Huakang font download:Ali pushes free commercial fonts again: Alibaba Pratt & Whitney-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Ali pushes free commercial fonts again: Alibaba Pratt & Whitney

font as a free commercial font. These fonts are free to download and use on Alibaba's official website for commercial purposes. Alibaba Puhui Ti is one of the free commercial fonts, which is jointly developed by Alibaba and Huakang. This typeface has a si

As a giant company for merchants, Alibaba users, especially small and medium-sized users, have always been troubled by genuine fonts. Ali is also aware of this, so as early as 2016, Ali reached a cooperation with Huakang to provide 45 Huakang fonts for free use by merchants on various platforms under the Alibaba Group.

These 45 permanently licensed fonts can be packaged and downloaded if you reply "I want Huakang" in the backstage of the most design.

And on May 18 last year, Alibaba launched a free font of its own: Alibaba Hanyi Smart Black Body in conjunction with the Hanyi font library! Ali Hanyi smart black body covers 6763 characters and is free for users under the Ali platform.

It is said that Ali Hanyi Smart Black is an artificial intelligence font, which is self-studied by the Hanyi Font Library in collaboration with the Ali Human-Computer Natural Interaction Laboratory through powerful computing capabilities.

This is not enough. At the just-held Alibaba UCAN 2019 Design Conference, Alibaba released another heavy font: Alibaba Puhui!

The reason why it is called a heavy font is because this font will be open to all individuals and businesses for commercial licensing, so that all users can use it for free.

Inclusive fonts have included 5 weights, 116,895 full-length Chinese characters, and 7,205 Latin letters in Western Alibaba Sans (2 styles, 11 weights in total), covering 172 languages ​​(covering most European-speaking countries) .

This typeface is designed by Kobayashi Akira, the font director of the famous typeface company Mona (Monotype), and the main creator of Hanyi font library Designer Tao Yihong led the design of the Chinese part.

It took 10 months to design the whole set of fonts. It not only includes the title fonts that highlight the personality of the corporate brand, but also includes more practical inner text fonts, which are suitable for multiple applications in one scene.

One font can handle all scenarios: clients (Taobao, Tmall, etc.), marketing scenarios (pages, materials), offline large screens, operating systems, IoT hardware devices, architectural space, public relations, gifts, business authorization wait……

The biggest feature of Alibaba's inclusive body is undoubtedly universal, open, and universal. It does not have an overly strong font style, but focuses on providing a wealth of options such as font weight and language, and is more considered for use in broader business scenarios.

Not only the numbers are clear and easy to distinguish, but even the currency symbol covers most of the current global important markets, which is very important for Ali's global promotion.

Here is a comparison chart of Pratt & Siyuan Blackbody——

Although it can meet 172 languages, for a font that needs to cover all scenes, Puhuiti will expand to more languages ​​in the future. The design team also hopes to collect opinions from multiple parties to continuously optimize the use of Alibaba Puhuiti experience.

Such a full-scenario open commercial authorized font library can be said to have created a precedent for Chinese characters. Is your business still difficult?

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