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2022 Teacher Qualification Examination Chinese Subject Knowledge and Teaching Ability Test Questions in the Second Half of 2022 (Senior High School)

1. Single-choice questions (a total of 15 small questions, 3 points for each small question, 45 points in total)

1. Teaching the "Contemporary Cultural Participation" task group, the teacher organizes students to visit the "Chinese Famous Mountains" painting exhibition, and requires the students to collect and sort out ancient poems describing "Famous Mountains". The following is suitable ( ).

A. Viewed horizontally as mountains and sideways as peaks, the distances and heights are different (Su Shi's "Inscription on the West Forest Wall")

B. The mountains and rivers are full of doubts and there is no way out, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright and another village (Lu You's "Shanxi Village")

C. The sound of apes on both sides of the strait can't stop crying, the light boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains (Li Bai's "Early Departure from Baidi City")

D. Mountains and valleys go to Jingmen, and there is still a village for the concubine of the Ming Dynasty (Du Fu's "Yonghuai Ancient Site Part 3")

3. In the task group of teaching "cross-cultural seminars", teachers organize students to read Chinese and foreign stream-of-consciousness novels. The following selections are ( ).

A. "A Spot on the Wall" and "The Sound of Spring"

B. "Ulysses" and "The Three-Body Problem"

C. "The Moon and Sixpence" "Alive"

D. "The Sound and the Fury" "One Hundred Years of Solitude"

5. In teaching "Lotus Lake", the teacher asked students to learn in the "authentic and meaningful context of Chinese practice activities" and played the real video of Lotus Lake. The correct solution for the following understanding is ( ).

A. Created an effective language practice situation, which can restore the real life described in the work

B. Created an effective situation for Chinese practice activities, enhanced emotional experience, and realized in-depth reading

C. Failure to create an effective situation for Chinese practice activities cannot develop students' ability to read novels

D. Did not create an effective situation of Chinese practice activities, and could not guide students to understand the scenes of the novel

7. In order to help students understand the historical background of Qin's destruction of the Six Kingdoms, the teacher of "Theory of the Six Kingdoms" showed the "Situation Map of Qin's Destruction of the Six Kingdoms". The following analysis of the teacher's behavior is suitable is ( ).

A. Reviewing the real history has improved students' historical subject literacy

B. Reproduce the content of the text to help students memorize and recite the text in college

C. Introduce resources to enhance the fun and vividness of classical Chinese learning

D. Profoundly reveal historical facts and help students understand the theme of the text

9. A teaching and research group discusses the "Chinese Curriculum Standards for Ordinary High Schools (2017 Edition, 2020 Revision)". The following understanding of the learning task group is suitable ( ).

A. The teaching of task groups should be implemented one by one in order, step by step, to meet the learning requirements

B. There are differences in the learning focus and presentation methods of the common task group in different stages of high school

C. Learning task groups are based on each other, and at the same time reflect the positioning and functions of different learning task groups

D. The content of each learning task group crosses each other, and the learning methods are different, and they continue to expand and deepen

11. Read the teaching activity design about "Climbing the High", and answer the questions as required.

Design 1: The teacher organizes students to read the special topic of "Du Fu's Climbing Poems" in class, hoping to guide students to deeply understand the language style and emotional connotation of Du Fu's Climbing Poems through comparative reading of multiple poems and rich learning activities.

Design 2: The teacher guides the students to appreciate and analyze the whole poem, and after experiencing the emotional keynote of the whole poem with "sorrow" as the core, the students are required to complete a class task - to write a 100-character tourist slogan for the mountain that Du Fu climbed.

For the analysis of the above teaching design, the appropriate one is ( ).

A. Carrying out comparative reading is to strengthen students' love for beautiful rivers and mountains

B. Students read Du Fu's climbing poems, but they can't understand the language style of Du Fu's poems

C. There is no close logical connection between the drafting of tourism slogans and the previous teaching link

D. Students’ understanding of the emotional tone of the whole poem should be arranged after writing the tourism slogan

13. Read fragments of teaching and research papers on the task group of "Speculative Reading and Expression", and answer questions as required.

A unit of the compulsory textbook has selected four texts, which are "Admonishing Taizong Shi Sishu", "Answering Sima Admonishment Book", "A Fang Gong Fu" and "Six Kingdoms". They belong to the "Speculative Reading and Expression" learning task group. Design The learning task faces the following problems: First, how to focus on the learning objectives and content of "Speculative Reading and Expression" to determine the unit teaching objectives. Second, how to help students sort out and explore the rules of language use on the basis of reading and appreciation, and externalize them into expressions and communication results. Third, how to select tasks, projects, and scenarios to implement the requirements of the learning task group. Fourth, how to transform the abstract thinking process and speculative ability involved in "speculative reading and expression" into concrete and visual learning activities?

