Silk Road ppt:Abandoning the illusion of beauty is our greatest sobriety - written on the occasion of Blinken's visit to China-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Abandoning the illusion of beauty is our greatest sobriety - written on the occasion of Blinken's visit to China

Big sobriety 1. While diplomatically confused, while suppressing Blinken's visit to China in an all-round way, what we are facing is a diplomatically confused situation. While the United States claims to cooperate with China, it suppresses China in all as

Full text five thousand Words are mainly divided into four parts.

(1) While diplomatically confused, while suppressing in all directions

(2) The degree of unity of NATO, the upper limit is the National Army Group

(3) Indo-Pacific economic framework, and the unfinished PPT

(4) Abandoning the fantasy of beauty, our greatest sobriety

(1) While diplomatically confused, all-round suppression at the same time

To be honest, the current situation is quite serious, it can be said to be internal and external troubles. But this is not the reason for our pessimism. Just like the college entrance examination, can the last question be done without difficulty? If everyone knows how to do it, then the college entrance examination will lose its meaning.

The reason why the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is soul-stirring is that at every stage of our life, we appear as scumbags, and then stumble and stumble, in the He satisfactorily answered every finale question amidst bad-mouthing.

Whether it is the founding of New China, the victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, or the establishment of an industrial system, including the development of two bombs and one satellite, and The subsequent reform and opening up all played a bad hand to the extreme amidst the dangers, so that the theory of China's collapse was about to collapse.

Everything in the past is a prologue. In the past, we answered the final questions well, which is the credit of our predecessors and ancestors. We must take seriously the current final issue, which is to crush the containment plot of US imperialism.

The current question is strangely difficult. The US’s suppression of China can be said to be comprehensive and multi-pronged: economic decoupling , discredited by public opinion, confused diplomatically, and contained politically and militarily.

What is diplomatic confusion? On the surface, the United States pretends to be like a wronged little daughter-in-law. While meeting everyone, it says that it does not seek confrontation, does not seek decoupling, and does not force other countries to choose sides, but at the same time it is doing the opposite.

The United States is clearly pursuing hegemony against China, but it accuses China wherever it meets, saying that China engages in economic coercion, that China does not answer the phone, and that China refuses to Communication, Chinese warships and fighter planes used unprofessional actions against the US military.

While the United States is trying its best to persuade other countries to turn against China, it is also pretending to come to the door to seek cooperation. No, Sullivan and Blinken have another double reed. Sullivan is going to Japan for the US-Japan-Philippine defense ministers' meeting, and Blinken is going to visit China.

American politicians are mostly performance artists. If you don’t believe me, whether it’s Brin with a bitter face all day, or Sullivan with a stern face all day With a sad face, Austin had a black and angry face all day long.

The spokesperson of the White House is even the best actor and actress. For example, Pierre has a world-weary face all day long, his face is purple due to grievance, his hair is curly, and his mouth is grinning to the ear, so he can play a mermaid.

This is the diplomatic confusion of the United States. On the one hand, it confuses other countries, and on the other hand, it confuses some people in China. Saying the most innocent words, doing the most shameless things, this wave of anti-China operations, the United States has done it.

(2) The degree of unity of NATO, the upper limit is the National Army Group

Next, let’s talk about the most shameless things the United States has done, both in terms of military politics and economics. The most striking thing about military politics is that NATO is going to open a semicolon in Asia - it has established an office in Japan.

I don't care too much about this. Because East Asia was originally the king of scrolls, known as the East Asia Monster House. Pick out any one at random, and it can basically beat European countries in conventional military affairs. The long-term protection of European countries in the United States has gradually become useless.

Besides, I think the upper limit of teamwork in military alliances is Chiang Kai-shek's National Army Group. In other words, the members of the NATO group cannot be more united than Chiang Kai-shek's national army team.

Chiang Kai-shek's national army claims to have eight million people, but it is actually a hodgepodge of various factions and warlords. The slogans were shouted loudly, but they never united as one. Instead, they were intrigues and ulterior motives, each with its own plans.

On the Korean battlefield, the United Nations Army led by the United States is actually the same, with poor unity. The U.S. military uses friendly troops from other countries as cannon fodder. Other countries are not stupid, and run faster than anyone else when encountering problems.

