:Because of the epidemic, I made a set of fonts for free commercial use-empirical point of view免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Because of the epidemic, I made a set of fonts for free commercial use

In Bu's font circle activity, I shared a set of fonts I made myself, called "Font Circle". Due to the impact of the epidemic, I decided to provide this set of fonts for free commercial use. I'm Zou Lewei, the author of Font Circle. In this set of fonts, I

Author: Zou Lewei Font Circle

Original link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/-SOzukV7fINFW0a36zVihQ

Hi everyone, I released my set of free commercial fonts "Font Circle Xinyiguan Heiti" last Wednesday, and officially met with you. After the last few days of debugging and modification, it is officially open for download today! (Unexpectedly, Monday is still a holiday)

The release time was too short, and there was no time to show more applications and a lot of things I wanted to say. This time it is more complete, and I hope you can read it as well.

The copyright issue of fonts is the most troublesome problem for all designers. The few free fonts that come with the system can hardly meet the design needs. Basically, the commercial cost of a set of fonts in the market is more than 5,000 RMB per year. It was discovered by the font library company that it was secretly used by luck. A letter from a lawyer can pay hundreds of thousands of compensation in minutes. (The infringement fee is more than ten times higher than the authorization fee)

Authorized quotation from a big domestic font provider

I found that many friends don't know how much work it takes to make a set of fonts, and they don't know what the fonts are for. Let's put it this way, a set of the most basic fonts also needs to cover 6,763 Chinese characters, and the super font library is nearly 30,000 characters. Every Chinese character is different, and each Chinese character is composed of strokes and strokes. Handwritten characters need to be written stroke by stroke, and the same is true for artistic characters.

Intercepted from "Baidu Zhizhi"

What do fonts do? Generally speaking, fonts play a large role in the design industry, because in commercial scenarios, e-commerce, LOGO design, door signboards, posters, packaging, including many TV and movie programs, etc. Wherever text can be seen, fonts are needed. But because the traditional HeiTi, KaiTi, SongTi, Lishu, etc. cannot fully meet the current needs, after all, it is an era of high aesthetics and high requirements!

Is it useful for those who are not in the design industry? Telling you clearly is also useful. For example, if you are a self-media, subtitles are needed in videos, fonts are needed for official account pictures, fonts are needed for official websites, and even the most basic resumes and PPTs also need fonts.

But in this era, there is no free lunch in the world. In 2019, a certain company used Microsoft Yahei. After mass printing, it was informed by its font company of font infringement, and all printed materials were invalidated, with a direct loss of more than 50 million. I believe everyone should have heard explain.

I already had the idea of ​​making a set of fonts in 2018, and initially made hundreds of glyphs. At that time, I said that I hope to meet you as soon as possible, although the current set of words is not the same set of words at that time.

The "Folding Black Body" at that time

Moments posted at that time

In 2019, I founded the font library brand (Zofont). Because the production capacity is too low, it has not yet opened. At most, I can develop one or two sets of fonts a year, which may not be liked by anyone, but in fact I like making characters. This year I also made several sets of fonts.

Someone asked how much it would cost to customize a set of fonts. The quotations from individual designers searched on the Internet were at least 20W (the 10W I wrote before underestimated the real value). Only a few words or dozens of words need to be used, but the value of a set of fonts cannot be denied.


This is a set of slanted fonts. Similar free fonts include "Youshe Title Black" released by Youshe.com a few months ago. This set of fonts is very good, and you can see it everywhere in just a few months. (Note: I didn't design and develop "You Set Title Black", but I just mentioned that I like this set of words by the way, so don't ask again.)

This set of words is called "Font Circle Xinyi Crown Black Body", Xinyi = heart. For the release of this set of fonts, I don't want to be limited to this set of fonts. I want to commemorate one thing more, that is this year's epidemic. I want to use my professional skills to speak out for the fight against the epidemic. I hope that the epidemic will recede as soon as possible, and the motherland and the world will return to the prosperity of the past.

Typeface design

This set of characters covers 6,763 Chinese characters, 52 English characters, 10 Arabic numerals, several Chinese and English symbols, and some rare characters are added as needed, totaling more than 7,000 characters. Because the font is tall and thin, it is a bit strange to test this set of fonts with an inclination of 8°. Finally, I chose to incline at 6°, which is more visually balanced.

It took nearly a year for this set of characters from initial design to modification to final development (more than 6 months for font design and production, and more than 3 months for post-modification + development). In the past six months, I haven’t slept a few times. It’s normal to go to bed at three or four in the morning. Sometimes I stay up all night and then go to take a shower and continue. For a while, I feel a little overdrawn, but I’m glad I persisted. Now that I think about it, everyone The list of fonts has my characters just a little bit happier.

I spent so much energy to do this, and I don’t know if I’m doing it right. I don’t know how many people read it, how many people leave comments, how many people appreciate it, how many people repost it, how many people use it, and how many people receive it. People like it (because the comprehensive reading volume is within 100, so I am afraid that it will be cold as soon as it is released, and the reading volume of the warm-up articles is only more than 600). Every time I go out and see other people's fonts on posters, I often imagine what it will be like to replace my fonts here in the future.

Application scenarios

The following cases and graphics are extracted from the Internet and are for display only and not for commercial use

If the rights of the original author are violated, please contact us

(The subtitles of variety shows are P, just for display)

Creation is not easy. If there are more friends who love fonts and are willing to participate in font production, you can private message me. After all, this is a cool thing for me.

Font library copyright statement and scope of use

Font copyright statement: The font "Font Circle Xinyiguan Heiti" issued this time has been registered and certified by the National Copyright Administration.

Description of scope of use:

Free for any personal and business use, including commercial use. However, it shall not be sold, leased, lent, etc. separately or incidentally to the public for profit. At the same time, no modification, imitation, decompilation, conversion, splitting, etc. of this font software is allowed.

Font download

Font Circle Xinyiguan HeiTi download link: http://www.fonts.net.cn/font-38372103537.html

Last but not least: forever! ! ! Free for commercial use! Free for commercial use! Free for commercial use! Free for commercial use! Free for commercial use! Free for commercial use! Free for commercial use! Free for commercial use! Free for commercial use! Free for commercial use!

The author's WeChat public account "Font Circle" (ID: fontquan) and personal WeChat account

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/Because%20of%20the%20epidemic%20I%20made%20a%20set%20of%20fonts%20for%20free%20commercial%20use.html

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