:At 8 o'clock in the morning, you actually showed me "Breakfast China"-empirical point of view免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

At 8 o'clock in the morning, you actually showed me "Breakfast China"

It's still interesting to continue. "Breakfast China" is a new food program with breakfast as the theme, and each episode is only 5 minutes long, which is really short. However, it is precisely because of the short time that it can condense the essence of

Recently, a new food program called "Breakfast China" was released. Each episode is only 5 minutes long, just like the time for breakfast. It is said that the concentrated essence is the essence, which is not as good as "A Bite of China" and "China on the Bite of the Tongue" Taste of the World" is tall, but such a down-to-earth picture makes me hungry. All kinds of street food have emerged, such as casserole noodles, fried buns, spicy soup, oil tea, pan noodles, soy milk, fritters. . .

Hold down the saliva, from the logo of "Breakfast China", a golden fried egg is so dazzling, just placed in the mouth of the word "Zao", there is no sense of disobedience, isn't the fried egg a must for our breakfast? How down-to-earth, eating pancakes and eggs while catching the subway, how many friends go to work in the morning are Jiangzi, please raise your hand.

The key is that even the chopsticks are ready, look at the guy below who is really ecstatic. Ha ha. . .

The placement of the chopsticks is also just right, placed obliquely on the horizontal side of the word "Zao", coupled with this calligraphy font, the whole is full of Chinese style, highlighting the nostalgia for the flavor of hometown.

There is another wave of poster promotion. Is the white text below very heart-warming, just like hearing two acquaintances chatting about homework on the side of the road.

Hanyi Chunran handwritten

The copywriting is very sensational, touching the emotions in real life, and the font selection is also very appropriate, just like a boy's notes, full of ups and downs.

I have to focus on this font. This font is called Hanyi Chunran Handwriting. The font is chic, authentic, and casual. The author uses a soft-tipped calligraphy pen to complete the writing. The strokes are elegant and refined, full of strength.

The following are the teaser posters, fresh and lovely watercolor style. The copywriting is also the people's own understanding of life in the program. The font has been replaced with a thinner pen handwriting. This font is called Shutifang Zhao Jiujiang Pen Running Script.

I want to say to this little kid, your face is not as big as this bowl. Ha ha. . .

The last three countdowns really made me hungry, mahua and decocted buns. . .

In the end, Scallion remembered a sentence in it, "Just get up early and you can find your hometown".

A friendly reminder to design babies, no matter how busy you are, don’t forget to have breakfast. I hope you can find your hometown every day.

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