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"Post-80s" cadres took up leadership positions at the age of 31 and were subject to review and investigation at the age of 41

The Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Macheng City, Hubei Province has strengthened the supervision of "top leaders" strictly and practically through conversation reminders, warning education and other methods. The picture shows the main responsible comrades of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee having a face-to-face conversation with the responsible comrades of the environmental protection department. Photo by Nie Danfen

"This is the last material I can write to the organization as a party member." "2021 is the year of change that I have been looking forward to for a long time. I have been waiting for the notice of appointment of the county (city, district) party and government director. I did not arrive as scheduled, but received the lien notice on the penultimate day of the year. "I was born in the grassroots. Under the care and training of the party, I was admitted to university and stepped into a leadership position step by step. However, I lost my job early and lost my job." "Freedom"... Recently, Tuanfeng County, Huanggang City, Hubei Province organized young cadres in the county to participate in a warning education conference. Former Party Secretary and Director of Hubei Qi'an State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd. (later renamed Huanggang State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Co., Ltd.) Chang Yi Liheng's confession deeply shocked and educated the attendees.

Yi Liheng, a "post-80s generation", was once one of the youngest county-level leading cadres in Huanggang. He held many important positions, but was dismissed due to corruption issues. He became a typical example of serious disciplinary violations investigated and punished by the city in recent years. In response to the problems exposed in this case, especially the tendencies that are prone to occur among young cadres, the Huanggang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision issued disciplinary inspection and supervision recommendations to three relevant units respectively, on strengthening the supervision of the education and management of young cadres and strengthening the integrity risks of state-owned enterprises. Propose targeted suggestions for prevention and control, urge relevant units to identify the root cause of the problem, and use cases to promote reform and treatment.

Post-80s cadres took up leadership positions at the age of 31 and were subject to review and investigation at the age of 41

He took up a leadership position at the age of 31 and underwent review and investigation at the age of 41. When signing the disciplinary decision letter, Yi Liheng burst into tears and expressed regret.

On December 30, 2021, Yi Liheng was put on file for review and investigation by the Huanggang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision for suspected serious violations of discipline and law. In April 2022, Yi Liheng was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office, and his suspected crimes were transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with the law.

Yi Liheng was born in an ordinary family. His parents set up tents on the street and cooked food to support their children. Difficult experiences are a valuable asset for making progress in life. However, Yi Liheng, who pursued "getting rich as an official" as his value pursuit, had impure intentions and his life deviated from the correct course.

In his confession, Yi Liheng admitted that his "original intentions were not pure, his base was empty, and his belief has never been firm." He wrote: "One of my relatives is a leading cadre. During the New Year and holidays, relatives will be respectful when they meet. "

In July 2004, Yi Liheng, who graduated from university, became a selected student at the grassroots level in Huanggang. In June 2011, Yi Liheng was elected as member of the Standing Committee of the Tuanfeng County Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of Huilongshan Town through open selection. Yi Liheng said in his confession: "This position is supposed to be a good platform for experience, but I take the aura of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee too seriously, and I can't sink myself. I am used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, pushing things to the mayor, and focusing on myself." Engage in all aspects of relationships..."

"Yi Liheng has been bent on seeking personal promotion from the beginning, which makes him compatible with some people with ulterior motives." said a relevant comrade of the Yi Liheng case task force.

Chen Moumou, the boss of a construction engineering company in Hubei, often goes to Yiliheng's office to learn about his whereabouts. Whenever Yi Liheng has free time, he will show up immediately. Whenever Yi Liheng has food, drink and fun activities, he will "pay the bill" on time. During this period, Chen Moumou never made any request, and in the end, Yi Liheng was embarrassed not to help. Later, when preparing for a project to add floors to the infection floor of a certain hospital, Yi Liheng used his position to take the initiative to help Chen Moumou win the bid. Soon, when he heard that Yi Liheng was going to buy a garage, Chen Moumou once again took the initiative to "pay the bill" for it.