The relevant countermeasures for teaching and research papers are not suitable ( ).

A. Establishing connections: Synthesizing the learning objectives of the "curriculum standard" task group and the characteristics of the unit selections to determine the unit objectives

B. Clarify ideas: Carry out Chinese practice activities of "reading and appreciation, combing and exploration, expression and communication"

C. Design tasks: teachers select tasks, clarify teaching methods, attach importance to thinking, and refine specific learning activities

D. Materialized results: students are required to standardize the learning activities at each stage to form valuable learning results

15. Read fragments of teaching and research papers on the task group of "Contemporary Cultural Participation", and answer questions as required.

The "contemporary" of "contemporary cultural participation" refers to taking research and solving current practical problems as the learning task. Even if we pay attention to history and explore tradition, we must face up to its practical significance.

The "culture" of "Contemporary Cultural Participation" refers to examining life with a broad vision and an open mind to discover more meaningful topics. The so-called "culture" is the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created by human beings in the process of social and historical development. Generally speaking, it refers more to spiritual wealth, such as literature, art, education, science, etc.

The "participation" of "contemporary cultural participation" refers to intervening in life, changing passive acceptance of life into active thinking and transformation of life, and demonstrating the essential power of Chinese by solving specific life problems and researching cultural issues.

All in all, to make language learning closer to life and solve problems more practically, this is a simple understanding of the learning task group of "contemporary cultural participation".

The relevant analysis of the above fragments of teaching and research papers is suitable for ( ).

A. The realistic characteristics of "contemporary" determine that the task group takes the current hot issues as the research objects

B. The connotation of "culture" determines that this task group can only be implemented in schools in urban areas

C. The characteristic of "participation" limits the implementation of this task group to be interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary

D. The "Contemporary Cultural Participation" learning task group can strengthen the connection between Chinese learning and life

2. Case analysis questions (there are 3 small questions in this big question, 20 points for the 16th question, 8 points for the 17th question, 12 points for the 18th question, a total of 40 points)

Read the student work below and complete Questions 17-18.



①Stay firm on the green hills and not let go, the roots are originally in the broken rocks. Thousands of blows are still strong, let the wind from east to west, north and south. Between ideals and beliefs and worldly disturbances, there are always people who are like bamboo and stone, maintaining the determination to eliminate disturbances and to control myself.

②In the world of art, only by adhering to artistic personality and maintaining artistic concentration can we create a new world of art. A piece of "Sunrise Impression" not only made Monet famous in one fell swoop, but also marked the rise of "Impressionism". Being slandered and ridiculed, some critics even ridiculed this painting that "the rough wallpaper is more complete than this seascape", but Monet did not give up exploring new forms of expression because of this. He insisted on using color spots to express his instant impression of natural light. "Sunrise·Impression" depicts the sea with blurred water and light with brisk and jumping brushstrokes; "Wild Poppy" depicts the bright natural scene under the sky light and cloud shadow. Monet, who spent his whole life depicting natural light and shadow, created his pinnacle work - "Water Lilies" when he was almost blind in his later years. What is the power that makes Monet, who suffers from eye diseases, still stare at the water lily? It is his love for nature and his insistence on artistic personality.

③Through this determination to persevere in exploration, not only Monet has been accomplished, but also a group of painters who share the same artistic ideals with Monet. Together they created a new genre of painting - Impressionism.

④In China, there are also such painters who insist on unique artistic pursuit and maintain artistic concentration, which opened a new chapter for the development of Chinese painting. Xu Beihong opposed the old-fashioned techniques of Chinese painting, and was self-proclaimed. He devoted his life to the combination of Western sketches, oil paintings and traditional Chinese paintings, introducing Western perspective and the relationship between light and shade in Chinese paintings. Xu Beihong studied oil painting in Europe, and copied world masterpieces in major museums, spending a whole day there. During the Anti-Japanese War, Xu Beihong created the freehand Chinese painting "Galloping Horse", which integrated the thick, light, dry and wet of Chinese painting with the light and dark perspective of Western sketches. It seems to break through the picture, showing the fearless and enterprising spirit. Faced with the dissatisfaction of his predecessors in traditional Chinese painting and the disdain of Western painters, Xu Beihong insisted on breaking the barriers between China and the West, and explored a new way of art combining the two, forming a unique style of combining Chinese and Western. It is this strong artistic determination that has survived thousands of years of hard work, making his works famous all over the world and becoming the symbol and symbol of modern Chinese painting.