Two true things to say. In April 1951, the fifth campaign to resist US aggression and aid Korea started. It took only ten minutes for the 63rd Army of the Volunteer Army to break through the enemy's Linjin River defense line, and then penetrated deep into the enemy.

The South Korean Army was immediately defeated when the Volunteers rushed in. They threw away their positions and ran away. This run doesn't matter, the flanks of the US 3rd Division lost their protection and were exposed.

The commander of the US 3rd division was given a nightmare by the night battle of the volunteers, and was even more afraid of night battles with bayonets. So the US 3rd Division also decided to flee as soon as possible. In order to buy time for the escape, the 29th Brigade of the British Army was allowed to stay as cannon fodder.

The British guy is not good at fighting, but he is not stupid. The brigade commander saw it, hehe, the Yankee wants to run away, but let me stay as cannon fodder. Whoever likes to do the work will do it. So he gave an order and ran back with the US military's ass.

The commander of the US 3rd Division is very angry. It’s fine for the British to disobey the order, but they dare to run in front of us. Are we not cannon fodder? . So the commander of the US 3rd Division had an idea and fired flares at the British 29th Brigade.

This flare is okay, it has drawn all the firepower of the Volunteers over. In the end, the ace unit of the British army, the 1st Battalion of the Royal Gloucester Regiment, was dumped by the volunteers, ending a glorious history of more than 150 years.

One ​​more thing. On the Korean battlefield, the highest-ranking general lost by the US military was Lieutenant General Walker, commander of the Eighth Army who graduated from West Point. Do you know which heroic team did the meritorious deeds?

The answer is the Sixth Division of South Korea. At that time, the Puppet United Nations Army led by the United States was defeated across the board after being hit hard by our volunteers. After this mighty famous general learned about it, he got into a car and rushed to the front line to question the crime.

Because he was in a hurry, let his men go racing. When the car drove halfway, it encountered a large number of defeated South Korean troops. You are even more anxious for someone to escape, and the two sides refused to give in to each other. As a result, this lieutenant general was thrown into a ditch by a car from the Sixth Division of South Korea, and Walker was killed on the spot.

This is the so-called coalition army, which is actually a group of mobs with their own ulterior motives. It's okay for them to bully the weak together, but once they meet a strong opponent, they will inevitably flee in all directions, and no one wants to be cannon fodder.

The same is true for NATO, it looks ugly, but don't be afraid. We expect the enemy to be lenient, and we can directly target the US emperor, which is the most capable of fighting in NATO. When we have the ability to PK down the US military, other NATO members can be ignored.

(3) The Indo-Pacific economic framework, and the unfinished PPT

Economically, the United States is still coercing and luring other countries to decouple from China. On May 27, the US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) ministerial meeting was held in Detroit, the United States. The meeting announced a framework that is considered to challenge China's supply chain, and the framework has been completed.

This IPEF has sinister intentions, and its purpose is not to promote the development of Asian countries. system, the essence of confrontation with China is to maintain its own hegemony.

On May 23, 2022, during his tour of Japan, Biden launched the so-called Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), whose members are the United States and Australia Japan, South Korea, India and New Zealand (New Zealand), as well as ASEAN's Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Vietnam, and Fiji, a Pacific island country.

What do you think of this IPEF? One sentence comment: The purpose of the United States in forming this organization determines that the Indo-Pacific economic framework will definitely be unfinished. The original intention of the United States to form IPEF is to serve the interests of the United States, not to help other countries.

Cooperation is about win-win (mutual benefit). You can do business together, or you can get what you need through the exchange of interests. But if this organization is for personal gain and to use others as gunmen, then this organization will not last long.

We usually think that the United States has many allies and friends. There are two main reasons for this: first, for most small and medium-sized countries, whoever wins them will stand; second, the United States has given too much in the past.

During World War II, the total foreign aid of the United States reached more than 50 billion U.S. dollars, which is roughly equivalent to today’s 3 trillion U.S. dollars in terms of gold parity, of which six into the United Kingdom.

There is also a lot of aid to the Soviet Union. In 1955, there were locomotives, more than 10,000 carriages, and more than 50,000 jeeps. Almost every 40 days on average, 10,000 trucks arrive in the Soviet Union (a total of 350,000 trucks of various types supported by the Soviet Union in four years).

