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CRITBINOM function

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  • Case

Returns the minimum value that makes the cumulative binomial distribution greater than or equal to the critical value. This function can be used for quality inspection. For example, use the function CRITBINOM to determine

Determine the maximum number of defective parts that are allowed before the entire product is inspected as it leaves the assembly line.

Trials Number of Bernoulli trials.
Probability_s The probability of success in each trial.
Alpha critical value.


■If trials is not an integer, it will be truncated.

■If any parameter is non-numeric, CRITBINOM returns the error value #VALUE!.

■If any of the following conditions occur, CRITBINOM returns the error value #NUM!.

1. trial < 0
2. probability_s < 0 or probability_s > 1
3. alpha < 0 or alpha > 1

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