Remove watermark:Quickly remove watermarks from pictures in 3 seconds, no matter your computer or mobile phone! You just don’t know what a pity it is-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

Quickly remove watermarks from pictures in 3 seconds, no matter your computer or mobile phone! You just don’t know what a pity it is

Whether on mobile phones or computers, many friends will look for all kinds of good-looking pictures on the Internet. However, sometimes some good-looking pictures will have some watermarks on them, which will make many friends feel awkward. Don’t worry, today I will share some very simple methods to help you easily remove various watermarks on pictures~

1. Computer operation

1.3D drawing

When we want to remove watermarks from computer pictures, we can use the [Magic Selection] function in the [3D Painting] that comes with the computer to help us.

We can use the [Magic Selection] function to select the watermark in the picture, click [OK] and then delete the watermark. The operation is very simple~

2. Meituxiuxiu online website

If we want to remove the watermark on the picture, we can also use the [Erase Pen] function in [Meitu Xiu Xiu Online Website] to help us complete this operation.

After opening the picture on the website, click [Erase Pen], and then smear back and forth on the watermark of the picture. In this way, we can also remove the watermark in the picture.

2. Mobile phone operation

If the pictures we save on the phone also have watermarks, don’t worry, you can also remove them using the following methods~

1. Album editing

Nowadays, many mobile phone photo albums are becoming more and more powerful. When we want to remove watermarks from mobile phone pictures, we can also do it in the mobile phone photo album. Like Xiaomi phones, we can find the [Magic Elimination] function in the editing function of Xiaomi Photo Album.

Then click the [Remove Debris] function, and then smear on the watermark, so that the watermark in the picture can be easily removed.

2. Traceless watermark removal

If your mobile phone album does not have this function, we can also use the [Invisible Watermark Removal] software to help us remove watermarks from pictures.

Open the software, click [Picture Watermark Removal] and add the picture to the software. Then adjust the size and position of the selection box so that it surrounds the entire watermark. Finally, click [Finish]. In this case, the software will help us remove the picture. The watermark is removed.

Okay, the above is how to remove watermarks from images. I believe everyone understands it, right? If you are in need, go and try it~

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