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Beginners can write regular script like this

Evolved from seal script, it is one of the most commonly used fonts in Chinese calligraphy. Beginners who want to quickly master regular script can practice according to the following steps: 1. Pen-holding posture: The correct pen-holding posture is the b

Calligraphy with brushes emphasizes "holding the brush refers to the solid and empty palms, and the five fingers are in full force; the center of the brush is used to spread the fines; Penetrate."

The development of regular script comes from seal script and official script. Therefore, the use of brushes and brushwork is consistent with seal script and official script in principle, and they have many things in common. If there is no going, no shrinking, no sagging, no shrinking, strive to contain the strength of the tendons, focus on center strokes, pay attention to the strength of the wrist when lifting, pressing, and stopping, and draw points as much as possible. Mature regular script is far away from seal script and official script, and the use of brushes has become more complicated. The "Eight Ways of Yongzi" has always been the first to be used in the discussion of calligraphy, that is, the eight strokes of "Yong" are used to summarize the brushwork of regular script, and it can be summarized in one. The ancients pointed out that Yongzi with few strokes and many strokes is very rare, but after careful scrutiny, there are only five ways of Yongzi.

The strokes of regular script are dotted, horizontal, vertical, left, right, hooked, folded, and picked, and these strokes have various changes. There are three types of pens used in regular script: square pen, round pen, and square circle. It is more difficult than seal script and official script.

We cite the "Zhang Menglong" stele in the Wei stele, the "Qin Li" stele and the "Shence Army" stele in the Tang stele, and the "Taishan Diamond Sutra" in the Northern Qi Dynasty as examples. "Zhang Menglong" mainly uses square brushstrokes, "Qinli" and "Shence Army" have both square and round strokes, and "Taishan Diamond Sutra" mainly uses round brushstrokes, mixed with official script and seal script, which is a representative work of regular script.

The brushwork of regular script - starting and ending. The formation of any stippling is inseparable from the three links of starting, running and closing. Regular script pays special attention to the writing and closing of the pen. Cai Yong, a calligrapher of the Eastern Han Dynasty, said in "Nine Poses": "Hiding the head and protecting the tail, the power is in the character, and the writing is strong, and the skin is beautiful." He also said: "Hiding the head, round The pen belongs to the paper, so that the center of the brush often moves in the stippling. Protect the tail, draw the dots to the fullest, and collect them with strength." Cai Yong emphasized that starting the brush against the front and returning the front to close the brush, in order to make the strokes solid, strong, and fleshy. artistic effect. Wang Xizhi even mentioned the hidden head and tail protection of the beginning and the end of the brush as the first place in the use of the brush. He said: "The first thing is to preserve the tendons and hide the front, and eliminate the traces and hide the end." It is not to show the edge, but to let the momentum of the muscles and bones be contained in the stippling. Why calligraphers of all dynasties attach so much importance to the beginning and ending of writing. Because it is the key to the finalization of stippling in regular script, and it is also the key point for the strokes to carry on the reflection and express the implication in the process of writing with a pen.

Obviously, there is no brushwork to speak of, and there are no rules for the starting and closing of stippling, so the shape is rough and simple; the method of using the brush, especially the link of starting and closing the brush, so the shape of stippling is neat and spirited. It can be seen that it is very necessary to delve into the method of using the pen.

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