Of course, the United States did not lose money in the early stages of World War II, and it can be said that it made a lot of war money. In 1937, Japan's military supplies imported from the United States accounted for 54.4% of the total military supplies. Without American oil and steel, how could Japan survive for 8 years?

After World War II, the United States launched the Marshall Plan. At that time, it cost more than 13 billion U.S. dollars. Converted into current U.S. dollars, it would cost about 700 to 800 billion U.S. dollars. Among them, 90% are direct gifts and 10% are low-interest loans.

In the words of Churchill, this is the most generous act in human history. Of course, the United States has obtained the right to station troops in Europe and the leadership of NATO through this. Why do the United Kingdom and Europe bow to the United States and obey their words.

To be honest, if Britain betrays the United States and stands on China’s side, according to Chinese standards, everyone will definitely call Britain an ungrateful white-eyed wolf . Europe is about the same.

Although the United States controls Japan and South Korea tightly, and although the United States takes advantage of the financial crisis to bloodbath the Korean financial system, the economic growth of Japan and South Korea , the United States really has credit.

After World War II, Japan’s economy was extremely depressed, and the domestic food was not even self-sufficient. The United States had to pay for itself to feed Japan. From 1945 to 1950, the United States alone spent more than 2 billion U.S. dollars to buy food for Japan.

At that time, there were more than two billion yuan, which is more than the current one hundred million yuan. The United States also placed war orders in Japan. The orders for the Korean War amounted to 1.3 billion, which is now tens of billions of dollars.

For a small country like the Philippines, the United States is willing to spend money. In the "Philippine Reconstruction Act" promulgated by the United States in April 1946, it proposed to impose a post-war recovery aid fund of US$ 620 million on the Philippines.

By 1950, the United States had "transfused" US$1.5 billion to the Philippines. By the 1970s, the United States had provided a total of 2.625 billion U.S. dollars in aid to the Philippines, equivalent to more than 100 billion U.S. dollars now.

At that time, although the United States lost to the Volunteers in North Korea, it cannot be denied that it was really rich and powerful, with both industrial strength and military strength Said to be the best in the world.

For a long time, Europe, Japan and South Korea have indeed followed the lead of the United States in domestic and foreign affairs, but objectively, the United States has indeed contracted the national defense of all countries. It saves a lot of military expenses for all countries.

At the same time, the American soldiers also ignited the chicken industry in the station (broiler chickens, the kind that don't lay eggs). For all countries, the United States is simply a watchdog with its own dog food, and consumers who spend a lot of money. Of course, many American soldiers eat bully meals.

The military expenditure of the United States accounts for 4% of GDP, but the military expenditure of NATO countries has been around 1% for a long time. It can be said that Europe, the United States, Japan and South Korea have indeed taken a free ride on the safety of the United States. And you can also bully people with the US emperor, how majestic.

But what is there in America now? Apart from the money printing industry, the marijuana industry and the gun industry, as well as a few high-end products and high-end equipment manufacturing industries that are specifically stuck in other people's necks, what else can we get out of it?

70 years ago, the United States moved outward; The puppet authorities of South Korea and China moved their factories to the United States. 70 years ago, the United States scattered money abroad; 70 years later, the United States harvested everywhere.

So I am not very optimistic about this IPEF. This must be as unfinished as the TPP back then, because this so-called economic framework violates economic laws and also gives Other countries do not bring benefits. The United States cannot give what developing countries want.

But the United States called for a meeting, and everyone had to go. These small countries are also very sophisticated. As long as the United States does not offer generous terms in gold and silver, it will not take practical actions to cooperate with the United States in its anti-China campaign.

As Mr. Dan mentioned many times before, the United States is top-notch in PPT. Previously, it was mostly in the field of science and technology and engineering. In fact, it is also true in the political field. The United States has made many anti-China PPTs, but in the end it is just a PPT.

In 2010, Obama proposed to revitalize the US manufacturing framework, the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP), etc., but the money wasted and nothing was done Even so, American manufacturing continued to decline relentlessly.

In 2011, the manufacturing industry in the United States still accounted for 12% of GDP. In 2016, when he stepped down, it had fallen to 11.1%. Chuan Jianguo yelled louder than him, and fell to 10.6% when he stepped down.

Obama believes that China can do what it wants, so in 2009 he proposed an ambitious high-speed rail plan, planning to build 10 high-speed rail lines in the United States, becoming the The backbone network of land transportation.

