ppt insert video format:As long as you master the method of inserting text, pictures, audio and video, you can make ppt courseware in three minutes-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

As long as you master the method of inserting text, pictures, audio and video, you can make ppt courseware in three minutes

Indeed, mastering the insertion methods of text, pictures, audio and video can help you quickly create PPT courseware. The following are several commonly used software and their features: 1. PowerPoint (produced by Microsoft): PowerPoint is one of the mos

At present, there are many courseware production software, such as Poewerpoint, FlashMX, Authorware, Geometric Sketchpad, etc., each software has its own unique advantages, and each software can produce exquisite courseware. But our teachers are not professional courseware manufacturers. For ordinary teachers, PPT is the most simple and easy to use. It is not only easy to operate, but also can integrate sound, video, and multiple media, and the final work of PPT is also open—— Modifications can be made at any time.

PPT is a powerful, easy-to-learn software. Generally, teachers with a little computer knowledge can create an exquisite courseware in three minutes as long as they master several simple "insert" methods such as text, pictures, and videos.

1. Create a new courseware. By default, when you start PowerPoint2003 (other versions are similar), the system creates a new blank presentation and creates a new slide. There are three methods:

①Shortcut key method. Press the "Ctrl+M" key combination to quickly add a blank slide. ②Enter key method. In "Normal View", hover the mouse in the left pane and press the Enter key ("Enter") to quickly insert a new blank slide. ③ command law. You can also add a blank slide by executing the "Insert → New Slide" command.

2. Save the courseware. After creating a slideshow, click "Save" for the first time and a "Save" dialog box will pop up, select the corresponding location and click "Save".

3. Set the background. If you are not satisfied with the current background color, you can choose its built-in color scheme to adjust, and you can modify its background color.

① Execute the "View→Task Pane" command to expand the "Task Pane". ②Click the drop-down button at the top of the task pane, and in the pop-up drop-down list, select the "Slide Design - Color Scheme" option to expand the "Slide Design - Color Scheme" task pane. ③Select a color scheme, then press the drop-down button on the right, and apply it as needed in the pop-up drop-down list. ④ If you need to modify its background color, you can set it like this: Execute the "Format→Background" command to open the "Background" dialog box, set a color, and confirm to return.

4. Insert text. Usually, when adding text characters to the slides of a presentation, it needs to be implemented through a text box. ① Execute the "Insert → Text Box → Horizontal (Vertical)" command, and then drag a text box on the slide. ② Input the corresponding characters into the text box. ③Set the font, font size and character color, etc. ④ Adjust the size of the text box and position it on the appropriate position of the slide. Note: You can also use the text box button on the "Drawing" toolbar to insert a text box and enter characters.

5. Insert WordArt. There are WordArt functions in multiple components of Office. Inserting WordArt into a presentation can greatly improve the presentation effect of the presentation. ① Execute the "Insert→Picture→WordArt" command to open the "WordArt" dialog box. ② After selecting a style, press the "OK" button to open the "Edit WordArt" dialog box. ③ After inputting the artistic word characters, set the font, font size and other elements, confirm to return. ④ Adjust the size of the word art and position it in a suitable position. Note: Select the inserted WordArt, and a yellow control handle will appear around it. Drag the handle to adjust the shape of the WordArt.

6. Insert a picture. In order to enhance the visibility of the presentation, adding pictures to the presentation is a basic operation. ① Execute the "Insert→Picture→From File" command to open the "Insert Picture" dialog box. ② Locate the folder where the picture needs to be inserted, select the corresponding picture file, and press the "Insert" button to insert the picture into the slideshow. ③Adjust the size of the picture by dragging and dragging it, and position it on the appropriate position of the slide. Note: When locating the picture position, press and hold the Ctrl key, and then press the arrow keys to realize the slight movement of the picture and achieve the purpose of precisely locating the picture.

