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AutoCAD skills (5)

The numbers are in English): 1. Open AutoCAD and load the drawings you want to import into Photoshop. 2. In AutoCAD, use the "Plot" command (or type "plot" from the keyboard). 3. In the print dialog box, select the printer you want, and then click the "Pr

61. The method of importing AutoCAD drawings into photoshop.

This is an old problem, and the solution is "virtual printing"! Let’s go step by step (for your convenience, the Chinese and English versions are used, and the English version is in brackets):

a. Open the "Plotter Manager (plottermanager)" under the "File (file)" menu.

b. Run the Add-A-Plotter Wizard.

c. Click "Next", select "My Computer" in the options on the right, continue to "Next", and enter the "Plotter Model" selection page .

d. Select "Raster File Formats" in "Manufacturers" on the left, this is what we can see in the "Model" on the right. A graphic format we are familiar with, I am used to using JPG format, select "Independent JPEG group (Independent JPEG Group JFIF)", click "Next (next)" until it is completed. In this way, we can output the CAD graphics in JPG format in the future. Let's see how to use it next.

e. After making a drawing with CAD, we open the "plotter..." under the "file (file)" menu. In the print dialog box, select the "Independent JPEG Group JFIF" we just installed in the printer type, and add the generated file name and path in the "Plot to file" below. This file is a file that can be Graphics edited in photoshop. Select a size we need in the page setup, and the rest is the same as using a real printer. After clicking Print, wait a few seconds for the graphics to be generated.

Note: The default page size of the system is only 1280*1600, which cannot meet our needs. We can customize the size we need in the properties of the printer.

Enjoy! Supplement: If the cad version is 2004 or higher, you don’t need to install the printer yourself. There is a “PublishToWeb JPG.pc3” printer in the printing device, just use it directly

f: To add to Mr. Zeng’s point, if you want to export a pure black line shape, remember to change the pen numbers of all colors to No. 7 when you export the picture, so that you can export a pure black picture , remember to change the mode to RGB in PS, so that the image will be clearer.

62. After modifying the ACAD.PGP file, it is not necessary to restart AUTOCAD to immediately load the newly modified ACAD.PGP file.

Enter the REINIT command, check PGP, and confirm

63. The solution to the problem that AutoCAD2005 cannot be registered.

Remove the hiding of files and folders. Delete C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAutodeskSoftware LicensesB2260000.dat

64. How to adjust the coordinate box at the bottom left of the drawing area in AUTOCAD?

Press F6 to toggle. Or modify the COORDS system variable to 1 or 2. When the system variable is 0, it means that the coordinate display is updated when a point is specified by a pointing device. When the system variable is 1, it means that the coordinate display is updated continuously. When the system variable is 2, it means that the coordinate display is continuously updated, and when the distance and angle are required, the distance and angle to the previous point are displayed.

65. How to switch between Chinese and English menus?

It is feasible to save both Chinese and English menu systems in AutoCAD at the same time, and switch back and forth. The specific method is to rename the Chinese menu file to Pacad.mnu and put it in the SUPPORT subdirectory under the AutoCAD installation directory. Of course, don’t forget to copy acad.mnl into Pacad.mnl and put it in the same directory as ?***acad.mnu middle. When using the Chinese menu, use the menu command to load Pacad; when switching back to the English menu, use the menu command to load the acad menu file again.

66. How to draw a curve?

---- When drawing a pattern, you often encounter the problem of drawing intersecting lines, intersecting lines and other curves. It is very troublesome to draw by hand. It is necessary to find special points and a certain number of general points, and the error of the connected curve is large. It is very easy to draw plane curve or space curve with AutoCAD 2000.

---- Method 1: Use the Pline command to draw a polyline passing through a special point on the 2D graph, and through the Fit or Spline curve fitting in the Pedit command, it can become a smooth plane curve. Use the 3Dpoly command to draw a polyline passing through a special point on the 3D graph, and through the Spline curve fitting in the Pedit command, it can become a smooth space curve.

