Project kick-off meeting ppt:17 elements that must be reported in "project acceptance" (with a complete set of ppt case templates)-PPT tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

17 elements that must be reported in "project acceptance" (with a complete set of ppt case templates)

The 17 elements that must be reported in "Project Acceptance" include: 1. Project Overview: Briefly introduce the background, objectives and scope of the project. 2. Project implementation status: Summarize the implementation progress of the project, incl

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After I wrote the content of the report at the project launch meeting in the previous article, many fans and friends left messages and private messages, hoping to write an article about the content of the project acceptance report, preferably with a ppt related template. After 4 days of hard work, I finally sorted out the relevant content and PPT of the project acceptance report. The content of this article is written based on the editor’s actual experience. If you have good suggestions, please leave a message in the comment area and learn from each other together.

1. PPT home page and table of contents

The project acceptance report is divided into four parts as a whole: project overview, implementation, construction effect, and post-plan. Each part has a corresponding introductory chapter, which will be explained in detail below.

2. Project introduction

Project introduction mainly includes project name, project amount, construction unit, user unit, supervision unit, construction period, etc. According to different project situations, it is enough to focus on expressing the basic situation of the project clearly to the experts.

3. Project background

The project background is generally very clear when the project is established or the feasibility study report is written, and it can be pasted directly from the relevant documents. If there are too many project backgrounds, it can be summarized from the direction of policy, business needs, decision-making needs, etc., and presented to the review experts in the form of items, without a whole paragraph of expression.

4. Construction goals

The construction goal can first introduce the overall goal of the project, and then introduce the sub-project goals. The sub-project goals can be introduced from three directions: business level, management level, and decision-making level.

5. Construction content

The project construction content needs to be summarized. First, the whole project is divided into several subsystems. What are the functions included in each subsystem, as shown in the figure below, The construction content is summarized as "5+1 platform construction", that is, one set of basic platform and five sets of business subsystems.

6. Project organization

The project organization is the upper and lower structure diagrams composed of project stakeholders through certain relationship diagrams. The organizational structure of different companies in different industries is different. The following figure provides a general template, and you can modify it according to the actual situation.

7. Overall structure

For the part of the overall architecture, different project managers have different understandings. Some project managers think it is a structure in series of system functions, some project managers think it is a business model structure, and some project managers think it is a system architecture. In my opinion, the overall structure should be a functional architecture based on the business model. As shown in the figure below, the text in bold has a business model structure, and each business model structure is the corresponding function. Let experts and users clearly obtain the content to be expressed by the overall architecture.

8. Execution process

The implementation process should include project preparation, requirements analysis, system design, development and implementation, integration testing, system trial operation, and project delivery. If the project involves delays or other milestones, you can add them yourself according to the structure in the figure below. Of course, the key time points of each record should also be noted, so that the entire execution process can be seen at a glance.

9. Key technologies

During the project construction process, the project team introduced those key technologies, such as big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and so on.

10. Breakthrough in key difficulties

This chapter is a very important chapter,Firstly, it can reflect the company's technical strength, secondly, it can overcome difficulties and bring value to users, and finally, if it breaks through technical problems in the industry, then it should be even more important to talk about To lay a solid foundation for the next project with customers.

11. Contract implementation

For contract execution, we can express the execution situation item by item in the form of a table, taking the contract content, construction content, system function, and implementation status as examples. The implementation status is completed and not completed. If not completed, please explain the corresponding reasons.

12. Project process documentation product

From project preparation to project delivery, a lot of process documents will be generated during the entire project implementation process, such as project requirements specifications, project design documents, project meeting minutes, project test reports, etc. Classify and summarize these documents and introduce them to experts and users.

13. Process signature file

From project preparation to project delivery, many signed documents will be generated during the entire project implementation process. If the signed documents such as requirements confirmation, design confirmation, meeting confirmation, test confirmation, user use report, etc., screenshots are placed on the PPT, experts can only see Only these signed documents will be accepted by you. If the user does not sign, the experts will not take risks for you. If you give you any unreasonable reason, the project will fail the acceptance.

14. System effect display

To put it bluntly, the final result of the project is not a signature or a document, but a real system. Therefore, we need to paste a screenshot of our project page on the PPT. You can find some representative screenshots (For example, pages with high user usage rate, and the data has generated user operation records and data, and some pages are displayed on the big screen. Now do the project , the system does not display the effect of a few large screens, I am sorry, do you have the same feeling) pages, do not need more.

15. Data effects

The data effect represents whether the system is really used by the user, and the stability and operability of the system that has been used by the user are relatively guaranteed; in addition, based on the accumulation of data in the next 3-5 years, what data can be generated for the user Assets are actually the invisible results of the project, so the project manager should express them through data to further gain the recognition of the project from experts and users.

16. Project innovation

Project managers who often do project planning should be very special. After the project is completed, the project is not only put into use, but some users or leaders will use this project to promote it. Therefore, the project manager should summarize the highlights and innovations of the project in advance when reporting on the project (Listen to the editor, just It works really well!).

17. Follow-up plan

Project acceptance is only a milestone of the project, not the final node of the project. After the project acceptance, the project manager needs to arrange the follow-up plan reasonably to ensure the stable operation of the project. A general follow-up plan includes the following:

  1. Refine and revise the system based on questions from experts.
  2. Free training and technical support for the system according to user requirements.
  3. Do a good job in guaranteeing the formal operation of the project.
  4. According to the contract requirements, complete the promotion of the platform.
  5. According to the requirements of the contract, complete the application for copyright and patent.

How to get PPT:

1. Click "Appreciate" in the lower left corner for any amount (Organizing is not easy)

2. Forward+Favorite+Like (Must triple click ), reply to "Project Acceptance 02" by private message, and get the download address.

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