:50 CAD tips for meeting each other late-empirical point of view免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

50 CAD tips for meeting each other late

代表转动镜像。2. 使用CTRL键实现连续选择在CAD中,按住CTRL键并点击需要选择的对象,可以实现连续选择多个对象。3. 使用LAYER命令进行图层管理使用LAYER命令可以方便地管理图层,包括创建、修改、删除、设置图层属性等。4. 使用BLOCK进行图形封装使用BLOCK命令可以将多个对象封装为一个块,并在需要的时候重复使用。5. 使用DIMSOLID命令创建实心标注线DIMSOLID命令可以创建实心的标注线,增加标注的清晰度和可读性。6. 使用OFFSET命令进行偏移操作OFFSET命令可以快速创

GIS technology | Sorting / Xinghe Wenquan

1. How to set the text mirror to rotate or not Turn

① Before mirroring, enter the MIRRTEXT command

②Enter a new value of 0 to represent no rotation; enter a new value of 1 to represent rotation

③After the MIRRTEXT command is completed, enter the MI mirror command

(Follow the WeChat public account "Shuijingzhu GIS" and reply "CAD" to get the CAD2010 installation package)

2. CAD version conversion

①High CAD version can open all low version drawings

②A lower version of CAD cannot open a drawing of a higher version

③The method of converting a high version to a low version, directly click Save As, and the file type can be changed to any low version

④ Converting a lower version to a higher version is more complicated and requires third-party software, that is, a version converter.

3. How to save the CAD file as a lower version by default

①Input OP in the drawing interface

②Click to open and save tab

③Choose the lower version at the file save-save as

4. The method of merging polylines

①Enter the PE command

②Select a line to be merged, input Y, and then input J

③ Select all the lines that need to be merged, and that's it

5. The solution when the filling is invalid

Sometimes the filling will not be filled Come out, in addition to the system variables that need to be considered, you also need to check in the OP option. Solution: OP - Display - Apply Entity Fill (check)

6. The solution when the selection is invalid

The correct setting should be continuous Select multiple objects, but sometimes, continuous selection of objects will fail, and only the last selected object can be selected. Solution:

OP (option) - select - SHIFT key to add to the selection set (remove the tick)

Using the SHIFT key to add to the selection set and "remove the tick" will make the selection valid, otherwise the selection will be invalid.

7. CAD command three-key restore

If the system variables in CAD are accidentally What should I do if some parameters are changed intentionally?

At this time, there is no need to reinstall, and there is no need to change them one by one. Solution: OP option - configuration - reset, but after recovery, some options still need some adjustments, such as the size of the cross cursor, etc.~

8. What should I do if the middle mouse button is not working?

Under normal circumstances, CAD The scroll wheel can be used to zoom in and out, as well as pan (press and hold), but sometimes, when you press and hold the scroll wheel, instead of pan, the next menu appears, which is very annoying.

Solution: At this time, just adjust the system variable mbuttonpan, initial value: 1

Supports panning when a button or wheel is held down and dragged.

9. The model in the command line, the solution when the layout is missing

OP— —Options——Display——Show layout and model tabs (just tick)

10. CAD skills

As we all know, there are two OK keys, one is "back Car" and the other is "space", but let's replace them with the right button for now.

Solution: OP option - user system configuration - use the shortcut menu (tick) in the drawing area to customize the right button, click in - tick all repeat the last command

11. What to do if the circular graph is not round

Method 1: This is simple, Just enter the command RE directly

Method 2: OP—Display—just increase the smoothness of the circle or arc a little.

12. Display scroll bars in the graphics window

Solution: OP—— —Just display the scroll bar in the graphics window OP——display—just display the scroll bar in the graphics window.

13. What if you want to print the same line type next time?

In other words [how to save the print list], the solution: OP option - print - add print list, but before that, you have to create a list of your own

14. How to reduce file size

After the graphics are finished, perform cleanup (PURGE) command to clean up redundant data, such as useless blocks, layers without entities, unused line types, fonts, dimension styles, etc., which can effectively reduce the file size. Generally, two to three times of PURGE are required for thorough cleaning.

-purge, with a minus sign in front, will clean up more thoroughly.

15. Why can't Chinese characters be displayed? The entered Chinese characters become question marks?

The reason may be:

①The corresponding font does not use Chinese fonts, such as HZTXT.SHX, etc.;

②There is no Chinese font shape file in the current system; the used shape file should be copied to the font directory of AutoCAD;

③ For some symbols, such as Greek letters, etc., the corresponding font shape file must also be used, otherwise it will be displayed as a question mark.

If you can’t find what the wrong font is, or your eyes are not very good, and you are a little anxious, then you can reset the correct font and size, write a new one, and then use a small brush to click on the newly entered font. Just brush the wrong font~

(The system has some built-in fonts, but sometimes the fonts of Chinese characters are lost due to wrong operations or other external factors, which will bring you great inconvenience. Copy some fonts from the computer)

16. Why can't the height of the input text be changed

The height value of the font used When it is not 0, the input height will not be prompted when using the DTEXT command to write text, so the height of the written text will not change, including the dimension marked with this font.