In July 2016, Yi Liheng was promoted to the Standing Committee of Macheng City Committee and Minister of Organization. He only thought about "greater power" but did not realize that "the risk of being 'hunted' was also higher." During this period, businessman Yang Moumou had ulterior motives and told Yi Liheng that as a leader, you must have the "presence" of a leader. The clothes you wear when going out are too shabby and are not in line with your leadership status. Yang Moumou started sending clothes to Yi Liheng, and gradually developed to sending mobile phones, wine, and cash. In 2018, Yang Moumou gave Yiliheng large amounts of cash in two installments to thank him for his help in the implementation of a certain project. These are the two largest amounts of cash that Yiliheng has received.

In June 2019, Yi Liheng was appointed as Party Committee Secretary and Chairman of Qi'an SDIC. In his confession, he admitted that when faced with the numerous challenges faced in the early days of the company's establishment, he clearly felt that he was "incompetent, morally unqualified, and talented for the job." Due to its indifferent concept of purpose, poor performance of work, and serious lack of supervision, a park construction project suffered from problems such as a large number of subcontracting projects, substandard quality, large areas of green vegetation dying, and inadequate convenience facilities. In order to pursue a smooth career, he also hired a "master" to lay out the layout of his office.

Relevant responsible comrades from the Huanggang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision told reporters that Yi Liheng held important positions in Tuanfeng, Macheng, and Qi'an State Investment, and grew up but became corrupt along the way. This shows that it is extremely important and extremely important to strengthen the supervision of the education and management of leading cadres, especially young cadres. Urgent; Yi Liheng has obvious characteristics of being a combination of Feng, Fu and Fengfu. He established a "mahjong circle", "fishing circle" and "dinner circle" to eat, drink and have fun and accept bribes. He was trapped in it and could not extricate himself; the case also exposed the local There are problems such as insufficient internal supervision of state-owned investment companies, insufficient comprehensive and strict party governance, and many integrity risk points. In order to promote the "three non-corruptions" as a whole, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision adopted the "office, group and local" linkage model to conduct an in-depth analysis of the Yi Liheng case, and issued disciplinary inspection and supervision recommendations to the three units in response to the outstanding problems exposed.

Incorporate anti-corruption education into the training of new cadres, improve the supervision and management mechanism, strictly control the response to opinions on party style and clean government, and prevent the "golden period" of growth from turning into a "dangerous period" of corruption

On May 11, 2022, the Tuanfeng County Committee received the "Recommendations on Disciplinary Inspection of the Tuanfeng County Committee of the Communist Party of China" issued by the Huanggang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. The next day, Tuanfeng County held a meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee to convey and study the typical cases of Yi Liheng's violations of disciplines and laws, the "Recommendations on Disciplinary Inspection of the Tuanfeng County Committee of the Communist Party of China", etc., and combined with the actual situation of the county, comprehensively and strictly enforced the regulations We will comprehensively sort out the main responsibilities of party governance, strengthen the self-construction of township party committees, and supervise the education and management of young cadres, find loopholes, and draw inferences from one example.

The recommendations pointed out that Tuanfeng County has deficiencies in the education, management and supervision of young cadres in important positions. In response to this problem, the county has established and improved the integrity education curriculum system for young cadres. Through comprehensive use of case analysis and discussion, holding integrity lectures for young cadres, and organizing red and honest culture study activities, the county educates and guides young cadres to build a strong "rejection of corruption and prevention of change" Firewall".

In August 2022, Tuanfeng County organized 58 young cadres who served as "top leaders", newly promoted and in key positions with great discretion to carry out warning education activities and collectively study the Yi Liheng case report. The main responsible comrades of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision analyzed the main causes and trends of young cadres violating disciplines and laws based on the cases, and put forward clear requirements for the participating cadres.

Integrity education is a compulsory course for the training of party activists and new cadres. In March this year, 101 young cadres took the "first lesson on integrity" in the initial training class for newly recruited civil servants in Tuanfeng County. The class comprehensively analyzed typical cases of young cadres violating disciplines and laws, analyzed the party disciplines and national laws that they are prone to violate, and guided everyone to be respectful, cautious, and abide by the bottom line.

