Font package download:2020 commercially available Chinese and English fonts packaged for free download-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

2020 commercially available Chinese and English fonts packaged for free download

In these times of concern, it has become even more important to ensure the use of legally licensed fonts. The following are some commercially available Chinese and English font packages in 2020, which you can download and use for free: 1. Source Han Serif

I often encounter many novice designers who are at a loss when choosing fonts when designing. They accidentally step on a pit, may use unauthorized fonts, and then receive a letter from a lawyer, so that the company has caused a lot of losses. In the age of more and more attention, today we will sort out some commercially available Chinese and English fonts for you, and package them up for everyone to download. This article will also continuously update to collect newly released fonts Commercially available fonts, I hope everyone will pay more attention! Get the download address by private message --- send "2020 commercial font download" by private message

UTS Title Black

The font jointly released by Youset and Ziyou is a Chinese font that is very suitable for titles.

oppo sans

OPPO officially released the new ColorOS 7 system in Beijing. In addition to the new system, OPPO also officially launched the self-developed "OPPO Sans" font, and stated that it will authorize the whole society for free (including commercial use).

Jiangxi Zhuokai

The font designer Huang Yuchen completed it independently in half a year, and the font has a strong retro Chinese style.

sharp mantra style

The first free commercial font launched by the Ruizi family: Ruizi Mantra, all free, high-quality, and commercially available.

Alliance Qiyi Lu Shuai Zhengrui Heibody

It is a very powerful title Chinese font, the font design is very thick and powerful


It is a commercial free font jointly launched by Beijing Longquan Temple Animation Center and Hanyi Font.

​Mu Yao soft pen handwriting

A gift from the designer to his daughter, very loving font

Seto font

The Seto font is made by Ms. Seto のぞみ, an amateur font designer in Japan. It is a very cute handwritten font.

Side Door Title Black

The font jointly developed by Pangmen Zhengdao Design Official Account and Ziyou Space Creative Studio is very suitable for e-commerce title banner font design.

Zheng Qingke butter body

Zheng Qingke Butter Font is a child-oriented art font, which is not only retro but also a bit fashionable. It is a Chinese font that makes people feel ordinary and very attractive! This font is good for headlines, not body copy.

station cool literature and art

A public welfare font launched by designer Liu Bingke.

Station cool high-end black

In 2014 Christmas, the first charity font named by Zakuol was released. Type designers Hu Xiaobo and Liu Bingke initiated the "Hundreds of Chinese Characters Dance" on to recruit designers to create characters collectively, and nearly a hundred designers participated in it.

Station cool Xiaowei LOGO body

It is a gift from the designer David Li to his daughter when she turns 3. The design director of Shanghai Zuozi Brand Design Studio, David Li, led his studio team to complete the project.

cool happy body

Yang Rendong Bamboo Stone Body

Type designer, released a free commercial font on April 26, 2017 - Yang Rendong Bamboo Stone

Founder Imitation Song Simplified

Commercial use of Founder font requires official authorization.

Founder Heibody Simplified

square script simplified

Founder's Book Song Simplified

​Ask the library

Produced by the Zixing Workshop, ask the library to customize the font

Hu Xiaobo male god body

Hu Xiaobo shows off the body

Hu Xiaobo is so handsome

Bold calligraphy

Stroke-style font, majestic and suitable for title design

side door relaxed body

Taipei Blackbody

It is suitable for design scenarios such as text layout, graphic design, audio and video subtitles, etc.

Xinye Nianti

The handwritten Chinese font produced by New Leaf Media is full of literature and art

stone record

Carved stone record body, carved stone record pen crane body, carved stone record Yan body

package map small white body

Handwritten cute font produced by

Siyuan Blackbody

pingfangsc Pingfang font

Siyuan Song Typeface

Holly Blackbody

apple holly black body ui font design

45 Huakang fonts (only available on Ali platform for free):

Huakang pudding style, Huakang ribbon style, Huakang children style style, Huakang square circle style, Huakang pen style, Huakang poster style, Huakang letter style, Huakang letter style, Huakang elegant style, Huakang black body, Huakang gold style, Huakang regular script, Huakang Kanting Liu, Huakang Li Jinhei, Huakang official script, Huakang Longmen stone tablet, Huakang ink font, Huakang POP1 style, Huakang POP2 style, Huakang POP3 style, Huakang Kang girl text, Huakang decorative art style, Huakang thin gold style, Huakang Song style, Huakang Song style, Huakang Tang style, Huakang doll style, Huakang Wei stele, Huakang Zhengyan Kai style, Huakang Ya Song style, Huakang Yayi Body, Huakang Round Body, Huakang New Variety Body

