:After learning so many tutorials, but still not good at learning PPT?-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

After learning so many tutorials, but still not good at learning PPT?

Hello, Lorgar. Seeing that you have encountered problems learning PPT, I can help you. In order to help you better, please provide the following information: 1. What is your PPT learning process and your current situation? 2. What difficulties did you enc

Hi everyone, I am Luo Jia.
It’s been a long time since I wrote an article about PPT.
Written in front
I miss my PPT article so much, so I believe that you have read more or less online tutorials about PPT or participated in some courses about PPT.
According to our research, there are at least 20 doors< span> PPT design courses above. Thismore than 20 PPT design courses, there are more than 3 million students are learning PPT.
But in the end we found that most After studying these courses, failedto become an excellent PPT designer or PPT design expert as expected, and the overall PPT design level in China is not as good as it should be. Go up one step.
Some students bought not only one PPT course, but two, three or even Four PPT courses were studied, but in the end they did not achieve good results.
This phenomenon can’t help but make us wonder: why have we learned so many PPT tutorials , but still can't learn PPT well?
After learning so many PPT tutorials, but still not good at PPT?
Starting from side parking< /span>
Before discussing this issue, let's talk about another thing.
I don’t know if you have ever obtained a driver’s license, but you should have heard more or less that there is a difficult subject in the driver’s license test, called subject two. AndSide parking is a very important item in this subject.
Why are you talking about this?
Because I learned in driving schoolSide parking This seems to have nothing to do with learning PPT. In fact, it is actually similar to how we learn design There aresimilar to the same purpose.
When preparing for the side parking test, the coach will teach you to say:
< span>Drive to the front of the parking space Find a reference point Turn the steering wheel to the left Start reversing → < /strong>Seeing another reference point through the rear view mirror→< /span>Turn the steering wheel to the right again Continue to reverse < /strong>The car is parked
Here, what the coach teaches you is a skill.
With this skill, most students will be able to pass the driver's license test.
But after getting the driver's license, when driving on the road, the students will find a problem:
Only when you are in the training ground or the examination room can you park the car in the parking space, but in real life, you can't park the car no matter how you park?
#Why is this?
Let us go back to the situation of preparing for the exam, we will find that the coach teaches The trick is to find reference points.
#What determines the reference point?
First, the size of the parking space; second, the size of the car; third, your height, which is where you look for the reference point, etc.< span>.
These factors are not fixed values ​​but variables.
Why is it a variable?
Because there are many problems in real life, it is not as ideal as driving and exam /strong> of.
First of all is the parking space the size of.
The size of the parking space is standardized during practice and test;
< span> But in real life, if the road is congested, the parking space will be set smaller; if the road is wide, the parking space will be set larger.
Secondly, is the size of the car.
The practice car and the test car are of the same size;
but There are various models in real life, and the body of each model is also different in size.
Even , There will be many situations that the coach did not mention to you.

For example, the car behind and next to the parking space you are going to park is very close to your parking space;

A little more, the car beside you has already pressed to the edge of your parking space;

Going a little further, there is an unknown small obstacle that cannot be removed in front of the parking space...

How to find reference points in these situations?
At this time, we will find:
The situation in real life is much more complicated than the theory we mastered when we were learning to drive.
The problem is that even if you get your driver's license in the end, you still can't drive.
Practical Dilemma Complexity>>Theoretical Scenario Complexity
If at this time, you ask the old driver,
Can you tell me how to side park and how to find a reference point.
Old driverMay just smile and say to you:< /section>
Oh, in fact, side parking is based on a feeling.
Why is it a feeling?
Because it is impossible for the old driver to put all the real complex dilemma, That is to say, every problem encountered in reality will tell you the solution ideas one by one.
They use a feeling, A feeling after driving to a certain stage go to park.
instead of the one in the examRoutines and methods learned in a special theoretical environmentTo park.
Why do you want to talk about the feeling of parking?
Because when it comes to design,In fact, design is also a feeling .
How to explain this What kind of feeling?
We need to mention two key words first: the first one isreal dilemma, the second istheoretical scenario.
  • Reality Dilemma :Various problems encountered in real life
  • Theoretical Scenario: Teaching Model/Teaching Case
Next, put these two keywords into PPT learning:

Theory given by the teacher:

If you want to typeset a long paragraph of text, then you can use the format of large image background centering typesetting

The case given by the teacher:

Material: an introduction of about 40-50 words per week

How does it work?