Supervision of the education, management and supervision of young cadres is a systematic project. The Party Committee (Party Group), Discipline Inspection Commission, Party Committee Secretary and team members all bear important responsibilities and must work together to form a synergy. After receiving the suggestions, Tuanfeng County tightened the main responsibilities and implemented detailed supervision responsibilities. It focused on strengthening the ideals and beliefs, deepening discipline and law education, and strictly Efforts will be made to refine the content of education management supervision in terms of daily management, strengthening supervision and inspection, precise discipline accountability and strengthening the implementation of responsibilities. We will establish working mechanisms such as regular reporting, coordination and linkage, tracking and promotion, and regular work meetings, and strive to build a system of knowing and fulfilling responsibilities. A closed-loop work cycle of responsibility, accountability, and accountability.

Promote the supervision line from after the event to the mid-event and pre-event checkpoints. Tuanfeng County Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission has improved the supervision and management mechanism for young cadres, held regular cadre supervision joint meetings, improved the monthly reporting system for cadre supervision information, and timely reported information on cadres in key positions, so as to ensure timely sharing of supervision information and timely communication of special circumstances, and implement supervision in a practical and detailed manner. At the same time, efforts are made to prevent young cadres from violating discipline and laws due to their addiction to online games, gambling, luxury goods, etc., and timely remind and correct them when signs are found, and immediately deal with violations of discipline in a serious manner, so as to achieve early detection, early reminders, early corrections, and early investigations.

Strictly control the response to opinions on party style and clean government, and assist the party committee to do a good job in "selection and seedling cultivation". Tuanfeng County pays attention to strengthening the construction of anti-corruption archives, sums up and updates relevant information of young cadres in a timely manner, provides important reference for daily analysis and judgment, and solves problem clues, and puts efforts to prevent cadres from being promoted with illness in peacetime, so as to ensure good political relations and management of cadres. Laying the foundation for integrity.

In addition, in order to strengthen the training and use of young cadres, the county has issued the "Interim Measures for the First-line Inspection and Identification of Cadres in Tuanfeng County (Trial)", highlighting the practical orientation and grassroots orientation, and selecting young cadres with excellent quality to work on the front lines such as project construction and rural revitalization. Exercise and continuously stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of young cadres to take root at the grassroots level.

Carry out special campaigns against party members and cadres who illegally receive and send gifts and money, and illegally accept food and drinks from management service objects, to eradicate the "hotbed" where corruption breeds.

Treating gifts and gifts as a "little touch" of human relations and a "lubricant" to connect relationships, during Yi Liheng's tenure in Macheng, New Years and holidays, family members being sick and hospitalized, etc. became important nodes for him to receive gifts and gifts, from collecting local specialties to Collecting tobacco and alcohol, from mobile phones to red envelopes, from cash to diamonds. He also went to a high-end villa in a scenic spot many times to accept dinner invitations from private bosses, and arranged for his subordinates to receive his private guests in violation of regulations, causing adverse effects. In response to the issues exposed in the case, the Huanggang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection requested in the "Recommendations on the Disciplinary Inspection of the Macheng Committee of the Communist Party of China": "Solidly carry out special treatment of party members and cadres who receive and send gifts in violation of regulations, and accept meals and treats from management service objects in violation of regulations."

To this end, the main responsible comrades of the Macheng City Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision had "one-on-one" conversations with many party members and leading cadres who gave gifts to Yi Liheng, pointing out problems face to face and helping to correct them. At the same time, the city grasps the characteristics of unhealthy tendencies and corruption that are mutually exclusive and have the same root and origin, and further improves the working mechanism for joint investigation of corruption and corruption, keeping a close eye on the "key few", "key nodes" and "invisible mutations" , carry out supervision and inspection on a regular basis, continue to correct the "four styles" and establish new styles.

In response to the repeated prohibition of eating and drinking habits exposed in the case, Macheng City carried out special rectification of illegal eating and drinking issues, and sent clues handover reminder letters to the audit, public security, finance and other departments. The departments collaborated to screen 85 clues and thoroughly investigated the violations. Corruption and style issues behind eating and drinking. In response to the issue of individual cadres who were exposed in the case of passing on illegal eating and drinking expenses to subordinate units, the city's Commerce Bureau and Finance Bureau issued the "Negative List of Illegal Eating and Drinking in Business Receptions of Party and Government Agencies" and "Negative List of Illegal Eating and Drinking of Municipal Enterprise Leaders" to further standardize finance. management and strengthen source governance.

