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AutoCAD common font summary and installation method

The problem of incomplete fonts after opening. In AutoCAD, fonts are very important, which not only affect the effect of drawing, but also may cause missing fonts when the drawing file is opened. Therefore, it is very important to install AutoCAD common f

        AutoCAD has a very powerful graphics drawing function and is one of the most commonly used drawing tools at present. shx file, what do you want to do?"

       A prompt similar to the one above appears, mainly because some fonts in the drawings you open are not the default CAD fonts used. This situation is often encountered. The main reason is that the drawings may be drawn using other plug-ins, and the fonts used are not available in the default CAD, or the company or organization may use a font named uniformly by its own company. The perfect way to solve this problem is to ask the customer who sent you the drawing to install the font used in the drawing.

       Of course, there is another situation where you don’t know who the author of the drawings is, so you can’t find anyone to ask for fonts. In this way, you can only specify replacement files for each SHX file according to the prompts. At this time, you can see to missing SHX fonts, such as hrtxt not found.

     We can search the webpage to find the font to download. After downloading the missing font, put it into the fonts file in the CAD installation directory.

     Some beginners don’t know how to install CAD fonts. Here’s how to install CAD fonts in detail:

1. Find the CAD desktop shortcut, and click to open the location of the file in the properties.

2. Find the Fonts folder.

3. Paste the font into the Fonts folder.

4. A file prompt with the same name will pop up, you can skip these files.

The following are some commonly used CAD fonts that I have compiled. There are about 4,000 types in total (almost all common fonts are included, but if some friends draw fonts named by themselves, there must be none here).

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/AutoCAD%20common%20font%20summary%20and%20installation%20method.html

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