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Annual work plan ppt model of engineering department

To further improve work efficiency and quality, the engineering department has formulated the following annual work plan. 1. Project management 1. Improve the project management process, standardize the execution steps of various tasks, and improve projec

Since the beginning of this year, under the leadership of the board of directors and through the efforts of all employees, the company has carried out various tasks in an all-round way, and the "XX" brand has been initially recognized by the society. Generally speaking, the results are more gratifying. In order to bring the company's various work to a new level, in the new year, the company will focus on "one center", do a good job in "two establishments", achieve "three adjustments", carry out "four enrichments", and focus on "Five promotions". The annual work plan of its real estate company is as follows:

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Focus on the construction of XX project, and earnestly complete the marketing tasks

XX project is a provincial and municipal key project. The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government placed great expectations on it. Due to the social benefits and potential economic benefits contained in the project, we must build it and not screw it up; we can only move forward, not stagnate or even retreat. Therefore, the company plans to:

(1) Ensure that the XX project is fully started in the first quarter, and strive to basically complete the first phase of construction tasks within the year.

The first phase of XX project covers an area of ​​60 mu, with a total investment of 160 million yuan and a construction area of ​​126,000 square meters. The buildings are the podium of XX Commercial Plaza, the podium of XX Building and a logistics warehouse.

1. Land acquisition and demolition work.

Before and after the Spring Festival, the land acquisition and demolition work of the first phase of the project must be completed. The investigation of the land acquisition was completed in January, and the demolition of unlicensed houses within the scope of land acquisition was completed in February. In March, the demolition of certified houses within the scope of land acquisition and the expropriation of the land of the national land reserve center and the land of the masses were completed. The coordination of the relationship between various departments is mainly based on the general manager's office, with the cooperation of the consultant's office, and the specific operation of the engineering department. After the project enters the implementation stage, the engineering department should pay close attention to the land acquisition and demolition work of the second phase of the project, and adjust the main attack direction in due course.

2. Project contract and commencement.

In January, the bidding agency contract was signed, and the project entered the bidding stage. In February, it was determined that the construction companies with strength will sign construction contracts in parallel; the supervision companies will be determined to sign supervision contracts in parallel. Construction officially started in March. In addition, the engineering department should strengthen the archiving management of engineering contracts and various materials, classify them into categories, and have files for inspection. Establish a complete set of project files.

3. Apply for construction work.

The engineering department should timely submit the project for construction and approval, and follow up the drawing design. The design of the schematic diagram was completed in January; the design of the initial expansion diagram was completed in February. During the undertaking process, the engineering department should be good at straightening out the relationship with relevant departments, and should not affect the start of the project due to the delay in the application for construction.

4. Engineering quality.

The XX project is a provincial and municipal key project, and it is also an image project of the XX brand. Therefore, it is particularly important to grasp the quality of the project. While assisting the project supervision company, the engineering department should gradually implement the company's project quality supervision system. Focus on supervision, supplemented by self, and strive to build the XX project into a provincial excellent project.

5. Budget and final accounts work.

The Engineering Department and the Finance Department must strictly control the project budget and final accounts. Strictly implement the agreed quota standards, and shall not increase the project volume without authorization and settle accounts without evidence. Project payments shall not exceed budget.

(2) Earnestly complete the annual marketing task and ensure that the progress of the project is not out of line

The annual sales task of pharmaceutical shops, property-style hotels, and apartment-style office buildings determined by the company in 2019 is 150 million yuan. The completion of this task is directly related to the realization of the first phase of engineering tasks. So be sure to do a good job in this big article of marketing.

1. Carry out the decomposition of real estate tasks to ensure the fulfillment of planning agency contracts.

In 2019, the sales task of the company's various real estate projects was 150 million yuan, including 15 million yuan in the first quarter, 45 million yuan in the second quarter, 45 million yuan in the third quarter, and 45 million yuan in the fourth quarter. According to the agreement signed by XX, the carrier of this task is the planning agency. After negotiation between the two parties, a new annual task contract should be signed in January. In order to complete the annual marketing task, we recommend that the planning agency company can implement the task decomposition of real estate purchase, from person to piece. Instead of simply relying on investment halls or center activities. A more flexible sales method can be adopted to fully complete the annual sales task and fundamentally ensure the follow-up of project funds. In terms of marketing form, plans such as group buying, promotion of central activities, and door-to-door promotion should be improved, and efforts should be made to create a new marketing model to form the characteristics of self-marketing.

2. Reasonable use of advertising forms, shaping brands and expanding marketing

In the new year, on the basis of 2019, the company will further expand advertising investment. The first purpose is to shape the "XX" brand, and the second is to expand real estate marketing. In terms of advertising and marketing planning, XX should work hard on advertising types, data statistics, effect evaluation, cycle planning, novel design, layout creativity, color tone processing, etc., to avoid the same layout, invalid repetition, rigid design, lack of creativity, etc. generation.

3. Efforts to cultivate the marketing team and gradually improve the incentive mechanism

The real estate consultants of the planning agency and the marketing personnel of the company's marketing department are an organic cooperative group. In the new year, the company will make full use of these resources. The planning agency company should first do a good job in the basic knowledge training of marketing personnel, so that marketing personnel can become a team that can endure hardships, have skills, and be good at promotion. The second is to gradually improve the marketing incentive mechanism and establish a marketing incentive method in the system. The specific incentive plan is drafted by the marketing department.

4. Broaden financing channels and tap social potential

It is planned to broaden financing channels by means of bank-trust financing, manufacturer financing, social financing, treasury bond financing, and group financing. Expand capital flow through share transfer, share expansion and other methods to ensure the timely availability of XX project construction funds.

(3) Fully start the investment promotion process, and focus on the results to carry out the work

Investment promotion is an important basis for the operation of XX after its completion. Whether the work is carried out smoothly or not will directly affect the company's real estate sales. Therefore, in the new year, investment promotion should be carried out in a planned, targeted, timely and appropriate manner.

1. Combining the current situation of the pharmaceutical market, formulate feasible investment policies

According to the contract signed by the company and the planning agency company, XX should issue the "Investment Proposal Book" and "Investment Manual" last year, but the work has lagged behind. The company requires that the above two books be prepared and published by the planning agency company in the first quarter. In order to integrate the pharmaceutical market situation, it is proposed that the Investment Promotion Department is responsible for drafting the "Investment Attraction Measures" and requires the Investment Promotion Department to issue the first draft in January.

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