. You can learn a lot of knowledge in two months, and you can learn a lot of knowledge that you can't learn in college. These cannot be bought by time and money. I am very glad that I went to the company for an internship, I am also very glad that I met such a good teacher, and I am even more glad that I took this internship opportunity seriously. This internship can be summarized as follows:

1. Office secretary

This is the first job I took after I came to the company. In my impression, secretarial work is very simple. I just sit in the office every day and type documents and deliver reports. It should be quite simple. But after I did it, it was not like this at all. I learned that the specific work of a secretary is actually very important, complicated and cumbersome.

First of all, as a secretary, you must be proficient in operating computers. The company has very high requirements for typing speed. It is best to know Wubi. The so-called proficiency is not the simple typesetting and table making I imagined, but the proficiency in every operation, and the speed must be fast, and the error rate must be minimized. It is so difficult to do a seemingly simple job. After this period of operation, I have a preliminary understanding of secretarial work.

Secondly, as a secretary, you must also understand English. Whether it is a state-owned unit, a joint venture company, or a private enterprise, all secretaries are required to know English. At first I thought that English would not be a problem for me, but it has been verified by the actual work that my English is far from enough and I have to improve it.

In addition, to be a good secretary, you must master speech communication well, because you are not alone, you must learn to deal with different people around you. The report to the boss should be simple and clear, and the communication with each department should be good.

After three weeks of practice, I have a deep understanding of secretarial work, knowing the importance and difficulty of this job.

2. Translation

This is the second job Uncle Yuan arranged for me after I came to the company. This is my job. I only took translation classes in school before, and I didn't practice much, so I cherish this opportunity very much. At first, Sister Wang asked me to read obscure words and materials. Although I was learning English, what I learned in school was general and did not go deep into the English of a specific industry, so when I first Feel the pressure when I see these at once. After more than a week of hard work, I gradually learned about the workflow and nature of the building materials industry. The biggest surprise and luck was that during this period of time the foreigner came to the company to adjust the equipment, and Uncle Yuan arranged for me to sit in on it. For me, this opportunity is like a pie in the sky. I am very lucky to be able to study translation work, and I am so lucky to be able to observe and study during the period when foreigners come to the company. During the few days I was with the foreigner, I realized how important the words and materials that Sister Wang asked me to read. If I hadn’t learned these things before, I might not be able to understand a single sentence of what the foreigner said, but with These preparations in the early stage are not so difficult to understand when listening to foreigners. After these few days of teaching English in the old foreign style, I have made great progress. At the same time, I became more and more aware of how poor my English was. Only by continuous practice can English not regress.

Next, I also came into contact with the translation of some emails and documents. Compared with professional industry terms, these emails and documents are not so difficult to translate, not as difficult as I imagined. In fact, most of these emails and documents are everyday texts, which are very plain and do not involve too many professional languages. If the translation is accurate, concise, and plain, the preliminary work of translation can be done well. Sister Wang's training method is very effective. I have translated more than a dozen emails and documents, both Chinese to English and English to Chinese. Although it is still not accurate, concise, plain, and correct, after these two weeks Practice has also greatly improved my translation level. Only after continuous practice can practice make perfect.

3. Trade documents

This is my third job in the company. Uncle Yuan's meticulous arrangements for me always give me great surprises. He seems to have carefully arranged for me step by step. Uncle Yuan has designed for me what work I have to do at each stage. Maybe because he is a friend of my father, my uncle made good arrangements for me.

I am very unfamiliar with the trade industry. In school, I only learned the basics of international trade, international trade practices, and foreign trade correspondence. It can basically be said to be a blank sheet of paper for filling in documents. I still remember the first time I saw a real receipt, full of curiosity and strangeness. Sister Liu patiently taught me the basics of order making, and she answered all my questions and confusions. The business of foreign trade needs to be very careful, and special attention must be paid to the business of foreign trade, and we must not be sloppy. Take the bill making as an example, you must be careful, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes. Moreover, foreign trade is definitely an industry that keeps pace with the times. Only by constantly paying attention to changes at home and abroad can we do well in this industry. Although I have only been in contact with the form making for a week, I have a preliminary understanding and understanding of the form, and I have mastered the basics of how to fill out the form.

4. Self-improvement

After two months of internship, my various business levels have been greatly improved. From the state of being confused and ignorant of everything two months ago to two months later, I have improved in secretarial, translation, and trade. Learn more. All of this is inseparable from the education and training of my teachers, Uncle Yuan’s careful arrangements for me, and the patient and careful education of sisters Zhou, Wang, and Liu, which have helped me a lot.

First, work hard. I think this is the most desired quality in an intern. As a newcomer, we should take the initiative to find some things to do, starting from small things, so that colleagues in the company will accept you faster, leaders will like you, and then we will let you do some relatively important work .

Second, learn with an open mind and don't be ashamed to ask. During the internship process, we will definitely encounter many problems, many of which we do not understand. We should humbly ask the teacher for what we do not understand. When others teach us knowledge, we should also humbly accept it. At the same time, we should not be afraid of making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake for the first time at work. The important thing is to know the mistake and be able to correct it.

Third, there must be perseverance and optimism. If the pressure is used well, it will become a driving force. We cannot give up on ourselves because of the difficulty or simplicity of the work. Only by persisting at this time can our future work proceed smoothly.

Fourth, set clear goals and correct your attitude. No matter what we do, we must have our own clear goals. Just like when we work in a company, the key to knowing whether we are qualified for the job is to look at your own attitude towards work. The knowledge learned can also be gradually mastered in the work. Therefore, in order to set a correct goal, in the process of achieving the goal, we must watch more about what others do, listen more to what others say, think more about what we should do, and then do more by ourselves. Only then can we get things done.

This internship is not only a recharge for me, but also a new understanding of my future employment. All jobs must be refined, specialized, and well-versed. Only by accurately positioning my strengths can I find a job that suits me. These valuable experiences accumulated in the internship will be of great help to my future work.

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