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Change settings of PPT default font size, this skill must be learned

Follow me on Facebook~ What I want to share today is the change settings of the PPT default font size. In PowerPoint, the default font size is determined according to the default settings of your operating system. If you want to use a specific font size e

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There is no effect picture this time. This time I will teach you a PPT technique, which is the default font setting. Under normal circumstances, we insert a "text box" in the "Insert" option, its color: black, font: Times New Roman, font size: 18, alignment: left alignment.

Then it will be very troublesome to modify the color, font, and font size every time. How can we make each text box we insert have the color, font, font size, and alignment we want? This is the content knowledge that this lesson will share with you.

Insert text box

The default font type

Now let's modify its color, font, font size, and alignment, such as changing to color: deep red, font: Hanyi Lingxin Sijian, font size: 96, alignment: center alignment

Modified style

Now the important step is to select the font text box, click the right mouse button, and select "Set as default text box". Now we insert a text box and see that its font style is the one we just set up.

Set as default text box

The newly inserted text box

I will share this lesson with you today, thank you all, see you in the next lesson.

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