:24th Festival Xiaoman - recommended fonts commonly used in splash screens-empirical point of view免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

24th Festival Xiaoman - recommended fonts commonly used in splash screens

The following are recommended fonts commonly used in splash screens for Xiaoman on the 24th Festival: 1. Zixinfang Youth Style 2, マメロン 3, Hanyi Xindi Tang Dynasty Style 4, Xindi Xiaowanzi Primary School Edition 5, Zixing Workshop Mengyuan 6, Yun Calligrap

1. Zixinfang youth style

2. Mamelon

3. Hanyi Xindi Tang Dynasty Style

4. Xindi Chibi Maruko Primary School Edition

5. Word making workshop Mengyuan

6. Yun Calligrapher Han Jinshui Wei Stele Slips

7. Character making studio Xiyue style

8. Zixinfang Xiameng handwriting

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/24th%20Festival%20Xiaoman%20%20recommended%20fonts%20commonly%20used%20in%20splash%20screens.html

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