---- Method 2: Use the Solids command to create three-dimensional basic entities (cuboid, cylinder, cone, sphere, etc.), and then use Boolean (Boolean) combination operations: intersection, union, difference, and interference to obtain various A complex entity, and then use the drop-down menu View (view)/3D Viewpoint (three-dimensional viewpoint), select different viewpoints to generate standard views, and obtain different view projections of the curve.

67. What ratio is better for drawing in AutoCAD?

It is best to use a 1:1 ratio to draw, and the output ratio can be adjusted at will. Drawing ratio and output ratio are two concepts. When outputting, use "output 1 unit = drawing 500 units" to output at a ratio of 1/500, and if "output 10 units = drawing 1 unit" is to enlarge the output by 10 times. There are many advantages to drawing with a 1:1 ratio. First, it is easy to find mistakes. Since the drawing is based on the actual size, it is easy to find the place where the size setting is unreasonable. Second, it is very convenient to mark the size. What is the size number, the software will measure it by itself. Third, when copying partial graphics or using blocks between various drawings, it is convenient to adjust the size of the blocks because they are all in a 1:1 ratio. Fourth, it is very convenient to assemble an assembly drawing from a part drawing or disassemble a part drawing from an assembly drawing. Fifth, there is no need to perform cumbersome scale reduction and enlargement calculations, which improves work efficiency and prevents possible errors in the conversion process.

68. How to fill with custom patterns in AutoCAD?

The fill patterns of AutoCAD are stored in a library file named acad.pat, and its default path is under the Acad2000Support directory of the installation directory. We can directly edit the file with a text editor to add custom pattern statements; we can also create a *.Pat file by ourselves, save it in the same directory, and CAD can recognize it.

Below, we will take the newly created pattern library file of diamond pattern steel plate as an example to illustrate the method of custom pattern in AutoCAD 2000.

First, make a diamond pattern in CAD according to the national standard, and mark the size of each part

See the standard library file format below:

*pattern-name [, description]

angle, x-origin, y-origin, delta-x, delta-y [, dash-1, dash-2, ...]

The first line is the title line. Immediately after the asterisk is the name of the pattern, which will be displayed when the pattern is selected by the HATCH command. In square brackets is an optional description of the pattern when it is displayed by the "?" option of the HATCH command. If the description is omitted, there cannot be a comma after the pattern name.

The second line is the description line of the pattern. There can be one or more lines. Its meanings are: the angle of straight line drawing, the X and Y axis coordinates of the points passed by a straight line in the filled line family, the displacement between two filled straight lines, the vertical distance between two filled straight lines, and dash-n is the value of a straight line The length parameter can be positive or negative or zero. A positive value means that the length segment is a solid line, a negative value means that the segment is blank, and a zero means a dot is drawn.

Okay, we can start editing. Open Notepad and write the following:

*custom, steel plate GB/T3277-1991

68.4667, 0, 0, -9.8646, 25, 30.0213, -6.59

111.5333, 0, 0, 9.8646, 25, 30.0213, -6.59

68.4667, -11.0191, 27.926, -9.8646, 25, 30.0213, -6.59

111.5333, 11.0191, 27.926, 9.8646, 25, 30.0213, -6.59

The four pattern description lines in this example correspond to the line segments a, b, c, and d in Figure 1 respectively. Compared with the pictures and texts, the values ​​of each item should not be difficult to understand. Here we only focus on the value rules of delta-x and delta-y. For the convenience of understanding, we set the UCS coordinate system as shown in the figure, and determine the origin and the positive direction of the X axis. The vertical distance 25 between line segments a and e on the Y axis constitutes delta-y, which is also equivalent to the value 25 of the offset command in AutoCAD; if line segment e comes from line segment a through offset, then line segment e is also relative to The line segment a moves 9.8646 along the negative direction of the X axis, and this displacement is delta-x.

There are a few more notes below:

Pattern definition files can contain up to 80 characters per line.