7. Draw the graph. According to the needs of the presentation, it is often necessary to draw some graphics in it, which can be done by using the "Drawing" toolbar. ① Execute the "View→Toolbars→Drawing" command to expand the "Drawing" toolbar. ②Click the "AutoShape" button on the toolbar, and then select the corresponding option (such as "Basic Shape, Sun Shape") in the shortcut menu that expands, and then drag and drop on the slide to draw the corresponding shape .

8. Insert the sound. Adding sound to your presentation can greatly enhance the playback of your presentation. ① Execute the "Insert → Movie and Sound → Sound in File" command to open the "Insert Sound" dialog box. ② Locate the folder where the sound file needs to be inserted, select the corresponding sound file, and press the "OK" button. ③In the pop-up shortcut menu, select "Yes" or "No" to return, and the sound file can be inserted into the current slide. Note: After inserting the sound file, a small speaker picture will be displayed in the slide, which is usually displayed on the screen during the slide show. In order not to affect the playback effect, the icon is usually moved to the edge of the slide.

9. Add video. We can add video files to the presentation to increase the playback effect of the presentation. ① Execute the "Insert → Movie and Sound → Movie in File" command to open the "Insert Movie" dialog box. ② Locate the folder where the video file needs to be inserted, select the corresponding video file, and press the "OK" button. ③In the pop-up shortcut menu, select "Yes" or "No" to return, and the sound file can be inserted into the current slide. ④ Adjust the size of the video playback window and position it on the appropriate position of the slide.

10. Animation settings. Animations are the essence of presentations, and "enter" animations are most commonly used in paintings. Let's take setting the entry animation of "gradual zoom" as an example to see the specific setting process.

A. Basic settings:

①Select the object that needs to be animated, execute the "Slide Show→Custom Animation" command, and expand the "Custom Animation" task pane. ②Click the "Add Animation" button in the task pane, and in the drop-down list that pops up, select the "Entry → Other Effects" option in turn to open the "Add Entry Effect" dialog box. ③ Select the "Gradient Zoom" animation option, and confirm to return. Note: If you need to set some common entry animations, you can directly select them under the "Enter" menu.

B. The animation plays. If multiple objects on a slide are animated, you need to determine how they will play (either "auto play" or "manual play"). Below, we set the second animation to play automatically after the previous animation. Click the "From Current Slide Show" button (like a small wine glass) in the lower left corner, select the object, expand the "Custom Animation" task pane, double-click the second animation scheme, click the drop-down button on the right of "Start", and click In the shortcut menu that pops up, select the "After" option. Note: In the "Custom Animation" task pane, you can also quickly set animation playback "speed" and other options.

C. animation exit

Since there is an entry animation, there is an exit animation correspondingly—that is, how the object exits after the animation ends. ①Select the corresponding object and expand the "Custom Animation" task pane. ②Click the "Add Animation" button, and in the pop-up drop-down list, select the "Exit→Disappear" option in turn to set the "Disappear" exit animation for the object. ③Double-click the set animation scheme to open the "Disappear" dialog box, switch to the "Timing" tab, set the "Start" option to "After", and set a "Delay" time (such as 2 seconds), confirm to return, let The "Exit" animation plays automatically 2 seconds after the "Enter" animation.

11. Slideshow switching mode. In order to enhance the effect of the Powerpoint slide show, we can set the transition mode for each slide to enrich its transition effect.

① Select the slideshow that needs to be set as a switching method. ② Execute the "Slide Show→Slide Transition" command to open the "Slide Transition" task pane. ③Choose a switching mode (such as "horizontal checkerboard"), and set options such as "speed", "sound", and "moving mode" as required to complete the setting. Note: If you need to apply this switching method to the entire presentation, just click the "Apply to All Slides" button in the above task pane.

12. Playing slides; the following three ways can realize the playing of courseware.

①Menu—Slideshow—Watch the show; ②Press the “F5” key on the keyboard; ③Click the button “From Current Slideshow” in the lower left corner.

Finally, I wish all the teachers a happy new year, the courseware is beautifully made, and the classroom teaching is efficient!

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