Big picture base: Put a beautiful picture
Text: Segment centered
The effect is as follows
Doesn't it feel good?
Obviously, the theory in this case It is established inside,but when you put it into actual work, you will find that it is not so ideal.
Even in real life, we still needtypesetting a plain text PPT strong>,Then we will also encounter various realistic dilemmas.
< em>Reality Dilemma>
set in
↓< /span>
Is it not that good-looking
Real Dilemma - 02 - Very little text
set in
↓< /span>
Does it feel a bit too thin
Reality dilemma - 03 ->
set in
↓< /span>
No, it’s ugly
Reality dilemma - 04 - >
set in
↓< /span>
God, it looks very uncoordinated
Seeing this, I don’t know why you understand why you have learned so many courses, but you still can’t learn PPT well?
That is, there are N kinds of problems in reality, N+1 kinds, thousands of kinds, But when explaining the theory, only one kind of routine was given.
Any course will always look like this:
< span>He will only tell you that this method corresponds to solving a problem...
He won't tell you this method will solve everything...
But he will make you think and believe This approach solves all problems.
Once you believe it, you are deluded~
In fact, all things in real life require specific analysis of specific problems in specific environments.
Learn to deal with complex real dilemmas
Some students will ask:Teacher, there are so many problems in the real dilemma, so is it possible for you to tell us all the methods?
My answer is, impossible, I can't tell you all the methods. But,I'll show you how to learn to deal with it!
From the math problem From
The solution to this problem is very similar to how we learn math problems, Do we learn math in class or in practice?
For example, in books and in class, the teacher taught a Multiplication of digits and tens digits. After learning this, will you know how to multiply?
No, why?
Because the solution given by the teacher is only the multiplication of single digits and tens digits, he did not cover all the multiplication problems. The teacher gave theoretical scenarios.
In actual practice, we will encounter various multiplication problems, hundreds of digits, Thousands, decimals, fractions and multiplication of negative numbers, etc., this isreal dilemma .
We probably spent four or five hours after class
span> time to teach the teacher forty or fifty minutes After a little integration, I have a little bit of feeling and experience for multiplication, That's mastery of multiplication.
So, whether it is driving, learning mathematics or doing PPT, it is the same. Any skill he will havea process of accumulating experience.
You have learned a lot of theory in the PPT course, but you have not learned it well, because the theoretical model given in the course is always only one There are two or three types, but you may encounter thousands of problems in real life.
It is impossible for you to solve thousands of problems through two, three, or four solutions and routines.
A lot of practice< /section>
So what should we do? There is only one way!
It is to practice after class,< span>Through a lot of practice,
will probably 780 or even 90% of the problems in real life Learn it all, cover it, and practice it.
At this time, you have really learned PPT. So, if you do not do well in PPT, it is often because there is too little practice!
If you learn PPT foreverOnly listen to lectures, not exercises. Then you don’t need to learn, because youwill never learn PPT in this life.
In addition to PPT, learning other skills is the same, English, learning to drive, and many other things That's all.
This isReality , not the various routes that you see in the course.
It is said that after finishing the course, you will know everything, which is actually< strong>Very unrealistic and unreliable.
I can be very responsible tell you that if you want to learn PPT well,need to spend 60 days to 80 days, every day Practice PPT constantly at night, so that you can learn well!
This is an essential thing that this article wants to tell you, this is a core concept!
The full text is over!
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