As a leading cadre, Yi Liheng has repeatedly used his authority to provide help to others in job transfers, job promotions, and project coordination, and has accepted money and materials from others, exposing the existence of institutional flaws and management loopholes in the operation of power in a few units. question. The Huanggang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection recommended "establishing and improving an internal control mechanism for the operation of power" and "strictly implementing the collective decision-making on the 'three important and one' matters and the system of direct sharing of responsibility between the 'top leaders' and the four."

In response to the problem that a few "top leaders" do not implement the rules and regulations in place, Macheng City has revised and improved the municipal party committee's working rules, discussion and decision-making rules and other documents, and standardized the municipal party committee's responsibilities, organizational principles, discussions and decision-making, supervision and accountability, etc., and continued to improve Strictly implement systems such as democratic centralism, collective decision-making on "three important and one" matters, "last position" and full documentation of the decision-making process on major matters, and form a set of pragmatic and effective work that manages according to the system, acts according to the system, and manages people by the system mechanism.

Identify and manage integrity risk points and resolutely prevent and control corruption risks in project bidding, engineering construction, financing and loans, etc.

While working at Qi'an State-owned Assets Investment Corporation, in order to ensure that a certain company "must win the bid", Yi Liheng instigated the staff to adopt methods such as adding specific conditions for participating in the bidding or adding points, and intentionally leaking the bottom bid, etc., which ultimately allowed the company to successfully win the bid, seriously damaging the company. Fair and just market order.

In response to this issue, in the "Recommendations on Supervision of Huanggang State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Co., Ltd.", the Huanggang Municipal Supervisory Committee proposed that state-owned investment platforms must resolutely prevent and control corruption risks in areas such as project bidding, engineering construction, and financing loans.

“In response to the irregularities in bidding and tendering exposed in the Yi Liheng case, we have carried out special rectification of bidding and bidding, urging all departments to sort out weak links and system loopholes in the work, and optimize all aspects of bidding, tendering, bid opening, bid evaluation, and bid winning. Standardize and process, build and launch a bidding administrative supervision platform, and promote the implementation of full-process electronic bidding. "According to the relevant person in charge of Huanggang State Investment, electronic bidding can effectively prevent "tailor-made" bidding for specific bidders. There are illegal and illegal behaviors such as setting discriminatory clauses in bidding documents and tampering with process results.

"Strengthen the supervision of the entire bidding process, and fully implement remote remote bid evaluation and electronic bidding. Strengthen the supervision of bidding agencies, and severely crack down on the affiliation of bidding agencies and the transfer of agency qualification certificates. Strengthen the supervision of bid evaluation experts. Supervision, if bid evaluation experts are found to have violated regulations, they will be disqualified and dealt with seriously. Strengthen the supervision of whether the project managers, technical leaders, etc. are registered personnel of the company and the flow of funds, and promptly transfer the problems to the relevant authorities for handling. " The relevant person in charge of Huanggang SDIC introduced that based on in-depth research, Huanggang SDIC also proposed the "5432" working method of 5 reminders, 4 supervisions, 3 transfers, and 2 systems, which initially formed a pre-emptive work method in the field of engineering bidding. A working mechanism that combines warning reminders, full-process supervision, post-event accountability, comprehensive supervision and industry supervision.

In addition, the Yiliheng case also exposed many problems such as the company's unreasonable corporate governance structure, unclear development strategy, and irregular personnel management. The company has developed slowly since its establishment.

"Before, everyone didn't know what the direction and goals were, they were afraid or unwilling to do it, and they had no energy or enthusiasm." The person in charge of Huanggang State Investment Corporation said frankly. After the incident, the company made timely rectifications and adjustments in accordance with the requirements of the competent authorities and supervision suggestions, consolidated the responsibility of party management, clarified its development positioning, standardized the management system, strengthened internal supervision, and encouraged cadres to take on their responsibilities, so that the company's development gradually got on the right track. .

Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News

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