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Artifact | Font Online Generator

Artifact | Font Online Generator Do you want to learn more about fonts? Typography plays an important role in design and can add unique style and personality to your work. If you are interested in fonts, I can provide you with an online generator for crea

May someone accompany you Gu Xingchen

May someone share the wine with you

I mentioned some designs of the cover before, for the cover, There is another important element that cannot be ignored, and that is the font.

Today I will share the related content of fonts. I usually download a variety of fonts. In fact, many fonts are not usually used. It's like a girl buying clothes. She buys what she likes when she finds it. After buying it, she finds that she doesn't have any suitable occasions to wear it. It not only costs money, but also takes up space in the closet.


Is your font suitable for your content?

Many people have certain requirements for fonts, but your fonts are really suitable for your content ? I believe that when you see the PPT of the great god, you will find that his PPT is not only good in composition, but also very appropriate in font selection. I often ask myself, why are people so good?


How good is the PPT cover of the big coffee? Let's put it this way, on the day and the second day after the launch of various conferences, various editors began to write manuscripts, not only including the analysis of new products that will be released, but also discussing the design of the conference PPT. Because these PPTs are the works of many great gods, and it can even be said that they are not only excellent presentations one by one, each page is like a complete poster; look at our PPT again, put aside the composition and design, even choose Fonts can be said to be "delaying".

As a novice who likes PPT, he is naturally willing to try various fonts. It is not used in the text page at all, so how to improve the efficiency of font use, what kind of font is appropriate? (Read on patiently, otherwise you will really miss an important element in PPT production!)

< strong >2

How to choose a suitable font?

Every time the editor makes courseware, in addition to searching and screening materials, he also One of the things that gives me a headache is choosing the right font for the content, always thinking that the next one is the best. So when choosing fonts, how should we do it?

To choose an appropriate font, we first need to understandthe development trend of font design, which is mainly reflected in individualization, abstract painting, and symbolization , Graphical, decorative, three-dimensional, visualizedetc. In the process of designing fonts, font designers will design according to the emotions they want to express, mainly through the transformation of font structure, font shape, and strokes to complete the font design.

After all, the purpose of our PPT is different. It is very important for us to be fast and convenient, so let’s say Simple and rude method:

One is to look at the fonts in the excellent PPT, screenshot recognition (please see the end of the article); suitable for Xiaobai in the primary stage, in the process of continuous observation, just You can develop a sense of fonts.

The second is to choose according to your first feeling, so as to avoid dizziness after watching too much;This is the same as when we go shopping, the first time I see it, I really like it If you don’t like it very much, and you always feel that the color is a bit problematic, it’s not easy to match, and there’s no suitable scene, then don’t buy it. After you buy it, it must be the kind of “lying in the closet”.

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Easy to use online font generator

The cover design is to set the style for the entire PPT. Although the frequency of use of the cover font is not high, it is very important. There are many online font generators on the market. I have personally tested each of them. Personally, I think the online font generator below is the best. Although there are occasional advertisements (small ones), the interface is still It is very clear and beautiful; you can also directly switch fonts to see the effect.

You don't need to download any software, just Enter text on the website, it can be generated online; it contains 422 fonts, which can basically meet our needs; the generated vector graphics can also be enlarged No distortion.

We have to mention that the website is still very user-friendly, you can view the preview of the text at the bottom of the website, It can be used directly in the lower right corner.

Online font generator website: https://www.51poca.com/

Be sure to FavoriteOh, don't find it when you use it later.

What if you want to download fonts, the website address is here:


What if you want to identify fonts online, website address coming:


What if there is no font you are satisfied with?

After waiting, the editor will share it slowly.

Newly made wallpaper is attached at the end of the article,

May you all, 2020;

All things will succeed, the future can be expected;

Get what you want and live up to your persistence!

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Wallpaper sharing

For the original picture, please click "Read the original text",< span >Enter vnpd to get it.

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