As a result, there is no high-speed rail in the United States. Most of the trains are still dancing on the tracks. Of course, if you reduce the standard of high-speed rail to 200 kilometers per hour, the United States still has high-speed rail. The Acela Express connecting Washington, New York and Boston has a maximum speed of 240 kilometers per hour and an average speed of 115 kilometers per hour.

Obama’s health care reform plan (PPACA), the PPT is also very beautiful, but it was also abolished on the first day Chuan Jianguo came to power. The only legacy is Obama's health care reform website, which cost 2.1 billion U.S. dollars, equivalent to 12.9 billion U.S. dollars in RMB.

This website flashed in 2013, but it was paralyzed after only six people registered on the first day of its launch. Since then, there have been frequent failures, and it will collapse at every turn. Once it collapsed, it had to be repaired, and once it was repaired, it had to be paid more. Until the medical reform plan was abolished, a total of 2.1 billion US dollars was invested.

Who is the contractor for this website project? She is the best friend of First Lady Michelle. Our 12306 website only spent a total of 300 million yuan. At the most exaggerated moment, it was clicked 5.9 billion times in an hour, with a daily visit volume of 160 billion times...

Former U.S. Secretary of State Rachelle proposed a New Silk Road ProjectPPT, but also to build infrastructure in West Asia and South Asia. As a result, I failed to do it myself, which inspired Rabbit, and Rabbit developed into the Belt and Road Initiative, and then proceeded in an orderly manner.

Obama launched a TPP, which can be said to be an enhanced version of the plan to decouple the Chinese economy, which is higher than Biden’s IPEF. , and have all been signed into force.

The rabbit was so scared that he hurriedly engaged in RCEP. As a result, Chuan Jianguo, a state-level underground party member, is the father of Wanka. Announce withdrawal. As a result, RCEP has come into full effect up to now, and the economic benefits have improved by leaps and bounds.

After Biden came to power, there will be more anti-China PPTs, dazzling people, what QUAD, what AUKUS, what APEP, what Indo-Pacific F4 , what IPEF. Anti-China is also really anti-China, but in the end it will be futile.

(4) Abandoning the fantasy of beauty, our greatest sobriety

Behind the futility is our active response and dealing with the enemy with wisdom. For example, we take the initiative to choose the battlefield, the enemy retreats and we advance, westward to Central Asia and the Middle East. In the vast continents of Asia, Europe, Africa and South America, there is a lot of diplomatic wasteland for us to reclaim.

We want to cultivate the Eurasian continent in the west and Latin America in the east, so there is no need to cultivate in the middle. If it is necessary to win the reclamation, it must be carried out in a planned, principled and bottom-line manner. Hu Zhongken will inevitably be spurned by history.

A recent event, very exciting. We have established a strategic partnership with Palestine. Obviously, this is an eye salve for the United States, its father, Israel. In the art of war, this is called attacking and saving. If the United States comes to our door to find fault, we will deal with his father.

The Middle East is the three major geopolitical priorities of the United States (as well as Europe and Asia-Pacific). Once the Middle East falls, the U.S. hegemony system will collapse, and the containment of China will lose its meaning. Now the U.S. imperialists can only care about one thing and lose another.

Besides, I think the timing is quite well planned, and it seems to have a tacit understanding with Salman. Before Blinken announced his visit to Saudi Arabia, Salman Jr. announced the acceptance of Syria into the Arab League. Blinken arrived in Saudi Arabia, and Salman Jr. was receiving Aduro.

Here is an interview with Blinken, and there is an announcement of the opening of the Iranian embassy. As soon as Blinken left, Salman Jr. called Putin. This time the Palestinian president will stay in China for four days, basically passing Blinken by the shoulders.

Mr. Dan is very curious now, wondering if we had any other mysterious guests during Blinken’s stay in China; Will someone be on the phone?

From the Alaska talks in 2021, we can see that we have already seen through the diplomatic tricks of the US imperialists towards China, that is, taking advantage of all the benefits. Never doing bad things also shows that we have already lost our illusion of beauty.

Abandoning illusions about the United States and realizing that American imperialism will never die is our greatest sobriety. If you can stay awake, you will be able to maintain your strategic focus, you will be able to do your own things well, you will be able to stand out from the siege of US imperialism, and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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