17. Why some graphics can be displayed but not printed

If the graphics are drawn in This happens on layers automatically generated by AutoCAD and should be avoided on these layers.

18. What to do if the DWG file is damaged

Answer: File - drawing utility ——Repair, select the file you want to repair

19. What to do if you want to modify the block

Many people think that the block cannot be modified, Just blow it up, and then merge and redefine it into blocks after modification. Here is a simple way:

Modify the block command: REFEDIT, follow the prompts to modify and then use the command REFCLOSE, confirm to save, and your original changes will also be saved.

20. What if the mirrored font remains unrotated

When the value is 0, When the mirrored font can be kept from being rotated, it will be rotated.

21. How to print the square

First mark the picture, and then use the ED command , select under the @ drop-down menu in the text format menu to mark special characters such as squares.

22. Input of special symbols

We know that the "Ф" representing the diameter is used to control Code %%3. represents the "±" of the ground plane with the control code %%P, and the degree symbol "°" with the control code %%D. But how to input in CAD

①T text command, drag out a text box

②Right click in the dialog box - symbol - some options will appear

23. What to do if the printed font is hollow

Enter TEXTFILL on the command line Command, if the value is 0, the font is hollow. A value of 1 makes the font solid.

24. Eliminate point marks

In AutoCAD, sometimes there are intersection marks on the mouse Generated at the click, use the BLIPMODE command, and enter OFF at the prompt line to eliminate it.

25. Restoration of wrong files

Sometimes the CAD drawings we have worked hard for a few days will be Suddenly unable to open due to power outage or other reasons, and there is no backup file, then we can try the following methods to restore:

In the "File (File)" menu, select the "Drawing Utilities/Recover (Drawing Utilities/Recover)" item, in the pop-up "Select File (Select File)" dialog box after selecting the file to be recovered Confirm, the system starts to restore files.

26. Restore invalid feature matching commands

Sometimes we use AutoCAD R14 , other commands are normal, but feature matching cannot be used, and its installer cannot be found when reinstalling the software, then try the method described below: type the menu command on the command line, and in the pop-up 'select menu File' dialog box, select the acad.mnu menu file to reload the menu.

27. How to hide the coordinates

Sometimes you will use some screenshot software to capture CAD or perform some similar printing operations, but in the process, are you troubled by the coordinates of the lower left corner?

Because of its existence, it affects your operation.

Solution: Set UCSICON to OFF to close it, otherwise ON to open it.

28. What to do if you want to insert the CAD drawing into WORD

①First provide a simple method: use the BetterWMF small software Just copy and paste it directly into word, it's perfect!

②In the production of Word documents, various illustrations are often required. The drawing function of Word is limited, especially for complex graphics. It is a good way to solve the problem by drawing graphics with AutoCAD, and then inserting them into Word to make compound documents. You can use the EXPORT function provided by AutoCAD to output AutoCAD graphics in BMP or WMF format, and then insert them into Word documents, or you can copy the AutoCAD graphics first. to the clipboard and then paste it in the Word document. It should be noted that since the default background color of AutoCAD is black, and the background color of Word is white, the background color of AutoCAD graphics should be changed to white first. In addition, after AutoCAD graphics are inserted into Word documents, the margins are often too large, and the effect is not ideal. Use the cropping function on the Word picture toolbar to trim, and the problem of too large empty margins can be solved.

29. What to do if you want to insert EXCEL

Although AutoCAD has powerful graphics functions, its table processing functions are relatively weak , but in actual work, it is often necessary to make various tables in AutoCAD, such as engineering quantity tables, etc. How to make tables efficiently is a very practical problem.

Drawing the form by hand drawing lines in the AutoCAD environment, and then filling in the text in the form is not only inefficient, but also difficult to precisely control the writing position of the text, and the text layout is also very problematic. Although AutoCAD supports object linking and embedding, you can insert Word or Excel tables, but on the one hand, it is not very convenient to modify. You have to enter Word or Excel for a small modification, and you have to return to AutoCAD after the modification is completed.

On the other hand, some special symbols such as first-level steel bar symbols and second-level steel bar symbols are difficult to input in Word or Excel, so is there a way to get the best of both worlds? After exploration, it can be better solved like this: First make the table in Excel, copy it to the clipboard, and then select Paste Special in the Edit menu in the AutoCAD environment. After confirming, the table is converted into an AutoCAD entity, and the lines and lines in it can be edited by exploding it with explode. Square characters, very convenient.

30. An effective way to delete stubborn layers

An effective way to delete stubborn layers is to use layer mapping, command laytrans, you can map the layer to be deleted to layer 0. This method can delete layers that have entity objects or are nested and defined by other blocks. It can be said to be a universal layer deleter.

31. How to close the *BAK file in CAD

①Tools - Options, select the "Open and Save" option card, and remove the checkmark in front of "Create a backup every time you save" in the dialog box.

② You can also use the command ISAVEBAK to change the system variable of ISAVEBAK to 0. When the system variable is 1, a "*BAK" backup file will be created every time you save.