AutoCAD ignores blank lines and text to the right of semicolons. According to this article, we can add copyright information, remarks or whatever we want to add to the file. Example:

;Copyright (c) 2000 by everyone. All rights reserved.

Finally, save the file as custom.Pat. Note that the file name must be the same as the pattern name.

At this point, I believe everyone has mastered the method of customizing patterns. Now, with a little patience, you can edit very complex patterns.

The method of calling the library file is: add the filling pattern and files I made for me, decompress them and put them in the Acad2000Support directory. Open AutoCAD, run the Hatch command, select Custom in the Type column of the pop-up Boundary Hatch dialog box, click the Swatch option bar, the Hatch Pattern Palette dialog box pops up, select the Custom tab, specify the custom.Pat file we just created, and right now A preview of the fill effect appears on the side, which is exactly the diamond-shaped steel plate pattern we need.

69. How to print out the drawing with WORD? Ah, print it out in WORD

There are objects inserted in word, one of which is AutoCAD graphics, before inserting, don’t forget to change the background color of the graphics to white in AutoCAD (Tools-Options-Display-Color), otherwise the graphics will be displayed There is a fill color, but no graphics are visible.

70. How to control entity display?

Taking AutoCAD2000 as an example, three system variables are commonly used to control the display of entities by keyboard input.

ISOLINES: By default, the entity is displayed in wireframe, and each surface on the entity is expressed in the form of grid lines. The number of ruled lines is controlled by this system variable, the effective value is 0-2047, and the initial value is 4. The larger the value of the grid line, the easier the entity is to observe, but the waiting time for display is longer.

DISPSILH: This variable controls the display of the solid silhouette edge, the value is 0 or 1, the default value is 0, the silhouette edge is not displayed, and when it is set to 1, the silhouette edge is displayed.

FACETRES: This variable adjusts the smoothness of the entity after HIDE (blanking), SHADE (coloring), RENDER (rendering), the effective value is 0.01—10.0, and the default value is 0.5. The larger the value, the smoother the display, but the waiting time for the display is longer when executing the HIDE, SHADE, and RENDER commands. Its value is usually only increased when doing final output.

71. How to measure the length of a primitive?

Method 1: Use linear or aligned dimensions with a unit of measure scale factor of 1.

Method 2: Use the dist command.

Method 3: Use the list command. Recommended Use.

72. How to improve the image quality

Chapter 1 Work Objectives (Highest Level)

Why do we draw pictures: -------? ? ?

No matter what software you use to draw or express, I must emphasize some nonsense: when drawing pictures, you should always remember what is your purpose? Drawings are an intuitive, accurate, eye-catching, and easy-to-communicate form of expression. So what we finally complete must be able to help us express our own design ideas, express a planner's point of view, or expose some problems that we want to show to everyone. With this premise, it is not difficult for us to understand why most of the valuable drawings are actually the originals of hand-drawn design ideas, because it is original, pure, and concise, and is closer to the designer's head. The above repost was made by a netizen, I feel very good, and share it with everyone. What does a good computer-generated drawing look like ------? ? ? My humble opinion is that "eye-catching, concise, and accurate" (please understand the ranking order) is the standard for good computer-drawn drawings. It is necessary to keep a set of drawings in a unified style, and each sheet has distinct characteristics. The A3 size allows People with mild myopia 2 meters away can still see the subject you want to express. The size of A1 should make people able to distinguish 10 out of 10 even if there is insufficient light 10 meters away, so as not to confuse industrial areas with residential areas, nor I will regard elementary school as a gas station. To achieve this goal, some good working methods and habits are needed to support it. Whether it is one person who completes all the drawings of a project or a working group to cooperate, in order to complete the graphic expression efficiently and with high quality, Both need some good working framework.

