How to change PS font color:4-25 Rendering filter to create flame characters-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

4-25 Rendering filter to create flame characters

Rendering filter - flame

Learning purpose: Understand the usage scenarios and methods of using rendering filter flame, review and consolidate the basic skills of PS learned previously. Learn to use the flame filter to draw flames, understand the various parameter effects in the flame filter and how to adjust them, use the flame filter to create flame characters and draw flames.

Specific steps:

1. Open the picture - text tool - enter letters - adjust font and size

2. CTRL+ENTER to load text selection - Path panel - Change selection to path

3. Return to the layer panel-new layer-filter-rendering-flame

4. Basic tab:

flame type

There are 5 types of flames


The length of the flame, random, multiple flames are of different lengths


flame width


angle of flame

time interval

The distance the flames separate on the path


flame effect

Advanced tab:


degree of flame distortion


Smoothness of the edge of the flame


The contrast between the bright and dark parts of the flame can also be adjusted later.

flame lines

The complexity of flames

bottom aligned

Flame base alignment on path

Randomize shapes

Check it so that the shapes of each flame on the path are different.

4. Basic type selection 2 Multiple flames along the path - length 60 - width 17 - angle - time interval 10 - quality (sketch)

5. Advanced tab - Turbulence 16 - Jagginess 0 - Opacity 36 - Line 12 - Bottom alignment 5 - Flame style (normal) - Flame shape (parallel) - Check Randomize shape

6. Hide the text layer - cancel path selection - adjust color (contrast, hue, saturation)

You can also use a pen to draw a path, and the flame is generated according to the path

Create flame text

Draw flames

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