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A detailed count of the tabloids during the "Cultural Revolution", and the exposure of old newspaper photos

During the "Cultural Revolution", various factions and organizations in Guangzhou printed and distributed a large number of tabloids, which can be roughly divided into several categories: 1. Tabloids organized by students (Including the Guangzhou edition of student tabloids from other places); 2. Tabloids organized by government officials and mass organizations in the cultural and sports circles; 3. Tabloids organized by workers; 4. Military tabloids. The reason why they are called "tabloids" is mainly because most of them are run by the masses themselves, and most of them have 8 pages and 4 pages. In terms of time, before January 1967, there were very few tabloids of this kind, and the more famous one was the "Guangzhou Red Guard Newspaper" sponsored by the Red Guards in Guangzhou colleges and universities who swore to defend Chairman Mao's General Headquarters (Third Division). However, after entering February, the self-run tabloids of the masses began to blow out, and a large number of them emerged.

Student Organization Tabloid

On February 1, the "Xiaobing" newspaper, founded by the Guangzhou Maoist Red Guard Xiaobing Commune, was published. This tabloid lasted for a long time, and it was still published until the summer of 1968, but after the mountain was shoveled, the editor had become the "Guangzhou Headquarters of the Red Guards of the Guangzhou Middle School Red Congress".

On February 9, "New Peking University" (Guangzhou Edition), edited by the Guangzhou Liaison Station of the New Peking University Cultural Revolution Committee, was launched. This is a newspaper edited by northern students and published in Guangzhou. The headline on the front page of the first issue has a shocking slogan: "Great alliance of revolutionary rebels to seize power like a Paris Commune." Soon, the newspaper published an article "Inverting the Upside-Down History Again", which became a major event in the history of Guangzhou's "Cultural Revolution".

At the same time, "Guangzhou Red Guards", edited by the Red Guards Revolutionary Rebel Headquarters (Red Division 1) in Guangzhou Universities, also It was founded, and the name and the "Guangzhou Red Guard News" of the third department are only one letter different, and even the font is exactly the same, all cut from Mao Zedong's inscription handwriting.

Student newspapers established successively later include: Zhongda Dabao published by the Revolutionary Rebel Committee of Zhongda University; (renamed "Guangzhou Red Division" from the second issue); "New Division" by the New Division of the Red Guards in Guangzhou colleges and universities; "Dongfanghong" by the headquarters of the Guangzhou University of Foreign Languages. There are also some middle school tabloids, all kinds of them.

Government cadres and cultural organization tabloids

The earliest newspaper co-sponsored by government cadres, cultural organizations, and student organizations was published by the Revolutionary Rebel Committee of Guangdong Province in early 1967 "Guangdong War Report". The "Battle Report" published by the Revolutionary Rebel Liaison Headquarters directly under the Central South Bureau, and the "Guangzhou Battle Report" organized by the mass organizations of the Guangzhou Daily Press also came out one after another during this period. Since the seizure of power by the Municipal Public Security Bureau on January 25, 1967 was one of the so-called "four major events" in the early days of the "Cultural Revolution" in Guangzhou, it caused a sensation in the entire society. Therefore, there are many hills in the public security system. The "January 25 Battle Report" published by the headquarters and the "Public Security Red Flag" published by the Red Division Public Security Red Banner Revolutionary Rebel Headquarters of Guangzhou Honglian City, etc.

Newspapers published by the cultural circles include: Guangdong Proletarian Revolutionary Party Merged Nanfang Daily and Guangzhou Daily Working Committee "New South"; "Film Battle Report" by the Guangzhou Revolutionary Rebels Criticizing Reactionary Film Committee; "News Warrior" by the Guangzhou Daily Revolutionary Rebel Joint Committee, and so on.

Worker Organization Tabloid

At the beginning of 1967, all units in various places were seizing power, mass organizations sprang up, and the world was in chaos. But during this period, workers’ organizations basically did not have their own newspapers, and it was not until late March to April that newspapers edited by workers’ organizations began to appear. The earliest publication was "Workers' Battle Report" sponsored by the Joint Preparatory Committee of the Revolutionary Workers' Congress in Guangzhou (after the group was dissolved, it was changed to the Guangzhou Regional Headquarters of the Mao Zedong Thought Workers' Red Guards, the Mao Zedong Thought Guangzhou Red Workers Headquarters and the Mao Zedong Thought Red Guards Guangzhou Revolutionary Workers United Headquarters); "Red Banner Workers" sponsored by Guangzhou Red Banner Workers' Revolutionary Rebellion Headquarters;

Army Tabloid

There are also two kinds of military tabloids, one is run by mass organizations within the military itself, and the other is sponsored by the Military Control Commission. At that time, mass organizations appeared in the army, mainly in cultural and sports units such as the Military Physical Education Academy, the Warrior Song and Dance Troupe, and the Warrior Acrobatic Troupe. However, the time was not long, and there were not many types of tabloids. Wait, there are only a few kinds, and there are only a few. The other category is sponsored by the Military Control Commission, such as the "Battle Report of the Joint Military Commission".

After July and August 1967, as the fighting became more violent, more tabloids run by the masses appeared. In addition, some tabloids from other places also entered Guangzhou one after another, which can be described as "overwhelming". At the beginning of 1968, there were as many as 143 mass tabloids in the Guangzhou area, and each issue used more than 5,000 reams of paper.

At that time, most tabloids were published irregularly, but they were not distributed for free like leaflets, but were sold on the market. Usually the retail price is two cents (some version 6 sells for four cents). A tabloid revealed this way: "An organization of dozens of people went all out to publish a tabloid with 70,000 to 80,000 copies per issue, six small editions, each priced at four cents, and collected from the street with small favors. The children of this kind of tabloid sold it everywhere. Each issue of this kind of tabloid earned (minus the cost) thousands of yuan from the sale of the newspaper alone, and they even reached out to the state for funds to run the newspaper. They took the money and spent it recklessly, flying around Shanghai, buying Watches, sweaters, everything, everything.” At that time, a 21st-level cadre who had worked for more than ten years had a monthly salary of only 68.5 yuan, and most of the newspaper publishers were fledgling “revolutionary young generals”, and a thousand yuan was a huge sum. But that was an era of abstinence, and there were very few people who dared to fill their own pockets.

In 1968, after the shoveling of hilltops, the Great Alliance, and the establishment of the "Revolutionary Committee", workers' propaganda teams entered institutions and schools, and most of the masses Organizational tabloids were ordered to close down one after another. The tabloids were very popular and flourished for a while, but in fact, they only lasted for a short period of time. Although there were still "Guangzhou Red Congress", "Guangzhou Workers' Congress", "Guangzhou Farmers' Congress" and "Propaganda Worker Mao Zedong Thought" Waiting for the tabloids to support the appearance, it lasted until 1969, but at the end of the ripples, there was no prosperity, and there was nothing good to report.

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