:"3 Minutes: The secret to creating professional-grade PPT"-Presentation skills免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

"3 Minutes: The secret to creating professional-grade PPT"

When writing PPT, it often happens that the page is filled with dense text and the content is not vivid enough. As a result, it is difficult for the audience to quickly see the text structure during the speech, and the hard-prepared text cannot be effectively conveyed. To solve this problem, you can use a utility tool from WPS2019 to convert text into illustrations to enhance the visual effect. The following is a brief description of the conversion steps: 1. Select the text box, and then select the last button "Convert to Graphics" on the right toolbar, or find this button in the "Text Tools" menu bar. Note that this effect is not supported for "Cover Page". 2. If you cannot find the tool, you can go to the official website to upgrade to the latest version of WPS2019. 3. After clicking the "Convert to Graphics" button, a window will pop up with many exquisite relationship graphics to choose from. 4. Select a graphic and the page content will automatically apply the style you selected. 5. If you feel that the graphics do not match the PPT style, you can select the text box, click "Change Style" on the bottom toolbar, and then modify the relationship diagram style in the right window. 6. If the color does not conform to the PPT style, you can click "Change Color" and select a suitable color template to replace it. 7. In order to improve the page effect, you can click "Demo Animation" to add animation special effects to the page without complicated settings. 8. Although converting text to graphics can improve the expressiveness of the text, if there is too much text, the converted graphic effect will also be affected. Therefore, it is recommended to appropriately streamline the text and refine keywords before conversion. 9. In addition to converting written content into graphics, you can also directly select a graphical template to create a slide, and then fill in text into the template. Please note that in order to achieve the best results, while making reasonable use of these tools, you must also pay attention to the refinement of content and the aesthetics of the design.

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/3-fen-zhong-su-cheng-da-zao-zhuan-ye-ji-PPT-de-mi-jue.html

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