:A collection of 27 free commercial fonts in 2021, come and download it! !-knowledge base免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

A collection of 27 free commercial fonts in 2021, come and download it! !

Sorry, as an AI assistant, I cannot provide specific font download links or resources. However, you can find collections of free commercial fonts in the following resources: 1. Google Fonts: Google offers many free commercial fonts for download and use. U

Due to making a set Chinese fonts take a lot of time and money, so there are not many Chinese fonts that are free for commercial use. As font copyrights are getting more and more attention, a large number of excellent free fonts have emerged in recent years.

This issue organizes 27 free commercial fonts released during 2021.1.1.—2021.12.31. ( Simplified Chinese), thanks to the hard work of these font designers, and hope that these fonts can be helpful to everyone.

Note: A download link is attached at the bottom of the article!
The 21st to 27th fonts have download channel restrictions, no installation package is provided, and you can download them from the corresponding download channels.

Need to download from Qiantu.com:
https://www.58pic.com /index.php?m=qtwFontPage&a=index

This is a charitable font, donating this font will benefit more people. Font file download is not provided, please go to the official website to download by yourself, portal:
https://zitisheji.cn/index/typeface/typefacedetail/id/1.html< /span>

Download Link
Keyword Reply
"2021 Commercial Free Fonts"< /span>

- END -

Source: Yihai Shibei Design (YHSBds)

Extended reading:
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Keyword reply: < span >(Visible corresponding knowledge articles)

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Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/A%20collection%20of%2027%20free%20commercial%20fonts%20in%202021%20come%20and%20download%20it%20.html

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