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38 CSS Resources to Upgrade Your CSS Skills

Thank you so much for sharing! I'll leave you with the remaining 37 CSS resources. Before doing so, I want to remind you to pay attention to ensuring the security of your computer and browser, as well as legality. 2. Animate.css address: https://animate.s

Hello everyone, today I willshare38 CSS tools that you can use to create beautiful styles.

1, Layoutit Grid

Address: https://grid.layoutit.com //

Layoutit grid is a CSS Grid layout generator. Use the clean editor to quickly draw web page layouts and get HTML and CSS code to jump-start your next project. You can also see the code on CodePen!

2. Sarah Drasner's CSS Grid Generator

Address: https://cssgrid-generator.netlify.app/

This site is a collection of samples, videos, and other information to help you learn CSS Grid Layout. Developed and maintained by Rachel Andrew.

3, Grid by Example

Address: https://gridbyexample.com/

4. CSS Grid Garden

Address: https://cssgridgarden.com/

Grow your carrot garden while learning CSS Grid.

5, Mastery Games

Address: https://mastery.games/

Here, you can lay around zombies and practice Flexbox; saving a cute alien species while learning CSS Grid.

6, Grid Malven

Address: https ://grid.malven.co/

7, CSS Tricks

Address: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/complete-guide-grid/

CSS Tricks A comprehensive guide to CSS Grid.

8, Cubic Bezier

Address: https://cubic-bezier.com/#.17,.67,.83,.67

Use this tool to quickly generate preview cubic Bezier curves.

9, CSS animation

Address: http://cssanimation.io/

Use this tool to create your animation very easily, it also supports GSAP.

10. CSS Animation 101 eBook

Address: https://cssanimation.rocks/css-animation-101/

11. CSS Dinner

Address: https://flukeout.github.io/

Practice your CSS positioning skills with CSS Diner.

12. Flexbox mode

Address: https://www.flexboxpatterns.com/

Here you can get a lot of tips and patterns for using Flexbox.

13, Flexbox Froggy

Address: https://flexboxfroggy.com/

14, Flexbox Cheatsheet

Address: https://darekkay.com/flexbox-cheatsheet/

15, Devinduct Flexbox

Address: https://devinduct.com/workshop/flexbox

16、Css - tricks

Address: https://css-tricks.com/almanac/

17, Keyframes

Address: https://keyframes.app/

Simple visual tool to help you generate CSS for your project.
A visual editor similar to video editing software, which can create basic or complex animation effects with CSS.
Create single or multiple layers of box shadows by simply moving a few sliders. And can get CSS output.
Choose your favorite colors, convert between hexadecimal and RGB, and create and save palettes.

18. CSS selector cheat sheet

Address: https://frontend30.com/css-selectors-cheatsheet/

This tool is designed to quickly query and search CSS selectors.

19, CSS font stack

Address: https://www.cssfontstack.com/

Get web safe fonts and more from Dan's tool.

20, Bennett Feely's Clippy

Address: https://bennettfeely.com/clippy/

A tool to get your clipping path.

21, Codrops CSS Reference

Address: https://tympanus.net/codrops/css_reference/

contains all important properties and a reference of extensive CSS information to help you learn CSS from the basics.

22, CSS Reference

Address: https://cssreference.io/

This is another CSS reference resource.

23, Frontend Mentor

Address: https://www.frontendmentor.io/

Frontend Mentor has lots of HTML and CSS based projects where you can complete challenges and improve your style with real projects.

24, code player

Address: https://thecodeplayer.com/

Video style walkthrough showing cool stuff created from scratch.

25, CSS Database

Address: https://cssdb.org/

cssdb is a comprehensive list of CSS features and their place in becoming an implemented web standard.

26, border radius generator

Address: https://border-radius.com/

27. CSS Button Creator

Address: https://cssbuttoncreator.com/

28, CSS button generator

Address: https://www.bestcssbuttongenerator.com/

29, Samantha Ming

Address: https://www.samanthaming.com/


Address: https://specificity.keegan.st/

An intuitive way to understand CSS specificity. Change the selector or paste your own.

31, Clean CSS

Address: https://www.cleancss.com/css-minify/

Minify your CSS.

32, 100 Day CSS Challenge

Address: https://100dayscss.com/


Address: https://csslayout.io/

A collection of popular layouts and patterns made with CSS.


Address: https://doodad.dev/pattern-generator/

35、Free Frontend

Address: https://freefrontend.com/css-code-examples/

Free CSS code samples from codepen.io and other sources.

36. Glassmorphism CSS Generator

Address: https://hype4.academy/tools/glassmorphism-generator

37, Smol CSS

Address: https://smolcss.dev/

Minimal snippet for modern CSS layouts and components.

38, Lottie file

Address: https://lottiefiles.com/featured

English | https://hulyakarakaya.medium.com/level-up-your-css-with-these-38-resources-c0de7ecd8714

Translation | Yang Xiaoer | Web front-end development

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