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190,000-word review report, 255-page PPT proof! The truth of the underground casino crime case surfaced...|Tonight at 9:30

Source: WeChat Official Account of the People's Procuratorate of Pukou District, Nanjing

Nine thirty tonight

Monopolizing casino operations, participating in casino sharing, providing "security services", issuing "small loans" to gamblers, selling high-priced cigarettes...

On March 28, 2019, the Pukou District Procuratorate of Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province sent personnel to appear in court and prosecuted 12 defendants including Zhou Bao and Wu Yongnian for organizing, leading, and participating in a gangster organization crimes, crimes of gathering a crowd to fight, crimes of extortion, crimes of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, crimes of opening casinos, and crimes of illegal detention.


Underground casino, violent monopoly

Zhou Bao, nicknamed "Brother Bao", was sentenced to seven years and three months in prison by the court for committing the crime of intentional injury and picking quarrels and provoking trouble in his early years. After being released on parole in 2013, Zhou Bao began to set foot in underground casinos, earning illegal profits by placing slot machines and selling high-priced cigarettes. With the gradual accumulation of funds, Zhou Bao began to recruit soldiers and horses to strengthen his power. Since 2016, it has successively recruited more than 10 people, including Wu Yongnian, Wei Peng, and Yang Yousong, and used gambling to support black people and use black people to protect gambling within the scope of Pukou District of Nanjing City. A gangster organization involved in gambling.

Under the leadership of Zhou Bao, the organization provided protection for several casino operations, collecting money by collecting protection fees, participating in casino sharing, and providing funds for gamblers. Zhou Bao's wife Wu Yongnian, as the "financial" person in charge of the organization, used the illegally obtained money to pay members' salaries and pay daily expenses, etc., so as to maintain the development and growth of the organization. In order to suppress opponents, Zhou Bao has repeatedly arranged for members of the organization to carry machetes, sticks and other tools along the streets in the downtown area to find fighting targets, and to fight fiercely and expand their influence by means of arranging weapon fights and threats of violence. In order to ask for gambling debts, Zhou Bao has repeatedly led members of the organization to intimidate and harass debtors and their families with "soft violence" methods such as spraying paint, sending wreaths, and burning paper money.

In the past two years, the organization has successively carried out more than a dozen crimes of mobilizing people to fight, extorting, picking quarrels, opening casinos, and illegally detaining others, seriously infringing on the personal rights and property safety of others. It destroyed the social order of the region and caused extremely bad social impact.


Prosecutors shine their swords and try their best to handle "iron cases"

From July to September 2018, Zhou Bao and other 12 persons involved in the case were successively arrested by the public security organs. The Pukou District Procuratorate quickly formed a case-handling team consisting of 1 leader of the Admissions Court and 2 prosecutors. With a high sense of political responsibility and mission, they strongly handled the case, cracked down on gangsters, and ensured safety, ensuring that the case was handled as an "iron trial" case. case", which has withstood the test of law and history.

In view of the long time span of the case, the large number of people involved, and the complexity of the criminal facts,the case handling team intervened in advance and guided the public security organs to focus on the organization's organizational characteristics, behavioral characteristics and social Harmful characteristics, etc., carried out investigation and evidence collection, put forward practical suggestions for supplementary evidence, and fixed the core evidence.

The case-handling team intervened in advance 4 times to guide the public security organs to investigate and collect evidence.

In the review and prosecution stage, the case handling team reviewed 27 volumes of files and materials, interrogated more than 30 times, reviewed and confirmed the facts in 19 cases, and confirmed illegal gains of more than 1.06 million yuan. Bao and others were suspected of organizing, leading, participating in an underworld organization, and gathering a crowd to fight, and analyzed and demonstrated one by one, and finally formed a 190,000-word review report.

Interrogate the defendant Zhou Bao.

For a member of the organization who was previously released on bail due to insufficient evidence, the case-handling team actively guided supplementary evidence and successfully pursued it, ensuring the smooth progress of the entire case.


Appear in court for public prosecution, the representative likes

On March 21, the case-handling team participated in the pre-trial meeting organized by the court, exchanged opinions with the defender on the facts and evidence of the case, and further clarified the focus of disputes in the case and proof strategies.

On March 28, the criminal case involving Zhou Bao and others was tried in accordance with the law. In the face of Zhou Bao's plea of ​​not guilty, and the varying degrees of retraction of other members of the organization. In the link of evidence and cross-examination, the case-handling team closely focused on the facts charged in the indictment and presented them to the court according to the charges. In view of the complexity of the case and the plethora of evidence, the case handling team elaborately produced a 255-page PPT presentation, visually displaying the evidence proving the criminal facts of Zhou Bao and others with both pictures and text.

PPT demonstration at the trial site.

The case handling team appeared in court to prosecute.

In the court debate, the public prosecutor first issued a public prosecution opinion, and proposed a fixed-term imprisonment of 15 to 18 years, confiscation of property and deprivation of political rights to Zhou Bao, the leader of the organization. Sentencing recommendations, and put forward corresponding sentencing recommendations for other persons involved in the case.

In the following two rounds of debate, the case handling team gave a reasonable, forceful and well-organized full response to the opinions put forward by the defendant and 12 defenders. At about 9 o'clock that night, the trial, which lasted nearly 12 hours, ended. Due to the complexity of the case, the collegial panel did not pronounce the verdict in court.

8 deputies to the national and district people's congresses and members of the CPPCC attended the trial. After the trial, Sun Jingnan, a representative of the National People's Congress, said, "Gambling is very easy to breed crimes, and gangland crimes in the field of gambling are a cancer that endangers social stability and people's livelihood. Struggle requires that crimes in this area should be cracked down according to law, so that ordinary people can feel more secure!”

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