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9 Interesting and Practical AI Tips Tutorials

Sorry, as an AI language modeler, I can't directly provide actual programming guidance, but I can give you some ideas and examples of interesting and practical AI tricks. Please note that these examples are for reference only and you may need further rese

Before reading: I saw an article sharing AI tips, which is very interesting, so I want to share it with you?

This time I share my spare time I wrote some AI tips. We originally wrote font tutorials professionally, because we are usually relatively free.

Just see the more useful AI skills and methods and write them as such a small tutorial. There are still many in the later stage, which need to be written slowly. It's a lot of time, so I can only take my time and come on.

These small methods are small posts written on our font legend website at any time. Because the method is relatively short, there is no way to post a single official account. This is a collection of 9 methods.


AI Tutorial - Traditional Vintage Tiling Pattern Tutorial

< br>

The first step
Draw a big circle and a small circle< /section>

The second step
Object, open the blending option

Specify about 3 steps, or you can set it yourself.

The third step
In the point object, pattern, create a pattern setting
< br>

Specifically adjust according to your own graphics, the parameters can be

Step 4
The adjusted pattern will be automatically generated in the swatch panel.

Finally, draw any shape and click on the pattern in the color palette.

AI Tutorial - Four Pointed Star Tips Tutorial

The first step
Draw a circle

Step 2
Effects - Distortion and Transformation - Shrinkage and Expansion
< br>

The third step
Adjustment parameters completed

AI Tutorial - Tips for drawing two heart shapes

< /section>

The first step
Draw a square frame with a stroke and rotate it 90 degrees.

Second step
A tool deletes the top node line

The third step
Bold stroke size

The fourth step
End point, click the rounded corner to complete

The fifth step
Use the A tool to select the top Two nodes, point the smooth tool above, and it will become a circular heart.

< /section>
AI Tutorial - Small Tutorial on Line Surrounding Graph< /span>

The first step
Draw a circle

The second step

Setting parameters

Third step
Effect-shrinkage and expansion

It can be adjusted arbitrarily


Finally, you can change the parameters arbitrarily left and right to get different graphics.

< /section>
AI Tutorial - Rounded Ellipse Graphics Tutorial

The first step
Draw a square

Step 2
AI comes with rounded corner function shortcut key A to round the four corners.

The third step
Object, envelope distortion, build

< /section>

Choose expansion, bending and free adjustment.


AI Tutorial-Heart Hollow Logo Design Course

The first step
Draw a square frame

Step 2
A tool, choose to delete a corner, Rotate it a bit to get the figure below.

The third step
Bold stroke, endpoint, Point fillet

Step 4
object, extension

Step 6
< section>

Step 7
Effects, Distortion, Transformation.

The parameters can be adjusted by yourself

< /section>

Step 8
Object-Extended Appearance

Step 9
Select the real-time coloring tool, in Just choose a background color you like.

The tenth step
Every other grid, use real-time Coloring tool, just one click.


< strong>07
AI tutorial 3D smiley facial expression design small tutorial

The first step
Draw an expression you like, then open the symbol panel, drag it in and save it.

Second step
Draw a circle, delete half

The third step
Effect, 3D, rotation< /section>

Generate a 3D ball , then map

Find the emoji you just dragged into the symbol panel.

Then adjust the expression to a suitable position ,Sure.

After confirmation, click more options

This step is mainly to set the light source and parameters, you can set it according to your favorite.


AI Tutorial - Circular Radiation Graphic Design Small Tutorial - Produced by KEYOU
< br>

The first step
Draw a circle

The second step
Add the stroke to the thickest

Step 3
Open the stroke palette and select the dotted line Just

Dotted lines can be adjusted to different numbers and densities.

AI Tutorial - Frosted Tempered Glass Texture Business Card Design Tutorial
Attachment: Frosted Glass Business Card Mockup Download

The first step
Draw A business card frame with rounded corners

The second step
Fill the gradient color of left white and right black, the opacity of left white is 0, and the right Black is about 40, you can adjust it yourself.

The third step
Stroke, add an edge highlight texture, the parameters can be seen in the screenshot, the color can be selected You can do what you like.

Step 4
Draw a circle at each end and fill it with two different colors you like.

Step 5
Copy the business card frame and put it on the top, select the circle and the top Business card frame, click Pathfinder, click Split.


Delete all the business card frames just copied above, and only keep the bottom card frame.

The sixth step
Get the graphics with the following effects.

Step 7
Select the divided graphics in the business card, find the Appearance panel, select Gaussian blur, size You can adjust it according to your own graphics.

finally completed

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/9%20Interesting%20and%20Practical%20AI%20Tips%20Tutorials.html

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