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360 Company Ten Years Celebration-Visual Design Proposal Produced by Woman Media

Move and build the future together; SLOGAN2: Share the world and win the future together. Based on these two slogans, we designed the following visual solutions: 1. LOGO design: We respected the original brand image of 360, but also injected some new elem

It is a great honor to cooperate with Fanglue Bohua to participate in the 2016 360 10th anniversary celebration annual meeting project. WMM is mainly responsible for designing the graphic visual part. Starting with 360's 10-year LOGO, a full range of visual packaging is carried out.

Internet of everything, 360 (I) with I

Internet of everything:
In the future, based on the Internet, the hardware technology will be more perfect, the role of the Internet It will also become more important with the role of hardware in people's lives. Based on this condition, the barriers and boundaries caused by space and time will become smaller and smaller, culture and communication will become closer, and the exchange and sharing of information and data will become the driving force for changing the world.
The world will continue to be transformed by the Internet. Connected even more closely by Internet connections. It is still 360's judgment on the impact of the evolution of the Internet on the world. Judgment on the changes brought about by the Internet.

There is I, there is me:
I is the Internet. The direct meaning is: Where there is the Internet, there is "Qihoo 360" that protects Internet security. Secondly, although information sharing and exchange is the driving force to change the world, Pandora's box has also been opened. And 360's commitment is to protect the safety of individuals and teams in the Internet environment. No matter how the Internet evolves, 360 has the ability to undertake its security. It's for the hot "love" of the internet. Now "have me" and "have me" in the future. This is the unchanging promise of 360.

Walking the Internet and Smart Future

360 will always be at the forefront of the Internet, leading the Internet circle
Intelligent products, 360 value-added industry chain, detonating the Internet circle

360公司十年庆典-视觉设计方案 沃漫传媒出品

LOGO extracts the graphic elements of 360 logo, cleverly evolves and draws a ribbon, the whole shape reflects the sense of the future of the times, strives for beauty balance, and looks like a road, implying that 360 has gone through 10 years of ups and downs and won the honor of the future. The overall color uses 360 corporate standard colors.

360公司十年庆典-视觉设计方案 沃漫传媒出品 360公司十年庆典-视觉设计方案 沃漫传媒出品 360公司十年庆典-视觉设计方案 沃漫传媒出品

The design proposal only has two days of design time, and some details are too sloppy, but we still made strict proportion specifications on the LOGO, and indicated the application of the LOGO in different places.

360公司十年庆典-视觉设计方案 沃漫传媒出品 360公司十年庆典-视觉设计方案 沃漫传媒出品 360公司十年庆典-视觉设计方案 沃漫传媒出品 360公司十年庆典-视觉设计方案 沃漫传媒出品

The main visual design scheme still follows its corporate VI principles, and designs a different 360 annual meeting visual. The combination of yellow and green makes yellow present a golden visual effect, which is used in all material extensions to appear noble and grand.

360公司十年庆典-视觉设计方案 沃漫传媒出品 360公司十年庆典-视觉设计方案 沃漫传媒出品

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