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AI vector material practice: drawing mice and pseudo 3D effects tutorial

Thank you for sharing this PPT attack tutorial. I understand what you mean is that for some complex real graphics, there may be some limitations in using PPT to draw. However, using AI vector materials can help us easily create many high-quality graphics,

Recently, our backend has received a lot of inquiries about "whether more complex graphics such as beakers, reactors, mice, rabbits, and DNA can be drawn in PPT." Here, we specifically point out that PPT is more suitable for drawing three-dimensional graphics with regular structure and order. For complex graphics, you need to use some advanced functions in PPT to achieve pseudo three-dimensional effects.

For example, you can draw any two-dimensional graphics by using tools such as arbitrary polygons, editing vertices, shape union, splitting, cutting, and intersecting in PPT. Combining techniques such as near and far, light and shadow angles and directions, color filling, etc., complex pseudo-3D graphics can be drawn.

But these operations require certain drawing skills, experience and three-dimensional thinking ability. If you need an easier way, here is one way to introduce to you, that is to use AI material and edit and modify it based on it.

Using this method, you can draw unlimited editable pseudo-3D graphics in PPT. This is equivalent to having a huge material library. If you can use it skillfully, this function will be very powerful.

{To obtain AI mouse materials and other vector materials, please refer to the link below. Please download other materials by yourself. }

Final effect:


1. First, use AI software to open the mouse vector material, select the mouse you need, and then drag it directly into the PPT, so that the target mouse will be imported to the PPT page. [Copy the mouse (ctrl+C) in AI, then right-click and paste it as a picture in PPT, or select "File" - "Export" - "Export" in AI to"-"Enhanced Metafile" (emf format), and then copy it to PPT.

Note: Please use AI CS6 or higher.

2. After importing the graphics, right-click and select "Group" - "Ungroup" twice, and the graphics will become a completely split editable format. You can edit the vertices to further modify the shape, or change the fill color, etc.

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/AI-shi-liang-su-cai-shi-zhan-hui-zhi-xiao-shu-yu-wei-san-wei-xiao-guo-jiao-cheng.html

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