18 Hanyi fonts (only available on JD platform for free):

Hanyi Zhonghei (Simplified/Traditional), Hanyi Fine Jianhei (Simplified), Hanyi Zhongjian Black (Simplified), Hanyi KaiTi (Simplified/Traditional), Hanyi Shu Song Yi (Simplified), Han Yi Shu Song Two (Traditional), Hanyi Rough Imitation of Song Dynasty (Simple), Hanyi Water Drop Body (Simplified/Traditional), Hanyi Pearl Li (Simplified/Traditional)

3 standard fonts of Taiwan Ministry of Education

Taiwan Ministry of Education standard Song style Taiwan Ministry of Education standard official script Taiwan Ministry of Education standard regular script

List of 87 commercially available English fonts

AiDeep.otfAkrobatblack.ttfAmaranth Bold Italic.ttfAmaranth-Bold.ttfAmaranth-Italic.ttfAmaranth.otfArual.ttfAsap-BoldItalic.ttfAsapCondensed-Bold.ttfAsapCondensed-BoldItalic.ttfBahiana-Regular.ttfBangers -Regular.ttfBarrio-Regular.ttfBEYNO.ttfCabin-Bold. ttfCabin-BoldItalic.ttfCabin-Italic.ttfCabin-Medium.ttfCormorantSC-Light.ttfCormorantSC- Regular.ttfCormorantUpright-Light.ttfCuprum-Bold.ttfDancingScript- Regular.ttfDidactGothic-Regular.ttfDolce Vita Heavy Bold.ttfDolce Vita Light.ttfDolce Vita.ttfDroid Sans.ttfDroidSans-Bold.ttfEncodeSans-Thin.ttfEncodeSansExpanded-Medium.ttfFiraSans-BlackItalic.ttfFiraSansCondens ed-Thin.ttfFirstShine-regular.ttfFirstShine-Thin.ttfGalanoGrotesqueDEMO -Bold.otfGemunuLibre-ExtraBold.ttfGemunuLibre-Light.ttfGemunuLibre-Regular.ttfGemunuLibre-SemiBold.ttfGreatVibes-Regular.ttfJura-Medium.ttfKraskario italic.ttfKraskario.ttfManuale-Medium.ttf Manuale-SemiBold.ttfMerak-Free.otfMontserrat-Black.ttfMontserrat- otfMontserrat-Light.otfMontserrat-ThinItalic.ttfMontserratAlternates-BlackItalic.ttfMontserratAlternates-Thin.ttfMuli-ExtraBoldItalic.ttfMuli-ExtraLight.ttfMuli-LightItalic.ttfNex a Bold.otfNexa Light.otfNISCRIPT-Regular.otfNunito-Regular.ttfOswald- Medium.ttfPacifico.ttfPangolin-Regular.ttfPoiretOne-Regular.ttfPostNoBillsColombo-ExtraBold.ttfPostNoBillsJaffna-Bold.ttfPostNoBillsJaffna-Regular.ttfRailway.otfRoboto Bold.ttfRoboto Thin.ttfRoboto-LightI talic.ttfRoboto-Regular.ttfRopaSans-Italic.ttfRubik-Black.ttfSaira- Black.ttfSairaCondensed-Thin.ttfSansita-Black.ttfSeaside Resort NF.ttfSigmarOne-Regular.ttfSourceSerifPro-SemiBold.ttfYesevaOne-Regular.ttf

At present, these fonts are copyright-free, but they may also change. Friendly reminder, the copyright belongs to the font owner. The graphics, texts and download resources in this article are only collected and sorted. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete! If you have good-looking fonts, you can also contact us to publish them, thank you!

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