⑤Only when artists maintain the concentration of character, can they have the concentration of art and create extraordinary works.


17. Please find two typos in paragraph ②④ and one wrong sentence in paragraph ③, and revise them respectively.

18. Please point out an advantage or a disadvantage of the assignment, and analyze it in conjunction with the specific content.

3. Teaching design questions (there are 3 small questions in this big question, 20 points for the 19th question, 20 points for the 20th question, 25 points for the 21st question, a total of 65 points)

Read the text materials and specific requirements, and complete questions 19-21.

Original text of Shakespeare's Hamlet (excerpt)

Act 3

Scene 1 A room in the castle

KING: Can't you find out, in a roundabout way, why he was so besotted, and let disorderly and dangerous madness haunt his quiet life?

Polonius: Ophelia, walk here. Your Majesty, let us go and hide. (to Ophelia) You take this book and read it, and he won't wonder why you're here alone when he sees you working so hard. There are too many examples of people who often hide a wicked heart with a sincere appearance and pious actions.

King: (narrator) Ah, that sentence is so true! What a blow it had on my conscience! The face of a painted whore is not as ugly as my deeds behind false words. What an embarrassing burden!

Polonius: I heard him coming. Let us retreat, Your Majesty. (Exit the King and Polonius)

Enter Hamlet.

Hamlet: To be or not to be, that is a question worth considering. Which is nobler, to bear silently the tyrannical poisonous arrows of fate, or to stand up against the boundless sufferings of the world and sweep them away through struggle? Dead; asleep; all is over; and if in that sleep the wounds of our heart, and countless other blows which flesh and blood inevitably cannot avoid, were thus to be extinguished, that was the end we would have wished for. Dead; asleep; asleep perhaps dreaming; well, here lies the hindrance: for what shall we dream in that sleep of death, when we've shed this rotten sack, That cannot but give us pause and apprehension. It is for this reason that men are willing to live long in adversity; who will bear the whips and scorns of the world, the insults of oppressors, the contempt of proud men, the pangs of despised love, the delays of laws, the insolence and expense of officials The contempt of the villain in exchange for his hard work, what if he can liquidate his own life with just a small knife? Who would these fardels bear,To grunt and sweat under a weary life,But that the dread of something after death- The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn No traveler returns- puzzles the will , so that we would rather bear our present tortures than fly to those we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose sight of. The meaning of action...

Text introduction

This text is the sixth lesson of the second unit of the compulsory high school Chinese, and the selections of the same unit include "Dou E's Injustice (excerpt)" and "Thunderstorm (excerpt)". This unit belongs to the "literary reading and writing" learning task group , the humanities theme is "Conscience and Compassion".

Unit Introduction

After studying this unit, through activities such as reading appreciation and arranging performances, you can deeply understand drama works, grasp their tragic connotations, and inspire conscience and compassion in your heart. It is necessary to have a preliminary understanding of the basic characteristics of traditional operas and modern dramas; to appreciate the artistic techniques of playwrights in designing conflicts, arranging plots, and shaping characters; to appreciate the action and individuality of drama language; to understand the style characteristics of tragic works, and to appreciate the author's uniqueness artistic creation.

Relevant requirements of "General High School Chinese Curriculum Standards (2017 Edition, 2020 Revision)"

This task group aims to guide students to read excellent literary works of different genres such as ancient and modern Chinese and foreign poetry, prose, novels, plays, etc., so that students can improve their literary appreciation ability in the process of feeling images, tasting language, and experiencing emotions, and try literary writing, writing Literary criticism, in order to improve the ability of aesthetic appreciation and expression and communication.

Intensively read excellent literary works from ancient and modern China and abroad, feel the artistic image in the works, understand and appreciate the language expression of the works, grasp the connotation of the works, and understand the author's creative intentions. Combine your own life experience and reading and writing experience, use your imagination, deepen your understanding of the works, and strive to have your own discoveries.

Student Status

In the first semester of the first grade, the class size is 50 students.

Teaching conditions

Teachers are equipped with multimedia equipment, which can demonstrate PPT, play video and audio files, and project real objects.


19. Determine the teaching objectives of this lesson based on the above materials, and specify the basis for the determination (materials cannot be copied).

20. Select one of the teaching objectives, design a teaching segment, and briefly explain the teaching content and teaching methods of each link.

21. Design specific teaching activities and guide students to write and recite the script of the monologue "To be or not to be".

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