:In this course, let you learn font design and logo design-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

In this course, let you learn font design and logo design

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In every branch of the graphic design industry, anyone who has experience knows that font design is essential and extremely critical.

Let's make it simple and give a few examples.


In logo design with graphics, many friends can design graphics, but they are not good at designing fonts, but fonts just cannot be ignored. It's embarrassing if you've designed the graphics but the typography doesn't, like this one:

In the picture above, Chinese and English have been carefully designed, and can complement each other with the graphics to form a unified and coordinated picture. In the picture below, the Chinese language has also been designed, but there are many serious mistakes in the font structure and stroke details. It can't echo the graphic on the left, in other words,poor font can ruin your design.


Corresponding to the above case, the prevalence of font logos has become an obvious trend in logo design. Removing graphics and using simple font design as logos has become the choice of more companies and brands, because the rhythm is gradually accelerating. In today's society, font logos are more concise, more direct, and easier to be recognized and remembered than graphic logos.


Not long ago, the logo upgrade of the well-known luxury brand Burberry is another new proof, not only in China, but also in international design trends:

The old LOGO of Burberry is familiar to everyone. It is an image of a knight riding a horse and wearing armor. In the new logo, this image is completely deleted, and the font is also changed from a serif to a sans-serif.


In China, there are more such cases.

For example Vanke:

For example, Bosideng:

For example, Juewei duck neck:

For example, Cainiao Network:


Although we cannot deny that many brands need graphic logos, a large number of brand upgrades are developing in a simple and modern direction, and they have decisively abandoned the previous graphic parts and replaced them with fonts. Because, such an upgrade will bring more effective and convenient communication, and it will also bring more long-term economic benefits.


In addition to the cases of brand upgrading mentioned above, there are many well-known brands that have been using font logos:

However, font design is not only so important in logo design. The following presentations will tell you that font design has wider uses and greater power.

Such as in a TV show:

C4D is needed to design the above font effects. I can tell you in advance that this course will give you 5 C4D live lessons

For example, in the design of e-commerce title words:

For example, in packaging design:


Speaking of this, I won’t give examples one by one. Every commodity around us is inseparable from fonts. Fonts, like air, are everywhere and are closely related to our lives.Since you are engaged in the graphic design industry, you should learn font design, because this will bring great convenience to your design work.


And today, the font design course that will be officially announced,is the last session of this year. In this course, the teaching content of font design remains basically the same , but, but, but,Starting from this issue, 6 "graphic logo lessons" and 3 "design proposal lessons" have been added, that is to say, through this In one course, you can not only handle fonts, but also learn to design graphic logos, and learn to submit complete design proposals to Party A. This kind of course upgrade will not only increase the class hours, but also give you more exciting materials. More dry goods will make you more at ease in your work, let you learn to accept private orders, learn more comprehensive design, and earn more MONEY!

However, the above is only the main part of the course. After the font and logo lessons are completed, 5 ​​PS word effects and 5 C4D lessons will be given to everyone Of course, it must also be a live class.

About this course, I would like to explain to you why the logo course was added. There are two reasons: First, many friends have asked me when I will offer a separate logo course. I don’t want to just learn fonts, but also want to learn Logo design, everyone has learning needs in this area; second, although I usually do a lot of fonts, the graphic logo design is also very large. The experience accumulated over the years can also be brought into the course, and the online teaching It has been more than six years, and I have the confidence to speak well so that everyone can learn.

Here, I need to say a few words to my previous students. In this course, I added a logo class for the first time. Everyone just listened to my font class before. Here, I would like to share with you Promise, at the end of this year, I will bring the benefits of the logo course to all past students. All past students, whether it is a few years ago or the previous few sessions of this year, I will invite everyone through our course QQ group When the time comes to attend the lectures, I invited other great guests to give lectures in the previous exclusive welfare courses for students, but this year, I will come to continue my relationship with you, and I will not forget everyone.

ok, as usual, let me introduce myself again:

Liu Bingke

Font Designer / Brand Designer / Designer Recommended by Zcool.com

Founder of Font Help/Lecturer of Font Design Course

Creative Director of Liu Bingke Brand Design Co., Ltd.

-Personal station cool homepage popularity 45 million, fans 210,000+;

are all ranked in the top 3 among the 4.7 million registered designers on Zcool.com.


