How to install font files:6 resource websites that make you meet each other late, each is very practical, and the key is free!-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

6 resource websites that make you meet each other late, each is very practical, and the key is free!

Of course, I can give you some suggestions for resource sites. Note that I will provide you with Chinese websites that provide a variety of useful resources, most of which are free. 1. Image resource website: - Pixabay ( Provides

It is enough to read this article if you want to find a resource website! After reading it, I say absolutely! Share 6 picture resources, video resources, cutout websites, office websites and other useful websites!

The strongest office assistant - Office Resource Network

Can't find the template for PPT? It takes time and effort to make a table in Excel, and it doesn't look good? Can't write debriefing reports and work summaries? Can't find various office templates?

Office resource network is enough! This is a site that covers a lot of templates --

  • PPT template, Excel template, job report template, work summary template Everything!

Not only can you watch a lot of tutorials, but you can also download a variety of templates, and the website has thoughtfully classified for you, which can be said to be quite convenient!

Excel tables are mostly used by individuals, and they can be used directly after downloading, which saves a lot of time for making tables!

Enterprise online office artifact - Jiandaoyun

I believe everyone in the workplace has had a headache for the following situations:

  • The leader is in a temporary meeting and is in a hurry to ask for data reports, and throws a bunch of messy ones It's a headache to see the raw data...
  • What kind of information does the company want to collect? Dozens or hundreds of Excel sheets are handed in. It takes a lot of time to merge them. In the middle, people keep submitting new forms saying that they filled in the wrong data in the last one...
  • I want to ask the leader for approval and signature, the leader is busy I can't find it at all, it took me a whole day to spend 5 minutes...
  • ......

Jian Daoyun is an artifact that can help you solve all the above problems!

✅In terms of data analysis reports——

There are more than 20 built-in chart types, which are automatically calculated by the data factory. After the data source is configured well, can generate a tall chart with one click, and the whole process takes less than 10 minutes can finish!

✅In terms of receipt collection --

One ​​online form completes all data collection< /strong>, each member fills in the page relatively independently,Don't worry about your information being seen by others, if the data is filled in incorrectly, you need to fill in the page again. The background will automatically update and synchronize the latest one, saving time and effort!

In terms of process approval——

Initiate an application with one click, and the corresponding leader’s mobile phone will receive a reminder. You can approve it anytime, anywhere. Go to the financial department, generate data analysis reports, and the budget situation is clear at a glance!

One-stop image processing artifact - picture duck

Sometimes when we upload a file, we are often reminded that "the file is too large and cannot be uploaded". At this time, we need to deal with the size of the picture.

Gaituya is a website that can satisfy basically all image processing in the work: image compression, watermarking, cropping, etc. can be done.

And it can drag and drop multiple pictures with one click, and operate in batches, especially its online PS function, the interface is really like Photoshop!

Free commercial fonts——100font

When making pictures or We pay great attention to copyright issues when adding pictures to articles. Of course, fonts are no exception, especially in the workplace, which cannot be ignored at all!

100font is a special collection"Free Commercial Fonts" website, you canpackage and download free commercial fonts, bonusFont installer.

After selecting the font you want to download, this website will actively provide the download address, There arefont infringementRelated reminders are quite conscientious and easy to use. I also recommended similar font websites before, and after discovering this, others can be discarded.

High-definition picture material website——Pixabay

Inside this website There are too many beautiful and high-definition picture materials, and the picture styles are completely different. All pictures here can be used for commercial use.

Support Chinese and English search,Since it is a foreign website, of course, the search results in English are more accurate. Note: The advertising pictures of the search results cannot be used, and the free pictures below can be used. !

I used it when I was in school A very, very, very useful video material website! It can be said to be an evergreen tree in the video material website!

When you open the website, you can see "Focus on Free Materials" written in the upper left corner. This website can not only provide free sound effects, soundtracks, videos, but also tutorials on film and television post-production, games, 3D models, and graphic design. It's so conscientious! !

Its entire page is clearly divided, including a video template section, a high-definition real-shot section, a short video section, a creative film library, post-production special effects, and stage backgrounds, etc.< /strong>

Each section has relatively popular content, such as the short video section, see if you have seen several video materials!

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source:

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