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2023 Netizens’ Satisfaction Survey on Network Security Officially Launched

On September 12, the press conference and sample collection launch ceremony of the 2023 Netizens’ Satisfaction Survey on Cyber ​​Security were held in Beijing, calling on the whole society to take action to jointly build a clean cyberspace. The conference announced that the 2023 Netizens’ Satisfaction Survey on Internet Security will be officially launched from 0:00 on September 13th to 24:00 on September 22nd to collect opinions and suggestions from netizens to help improve netizens’ sense of gain, happiness, and sense of security and satisfaction, and serve the high-quality development of national network security and informatization undertakings.

Lin Yongzhong, vice chairman of the Beijing Cyberspace Security Association, the leading sponsor, said that in order to comprehensively understand and reflect netizens’ feelings and opinions on my country’s cyber security situation, and provide detailed Internet sentiment and public opinion support for the state and relevant departments to carry out cyber social governance and supervision, To further "listen to the voices of the people, gather public opinion, relieve people's worries, and smooth people's hearts", with the support and guidance of the public security, cybersecurity and informatization and other party and government departments at all levels across the country, Cybersecurity has joined forces with 135 network security industry associations and related institutions and public welfare organizations across the country. jointly launched the investigation.

Yuan Xuyang, deputy director of the organizing committee of the survey activity and president of the Beijing Internet Industry Association, said that the survey activity on netizens’ satisfaction with network security has become a relatively well-known brand among many social survey activities and has become a major social welfare activity on network security. As a major event, he called on netizens across the country to actively participate in the collection of questionnaires and feedback their online experience to relevant national government departments.

It is reported that for this year’s survey, the organizing committee will adopt a more open attitude and openly solicit special report cooperation units from the whole society, and encourage local social organizations and institutions to undertake special research projects and jointly make suggestions for cyberspace security.

As of 2022, the survey on Internet users’ satisfaction with online security has been successfully held for five sessions. The survey has collected more than 7.75 million valid samples, collected and summarized more than 646,000 opinions and suggestions from Internet users, and browsed and clicked data more than 200 million times. , released 687 professional investigation reports such as national general reports, special reports, and regional reports. (Li Ji)


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