32. In CAD, the coordinate box at the bottom left of the drawing area sometimes turns gray. What should I do if the displayed coordinates do not change when the mouse moves in the drawing area?< /h1>

At this time, you need to press the F6 key or change the system variable of COORDS to 1 or 2.

When the system variable is 0, it means that the coordinate display is updated when the point is specified by the pointing device; when the system variable is 1, it means that the coordinate display is updated continuously; when the system variable is 2, it means that the coordinate display is updated continuously, When distance and angle are required, the distance and angle to the previous point are displayed.

33. What should I do if I open an old drawing with AutoCAD and sometimes encounter an abnormal error and interrupt the exit

You can create a new one A graphics file, and inserting the old picture as a block may solve the problem.

What should I do if the dimension arrow and the trace line drawn by Trace become hollow in AutoCAD?

Using the FILLMMODE command, enter a new value of 1 at the prompt line to make it solid again

34. What to do if the content of layer 1 is covered by the content of layer 2

If in a picture Here, the content of layer 1 is covered by the content of layer 2, and the covered content can be displayed by using Tools-Display-Front.

35. The solution when a fatal error occurs when printing with AUTOCAD (2002 and 2004) under the XP system:

Do not open the printing stamp function in AUTOCAD, if it is already open, you need to change the ACPLTSTAMP.ARX file in the root directory of AUTOCAD to another name or delete it. However, AUTOCAD cannot be run when deleting, and it must have administrator privileges, otherwise it cannot be deleted.

36. How to measure the length of polylines and polylines with arcs

Just use the list command (list )

37. How to bisect geometric shapes? How to divide a rectangle into any N×M small rectangles, or divide a circle into N parts, or divide any corner equally

divide command It only equally divides the line segment and cannot equally divide other geometric figures. There is no such function for straight bisection geometry. But when you divide the two sides of the rectangle into M and N equal parts, can't you still get the equal parts of the rectangle?

38. In the past, the 3D mouse wheel key was used to press the translation command, but now it has become a capture setting. How to change it back?

Type MBUTTONPAN directly at the command prompt and you will be prompted for a new value. Set the system variable MBUTTONPAN=1.

39. How to measure the length of a circle in AUTOCAD2000, if the length is 125 cm, how to draw a circle

Using the lengthen command, you can know the arc length, and you can also change the arc length.

40. Why is the stack button unavailable in CAD2000?

To use stacking, one is to have stacking symbols, and the other is to The stacked content can only be operated after being selected.

41. How to change the line drawn by L into PL

Use the pedit command to edit polylines, including merging (J) option.

42. After using the print style sheet, why is the color line still dotted when printing, how to set it up

Yes There are two ways to set the printing. If it is color-related printing, the printing style setting in the layer manager cannot be changed. The other is named plot styles.

43. What are the concepts of area, block, and entity? Can several entities be combined into one entity, and then select this merged entity at one time when selecting.

Regions are two-dimensional regions created from closed shapes or rings. A block is a collection of objects that can be combined to form a single object (or called a block definition) (a drawing can generally be considered a block in another drawing). Entity has two concepts, one is the tangible basic elements that make up graphics, and the other is three-dimensional objects. For three-dimensional entities, you can use 'Boolean operation' to combine them. For generalized entities, you can use 'block' or ' Group (group)' for 'joint'.

44. I don’t know how to adjust the size of the frame when inserting the frame in the architectural drawing?

The frame is based on the standard drawing number drawn. When using it, it is necessary to consider the printing ratio. So calculate a print scale with the selected figure number based on the size of your figure. If the ratio is 1:50, then the frame is enlarged 50 times when using the frame, and reduced by 50 times when printing, it is exactly the size of the original frame.

45. I set the ratio of the dotted line in the paper space, and I can see it clearly, but the layout is a solid line, and the printed line is also a solid line

This is related to the linetype scale factor. If you want to look suitable in both model space and paper space, you should remove the hook at the red line in the attached drawing. If it is hooked, then in order to ensure that the linetype is displayed correctly when printing from paper space, the effect in model space cannot be guaranteed to be appropriate.

46. The solution to the invalid Ctrl key

Such as CTRL+C (copy), CTRL+V (paste), Commands related to the CTRL key, such as CTRL+A (select all), are invalid. At this time, you only need to adjust it in the OP option

Operation: OP (option)——user system configuration—windows standard accelerator key (checked), after the standard accelerator key is checked, the commands related to the CTRL key are valid, otherwise invalid

47. The content of layer 1 is covered by the content of layer 2, what to do

If it is in In a picture, the content of layer 1 is covered by the content of layer 2

Operation: Tools—Display—Front to display the covered content

48. What should I do if the toolbar is missing?

①If the toolbar in AUTOCAD is missing, in the tool Right-click on the column, and that's it

②If it is not visible due to normal closing, then select the toolbar you want to apply in the view toolbar

49. The method of modifying the text alignment without changing the text position

Operation: modify—object—text— — Justification

Changing the alignment does not change the position of the text.

50.CAD saves the file as the lower version by default

Input OP in the drawing interface

Click to open and save tab

Choose the lower version at the file save-save as

Source of the article:Technical training


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