Chapter 2 Working Methods (Strategic Level)

As the project leader, you must do three things well (each of which is closely related to drawing): grasp the design idea, control the depth of the drawing, and clarify the division of labor. If you are a drawing boy and you meet a project leader who is suspected of being a fairy master (the plan is not done, just blow it up, and everything will be done the day before the report), then you can change some of them. For example, it is a relatively simple control regulation. In this case, don’t spend too much time on post-production photos, because you have to change some of them. The first priority should be to complete the general plan of CAD, which should fully reflect the boss's design idea of ​​suspected Tianchai, and communicate with the boss about the general plan of CAD. After being fully affirmed, everyone draws the corresponding drawings separately based on this. Each stage of the project corresponds to different drawing depth requirements. If it is divided into three stages: the preliminary plan - the first draft - the draft will be reviewed. Before drawing, we will roughly estimate which drawings will be produced. I usually do not take photos until the draft is reviewed (haha, let Party A There is a feeling of getting better and better, wow, your drawings are getting more and more beautiful...). For the preliminary plan, I only present the shape, analysis diagram and general plan. I basically have the first draft, but they are all CAD, and there is no sub-plan. If you will be reviewing the manuscript, you can use photo to process it, and bring some things and sub-plans of Huahua, ok. On the premise that everyone fully understands the overall design idea, the level of the people who draw the road and the general plane basically determines the progress of the entire project and the quality of the computer-drawn drawings. The roads and the general plan are the most changed in the project. Therefore, we first have the following preparatory work: the road or the general plan (usually me, because I am often suspected of being very NB by the project leader) formulate standard documents (very powerful standard documents): 1. Comply with A3 or A1 length A uniform frame with a wide aspect ratio, the font style (text style) and dimension style (dim style) must be named in the frame file, it is strongly recommended that all fonts only use Arial, and the title is bold! In order to prevent others from seeing the question mark and adding trouble to communication and printing.

2. The unified topographic map, color 251.

3. Strict hierarchical system! ! !

My friends think it’s unnecessary, but I think this is the most critical, most important and most difficult! ! Countless times my good youth was wasted by other people's chaotic and layered cad and psd files, and countless times I sorted out irregular electronic files. I don't want to live this kind of life anymore. Let me briefly introduce my attempt: Autocad (R14) has no drawings that can be more complex than the general plan. Let me take the general plan of the control plan as an example: General idea: First rule: CAD points The order of layers starts with numbers first, second with letters, and third with Chinese pinyin. The second rule: The things in the drawing include the following: words, labels, picture frames, color block fills of rivers and mountains and land and their line frames, road edges, center lines, planning boundaries, administrative boundaries or other boundaries, analysis Boundaries, color blocks, necessary auxiliary lines that cannot be deleted but can be frozen. They must be roughly distributed in similar named areas according to their respective uses, and the names must be easy to choose (for example, I use M2 for the second-class industrial land, first point the mouse to the long and complicated layer list, and enter m on the keyboard to reach the M area! !) The third rule: layer naming rules should be simple, clear, and convenient for people of different professions. Everyone can understand quickly, and there will never be misunderstandings. Using the above rules, I envisaged the following naming:

a. Floor 0 is not allowed to put anything, it is for blocks!

b. For special things that require everyone to see first, such as topographic maps, add 0 in front to ensure that these layers are at the top of the layer list. The name of the topographic map of dwg is called 0map. If it is an externally referenced raster image, it can be called 0image. Then insert the terrain on the 0map layer, and externally reference the image on the 0image layer. The unified frame can also be called "0 frame".

