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"Chen Qing Biao"

When he ascended the throne as Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty, Li Mi felt deeply loyal to his ancestors and worried about the country, so he decided to write a memorial to express his wish and loyalty. "Chen Qing Biao" is a masterpiece by Li Mi expressing his

Li Mi's "Chen Qing Biao"

Li Mi's "Chen Qing Biao" is a memorial table written to Sima Yan, Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty. After the fall of the Shu Han Dynasty, Li Mi served his grandmother who was "sick and often in bed" at home, and "served decoctions and medicines, and never abandoned her". In 265 A.D., Sima Yanzhao invited Li Mi to come out to be an official. Because of Li Mi's grandmother's advanced age, he "resigned and refused to take office", and Sima Yan "severely issued an edict" and blamed Li Mi for being "slow". "Book of Jin Li Mi Biography" contains: "Emperor Wu looked at it and said: 'Scholar is famous, it is not in vain!'" So he agreed to Li Mi's request of "willing to beg for support forever". The article is full of emotion and prose, "straight to the truth, without embellishment" ("Ancient Prose Selection"), has been praised for thousands of years. "Guwen Guanzhi" commented: "All the narratives of love and events are written from innocence, without a single word of empty words.... The words of the most nature are naturally sad and touching." Whenever I read this article, I think of the black bird's affection , are all moved by it.

A teacher wrote the article "Eternal Hypocrisy " and said: "Thinking that hypocrisy can also be called a kind of immortality, and cunning can also be called a kind of sincerity, I always feel like a stick in my throat, obscure like green fruit when reading, and forceful when explaining. Huan Yue, for many years, every time I encounter the "Chen Qing Biao" in class, I have this feeling." This teacher hates the "Chen Qing Biao" so much because he thinks Li Mi's statement is untrue and "hypocritical" , "This so-called 'filial piety' has been covered with a veil of 'hypocrisy' from the very beginning", and "it is too hypocritical". The reasons are: first, "Now' he wants to obey the imperial edict, Liu's illness is becoming more and more serious', so he can't take up the post, but why didn't he complain about this when he was a minister in the Shu Han Dynasty, besides, 'Liu Suying's illness' is no longer a day or two Things, I was able to be an official before, but I can’t do it now?” Second, “The root cause is that he is an old minister of the Shu Han, and he is obsessed with old favors, and he does not want to come forward to be an official of the Jin Dynasty.” I think these two reasons are far-fetched . Li Mi Mingming said in the article: "The ministers are few officials in the puppet dynasty, and they have served in the Lang's office. They are originally officials, and they don't respect their reputation." It's just that "the ministers are four out of forty this year, and the grandmother is ninety six this year. It's the best of the ministers." The day of festival to His Majesty is long, and the day of reporting to Liu is short." In fact, Li Mi is not "unwilling to be an official of the Jin Dynasty". Use the horse to march to Luo." Even if Li Mi really "did not want to be an official in the Jin Dynasty" at that time, he could not deny his true love for his grandmother. Please read Li Mi's remark: "The minister was fiercely provocative, and he was murdered by Min for a long time. The child was born in June, and his loving father saw his back; when he was four years old, his uncle took over his mother's ambition. Grandmother Liu Minchen was lonely and weak, and she raised her personally. The minister was less and more sick. I can't do it at the age of nine, and I'm lonely. As for the establishment." "I don't have a grandmother, I can't make it to this day; my grandmother doesn't have a minister, I can't live the rest of my life. The mother and the grandson are more dependent on each other, so I dare not waste far away." Which one Doesn't the word flow out naturally from the chest? If it is hypocritical to say that the old man is sick in bed, and the grandson "serves the decoction and has never given up on leaving" it is "hypocritical", and if the grandmother groans in pain, the grandson will turn a blind eye and turn a deaf ear? "Before I was able to be an official", it was because my grandmother was not yet "six out of nine", but now my grandmother is "sunset and dying, her life is in danger, and she is not thinking about the night", so she can't be an official for the time being.