In 2010, he began to publish font design works and design experience articles on Zaku.com. Since 2012, he has been engaged in font design teaching, and has opened more than 30 courses so far; at the same time, he is also the first lecturer of Zcool Design Open Class , Founder Font Library "Words Get It" font salon sharing guests, and has been invited many times to Shandong Academy of Arts and Crafts and other universities and many design companies to give lectures and training on font design;


Since 2012, two font design books have been officially published. The second book "Free Words" was published by People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House. So far, it has been reprinted 16 times, with 52,500 copies. It is available on Dangdang and Jingdong. Ranked in the forefront of the design book list, selected by many design colleges as textbooks for font design courses;


In January 2015, released the first set of personal font works: "Liu Bing Kexi Ranti"

June 2016

Lead the font class students to complete "Zhanku Happy Body"

March 2018

Leading the font class students to complete "Zhanku Literary Style"

August 2018

Complete "Zhan Ku Rui Rui Ti" and "Zhan Ku Tong Tong Ti"


Then, I post a small part of my work, both font and logo:

Then, the works of the students were displayed at that time, and I will show you a bunch of excellent works of the students in the previous periods in 2018:

The above are just excerpts of some excellent homework, otherwise the length will be too long~~~ If you think it is not enough, please click this Baidu network disk:

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YNC0sfjFf2INv8E8CVfz3A

Password: 51tq

I sorted out more than 400 excellent works of students this year and uploaded them to Baidu Netdisk for everyone to download and watch.

If you feel that it is not enough, then here is another video collection of previous students’ works:

Next, I will post a few pictures to let everyone know what kind of changes such a course can bring to you:







That’s all for now. In the face of everyone’s progress, I, as a teacher, am really quite satisfied. I took some pictures of our usual WeChat chats, which can be regarded as a record of everyone’s progress:




This wave of screenshots is written here. They are all the usual conversations between the students and me, about font issues, about font help list, and sharing of course feelings. In the course, as a teacher, I In close contact with everyone, in class, homework comments will be commented one by one, and once the comments in class are not finished, I will record a separate comment video the next morning. Every homework will not be missed. You Every mistake I've made, I won't miss.

On WeChat, I use the student ID to make notes on each student’s WeChat, and everyone can send me pictures at any time for consultation and exchange.

The next step is the specific plan for this course. If you want to make a qualitative leap in your design level within two months, please read carefully:

One, Course Outline


Glyph Design Course (Lecturer: Liu Bingke)

Chapter 1: Typeface Design Basics (Part 1)

Chapter Two: Pen and Rectangular Characters (Sections 2, 3, 4)

Chapter Three: Cartoon, Calligraphy, and Handwriting Typeface Design (Sections 5 and 6)

Chapter 4: Song typeface, swash type design (chapters 7 and 8)

Chapter 5: Commercial font logo design (sections 9, 10, 11, 12)


Logo Design Course (Lecturer: Liu Bingke)

Chapter 1: Basic course of logo design (section 13)

Chapter Two: Creative Design of Initial Letters in Logo (Sections 14 and 15)

Chapter Three: Graphic Creativity and Simplification (Sections 16 and 17)

Chapter Four: Design Skills of Text and Graphics (Section 18)

Chapter Five: Proposal Design Experience Sharing (Section 19)

Chapter 6: Auxiliary graphic design and PPT proposal skills (sections 20 and 21)

Chapter 7: Font and Logo Design Competition (Section 22, one week apart from Section 21)

Giveaway Course Section

C: Font Effect Design Course (5 sessions, Lecturer: Yue Fuqiang)

Some works of Mr. Yue:

D: C4D class (5 sessions, lecturer: Xu Hengzhen)

Some works of Mr. Xu:

Second, course time & platform

The class officially starts on October 15, 2018, every 1/3/5 at 20:00-22:00,

Using the "Weihou" platform to teach, online live broadcast, desktop sharing, timely communication and interaction,

Support windows system and Apple system, and the live broadcast can also be watched normally on the mobile phone.

Each class will be recorded and broadcast, encrypted and provided to students the next day after class

Three, course fees

The total course fee is 4600 yuan, which can be paid in installments, Registration fee, pay 2600 yuan;

After the class starts, within two weeks, pay the remaining 2,000 yuan;

After the course is upgraded and expanded, the tuition fee will remain the same.

The first 30 registrants will be given a font book worth 198 yuan.

Four, enrollment object

Graphic, e-commerce, brand designers, students majoring in design, etc.

Accept zero-based registration, after registration, will send AI basic operation video

The introduction is here, let’s not write the tuition payment method first, please read the following points, if you can do it, you can sign up for the course:


Registration and payment methods announced

That's all for the introduction

In short

The right to learn is in your hands

If you want to avoid bumps and pitfalls

If you want to improve better and faster

If you want to catch the tail of 2018

Let yourself have more energy

Welcome to the coming 2019



I, wait for you here


Liu Bingke

Written on September 17, 2018

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