c. The filling of land of different natures begins with the English name specified in the specification. When filling, be sure to check Associative, and be sure to bring a wireframe (that is, click advanced when hatching--check retain boundaries), so that the calculation of the area and modification can be easily changed. Some people layer borders and fills, adding a lot of layers, which is unnecessary. Finally, using a filter (filter, abbreviated as fi) can easily separate the filled and filled wireframes at once, and the drawing does not calculate the area every day. For example: the floor for administrative offices is called 'C1 Administration', the floor for commercial and financial industries is called "C2 Commercial", the floor for fire stations is called 'U9 Fire Station', and the floor for public parking is called "S31 Parking Lot". Generally, the subcategories of the classification standard are more than enough, and the nature of land use can be strictly distinguished. Originally, I didn't bring Chinese before, and it was called "C1, C2". Later, for the convenience of other colleagues, I added a short Chinese butt. In this way, Class C (public service facilities) looks like they are together, and Class U (municipal infrastructure) also looks like a string (U1, U21, U3...) Cool, it is very convenient to select, switch layer light bulbs, and modify. Nothing will be missed, and nothing superfluous will disturb you!

d, road sideline (red line), road centerline

Originally, as something that is not a land use, it must be discharged separately, and it is not allowed to mix with the land use. The key is that the electronic files taken from professional road departments are often named "Rb" (Road boundaries) and "Rc" (Road center). Hey, my energy is limited, and I have no way to control all technical departments, so I have to copy them La! The disadvantage of compromise is that they will be mixed in the residential land (a type of residential land is R11). Originally, I wanted to classify them as "lines", and they must start with 'X'.

e. Lines start with "X", because according to national regulations, the largest land use code goes to storage land "W". Together, they must be behind the topographic map starting with 0 and the land with their respective land use codes. I will use the layer name "X separation" for the separation line of the land, I will call the planning boundary "X planning boundary", and I will call the county boundary "X county boundary", just...f, the last word, label, I will be in front Add the homonym "Z", I call the road name "Z road name", the town name I call "Z town name", and the label I call "Z label"... The above layered naming rules are actually very simple, but it requires everyone Identification is not necessarily so strict. In actual application, some modifications can be made according to the content of the drawings. But the theme is relatively clear: unified layer name, strict system, easy selection, everyone knows.

4. General layer color

General second-class residential yellow, first-class residential 51, primary and secondary schools 30, commercial red, culture and entertainment purple, river 151, municipal infrastructure basic color 134, parking lot 8 (dark gray), road 7 (black ), the road centerline red. It is difficult to tell the color of industrial M. People with Tongji and Harbin construction backgrounds use blue ones, and some people with Tsinghua University, Wuhan urban construction and reconstruction engineering backgrounds use brown ones. In fact, it doesn't matter, the main issue is the industry category of the drawing (the first, second and third categories are distinguished) and the proportion of the drawing. If the brown area is too large, it is easy to give others a dirty feeling. If the blue area is too large (especially plain blue and dark blue), the picture is likely to be too dark and the chroma is likely to be too high. There are also green spaces that are more difficult to match. It depends on the proportion of the color blocks on the drawing. (Its mother, Cad256 colors, there is not much room for selection, and different printers are actually very different, I always look at the coloring ring table, and then make a few plans to discuss and compare with the project leader)

5. Setting of drawing

The working group must know the size of the drawing to be printed. The best control of A3 is that the actual longest side is about 37.2, and a binding line of about 2 cm can be left (both cad and photo). Do not simply tick scale to fit, but calculate the fixed ratio accurately (making the longest side of the A3 actual drawing 37.2cm), the offset of X and Y axes, and the layout direction of the drawing must be clear numbers, and everyone agrees. There is also the crucial pen width setting: first select all 0.13, the 251 color where the topographic map is located should be finer, 0.1, 7 is very important roads, picture frames, etc., should be thicker, 0.16-0.22 is fine. However, laser printers need to be finer, and the prints are thinner than the ones set. The inkjet is slightly thicker than the one set. The same is true for A1 drawings, but the corresponding pen width is thicker, and the number 7 of the road may have to be 0.22-0.35 to be effective, and it can hold the drawing. If it is a drawing of a pipeline, attention should be paid to the No. 7 fine point of the road, and the content of the pipeline should not be overtaken. photo does not have the above problems, but its black lines and roads are not black, and it is not at a discussion level.

Chapter 3 Work Habits (Tactical Level)

One, before you double-click the cad icon...