The teacher believes: "Abiding by 'filial piety' does not just mean guarding one's relatives at all times. Filial piety after becoming an official will become more pragmatic and perfect because of having power." Filial piety is of course not necessary "Guarding one's relatives at all times" is because they still have their own careers, but when the old man is "always on the bed", it is still sincere to "serve the soup and medicine"; Watching" can make the old man rest in peace. I don't know how "filial piety after becoming an official" will "become more pragmatic and perfect"? Is it using the power in your own hands to "fulfill filial piety"? Or do you pay special attention to secular stalking? However, the decoction can be served by others, but the heart can only be in one's own chest, which cannot be replaced by others.

The teacher also said: "We advocate 'filial piety', but not indiscriminate 'filial piety'." I wonder how this teacher separates "filial piety" from "indiscriminate"? It seems that the sincerity of Li Mi's "black bird's personal love, willing to beg for the end" and "not daring to abandon far away" is not within the scope of Mr. Zhao's "filial piety".

The teacher also believed that "the quality of a work is often judged by its touching depth." But he also said that when people read Li Mi's "Chen Qing Biao", "the tears flow and the heart hurts", "that is Because it used the format of "parallel prose" which was quite popular at that time. However, the "Farewell Book to Lang's Farewell Book" written by Liu Er, the maid of the Songjiang Humanities Student, whom the teacher especially admired and respected in the article, is it not "intended to be a duality"? Please see Teacher Zhao's quotation: "Lang is not guilty, but concubine forgets his heart! Talented scholars are romantic, beautiful flowers are like dreams; Anon's thoughts are like clouds and water turning into dust! Pearls return from the sea, and I will never miss them now; Kunshan jade is broken, useless to steal life." Look at Xiao Lang on the side of the road, hate the young girl in the river. Zhulan leans alone, and the green Qi burns in the sky. What's the end, I mourn myself." The whole article is almost full of antithesis, why is it not a "language trap"? Language form is the coat of thought, what we pursue is the harmony and unity of content and form. I don't agree with this teacher's point of view that "speaking the truth...even vulgar writing can pass through the paper". How can "vulgar writing" be able to "penetrate the back of the paper"? Yes, we advocate writing for the sake of emotion, and oppose creating emotion for the sake of writing. The emotions expressed in the article should first be true, but we pursue the kindness and beauty of the thoughts in the article, because the good and beautiful things are first of all true, and the true Things are not necessarily beautiful and kind. Whores, whores, corruption, luxury, extravagance, which kind of feelings are not true? But it is despised by noble social morality. The teacher believes that "a suicide note by Liu Er" "emotions develop naturally" and "it shows a different style from "Chen Qing Biao". Yes, this suicide note may not be inferior to "Chen Qing Biao" in terms of literary excellence, but in terms of style, it cannot be compared with Lin Juemin's "Letter to Wife", nor Li Mi's "Chen Qing Biao". Argument. I don't read much, so I don't know who Liu'er is. As far as the "Farewell Book of Lang's Posthumous Letter" praised by this teacher is concerned, the style is not high, although the feelings she expresses may be true. Even if she and Wen Sheng are really "happy with each other", where will Wen Sheng's wife be? The doves occupy the Wuchao and fail, so they complain about the "Hedong Lion's Roar", so that they "juenian" commit suicide, so they don't cherish life, "the heart is not distracted, it's just for love", what style is there to talk about! However, Li Mi was not moved by his official rank. Under the circumstances of "the imperial edict is severe, and the ministers are slow. The prefectures and counties force the ministers to go to the Tao; the state officials are close to the door and are eager to spark". I hope that the emperor will "be sympathetic to the stupid and sincere, and listen to the humble ambitions of his ministers", with sincere words and sincere feelings. He is really high-quality and can be a model for the world. Therefore, "Jin Wu took a look at the table, paid for his sincerity, gave two slaves and maidservants, and made counties and counties provide food for grandmothers." ("Guwen Guanzhi")

Creativity is the most important thing in studying and studying, and creativity will make words, and never attack each other. This teacher read out "hypocritical" from "Chen Qing Biao" and put it into words, which is really commendable. But the meaning created must conform to the text, and the words created must be well-founded, and you must not follow your likes and dislikes and make troubles for yourself. In my opinion, the "Chen Qing Biao" and even the essays about emotion and nature cannot resonate with those who are not sincere and filial. If there are false statements in the article, it may be just a few words of "catch the holy pilgrimage, bathe in the Qinghua", and it is a last resort.

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