1. I found out: Picking your nose while reading other people's posts is very cool, but drawing pictures while picking your nose is extremely inefficient, because picking your nose will lead to a short-term continuous decline in IQ and an increase in EQ. I try to learn a little more about keyboard commands, and it's faster with left and right hands. (It can also lay a good foundation for SC and anti-terrorism) 2. I will tidy up the desk a little (lack of a female secretary), close irrelevant computer programs, look at the notebook, and roughly think about the design ideas, estimate the working time and to achieve goals. Write down the problems encountered in the drawing.

3. I have two little helpers: the bounse of cad and the tool of Shenzhen Planning Institute. For the former, you can choose to install 'Full' when installing cad. For a few of them, you can do this without displaying: Open cad----Tools----Customize menus...Browse...(find the bonus under cad, ac_bonus.mnu under CADTOOLS, open it, and then load.), there are also some lisp, which are quite useful. After changing the save time and sorting out the target file package and file name, follow the general steps: Open file--Layer--Draw--Modify (including making blocks, inserting, external references, etc.)--Organize--Print (document), there are some things to pay attention to in each link:

Second, several common problems of planning drawings

1. The habit of layering

See the previous (1) for the layering method, so I won’t talk about it. The layering method can be different, but in order to save the vast number of aspiring and promising young people, it is necessary to emphasize that drawing on the appropriate layer is the basic requirement and rule of cad and photo, and it is one of the essence of software developers. Be able to discuss issues to the bottom line. Are you afraid?

2. The habit of defining styles

Fonts, annotations, etc. need to be managed through styles, which is another core management method for cad and office. It seems that it is not as important as layering, but if you can master it well, you will know its power when the file is complicated. Every time I define the style honestly, I generally don’t worry about fonts and labels later.

3, 0 layer as a block, use layer insertion

Sometimes complex and confusing blocks are the culprit for complex files and large file sizes. Imagine the following, which is more cost-effective to modify dozens of houses or redefine blocks? Blocks also have attributes, which are also quite fun.

4. Organize files

Includes cleaning debris (purge, abbreviated pu) and stacking order. The display order is also an important thing in cad and photo. It directly shows the depth of understanding of the content expressed in the drawing from the drawing. After the file drawing and modification are completed, do a pu, and then perform the stacking operation before printing and saving:

a. Fill the color block at the bottom

b, polyline stack with width (for roads, the branch road is the lowest, the upper secondary trunk, trunk, fast, high speed)

c, topographic map overlay

d, words, picture frames, roads, railways, important boundaries stacked on top

e. Stacking method: Relying on strict hierarchical management, turn off all layers, first open the color block layer, select it, display order(dr), send to back; freeze the color block layer, and open the tape Width polyline, select, copy, random reference point, the copied point input @ (copy in place), input e, input p (delete last selection). OK, there is a principle in cad, the modification operation (Move and the like) will not change the stacking order, and the new operation (such as copy) will make

The new object (object) is superimposed on top! ! ! This method makes full use of the above principles, haha...

5. View switching

I used to like non-stop zoom, zoom, zoom, and I also like to zoom at 16 speeds when others are approaching me. Occasionally, when a MM comes over, I will use 52 speeds. Then I looked at F2, hey, it’s all zoom. The efficiency is so low! After observation, study, speculation, and trial use, I occasionally use z--p and z--d. Because zoom--previews and zoom-d can quickly locate the view very well. And even most of the drawing views can be done with several view ratios, no need to mess with zoom! If you really need it, just zoom-e once in a while to see the whole situation. But it will cause REGEN (Regenerating drawing), and you will be finished with a topographic map.

73. When labeling text, the method of labeling subscripts:

(1) Superscript: When editing text, input 2^, then select 2^, and click the a/b button.

(2) Subscript: When editing text, enter ^2, then select ^2, and click the a/b button.

(3) Superscript and subscript: When editing text, enter 2^2, then select 2^2, and click the a/b button.

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