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100 pairs of Chinese famous couplets, often used in writing calligraphy, recommended collection!

Okay, I will provide you with 100 Chinese famous couplets: 1. Mountains and rivers are full of doubts, and there is no way out. 2. Life is like a dream, and one statue is still in Jiangyue. 3. Clouds think about clothes, flowers think about appearance, an

The couplets and battles are neat and harmonious,

Every word and sound are full of natural beauty and life wisdom.

"Green mountains without ink and thousands of years of painting; flowing water with no strings",

From ancient times to the present, literati and inkmen have used this to describe landscapes and express their feelings.

100 Chinese famous couplets, experience the profound Chinese culture together!

It is recommended to collect these 100 pairs of couplets, because they will be often used in calligraphy!

Dong Qichang

Kezhu Hanlansi

Sound of cold light and rain

1. The green mountains are not painted with ink and the paintings of thousands of years; the flowing water has no strings.

2. The body is compared to the idle clouds, and the light of the moon shadow and stream can prove the nature;

3. The mountains and rivers flow open the picture, the kite flies and the fish jumps to realize the secret of heaven.

4. Fill the sea and the sky with high volume; cultivate a heart of worry before joy.

5. The weather is clear in the mountains and rivers, and the jade is clean and smart. (Fang Shengdong's self-titled couplet)

6. Ask who is riding the green bull; there is a yellow crane flying from the sky. (Bagua Pavilion in Qingyang Palace)

7. Flying red rain along one path; Thousands of forests scattered green shade. (Kunming Longmen United)

8. There is a pavilion near the water, and the clouds and mountains on all sides are in the picture;

9. The world enters the heart, and the article is full of wind and thunder. (Lv Liuliang's self-titled couplet)

10. Clouds, shadows, waves, and light up and down the sky; Songtao, bamboo rhyme, and water in the middle.

Chen Hongshou

The fragrance of forest flowers and rain is still there

Fang Cao keeps people at their leisure

11. After the rain, Lin Fei clears the stone atmosphere; autumn brings green mountains into the heart of poetry.

12. There is leisure in the eyes to climb the mountain and face the water to chant; there is no long thing outside the body.

13. With the moon in hand, the fragrance of flowers is all over the clothes.

14. Canglong is still raining at dusk; old trees bloom more in spring. (Gu Yanwu's own title couplet)

15. Open Tianan horse, Qiyi people Zhonglong.

16 It's cool to take advantage of the cool breeze and bright moon, to watch the flowing water and the mountains quietly. (Suzhou Humble Administrator's Garden)

17. The mountains and mountains at the bottom of the pen help the majesty; the wind and moon in front of the building come from spring and autumn.

18. Iron stone plum blossom style; mountains and rivers vanilla style.

19. The breeze and the moon come and go; the flowing water and the high mountains have no past or present. (Zhou Yanjun titled Boya Qintai)

20. The breeze and bright moon are priceless; there is love near the water and far away from the mountains.

21. The moonlight is thousands of miles away, and the autumn scenery is blue. (Hunan Yueyang Junzi Pavilion)

22. A few plum blossoms return to the flute hole; a gulf of water flows into the heart of the piano. (Guangdong Nanhai Zhenliu Pavilion)

23. The bird looks down on the ancient books; the flowers fly and the words are red. (Coupled by Chen Hongshou)

24. Yuyue Qingboche; (Collection by Gong Xian)

25. When you sleep until the second or third watch, all fame and fame will become an illusion; think of a hundred years later, all young and old will be ancient. (Huangliang Mengting Pavilion, Luxian Temple, Handan, Hebei)

26. There have never been mountains and rivers in the sky; aren't there gods in the world. (Pu Shen Monk Qingliang Tailian)

27. Pick up the pen and look around the world; (Zhu Fang Huxin Pavilion)

28. The auspicious air falls to the universe; the orchid fragrance spreads all over the world. (Ruilan Pavilion, Xibei Mountain Villa, Taipei County)

29. Cloud and water demeanor; pine and cypress integrity.

30. After the poem, the spring breeze flourishes the grass and trees; (Huang Tingjian's bookstore couplet)

Liu Yong

Baijiu Niang comes from hospitality

Gold is scattered to collect books

31. Where there are mountains, there are pictures; where there is no water, there are no articles. (Hangzhou Sanya Garden Alliance)

32. Every time I hear a good deed, my heart is happy; when I see a strange book, I copy it by myself. (Zhu Yunming title Xindu Baoguang Temple)

33. A man cannot stand without faith;

34. Poems are light and full of spring water; (Gao Fenghan's title is as quiet as a mountain house couplet)

35. The sea is the world of dragons; the cloud is the hometown of cranes. (Qi Baishi)

36. The breeze intentionally makes it difficult to keep me; the bright moon has no intention to shine on others. (Wang Fuzhi's Hengyang Xiangxi Thatched Cottage)

37. Getting friends is like facing the moon; reading strange books is better than watching flowers.

38. Virtue is accumulated from lenient; fortune is sought from frugality.

39. Five chariots are bold; eight fights are talented.

40. Good books never tire of reading; (Mao Huai's own question couplet)

41. The third watch after a good book is enlightened; the four springs when a good friend comes. (Deng Shiru's own question couplet)

42. Ten acres of green smoke and autumn release cranes; a curtain of cool moon night Hengqin. (Coupled by Yang Yisun himself)

43. Wind and cloud three-foot sword; flowers and birds on a bed of books. (Zuo Guangdou's own title page)

44. Make high-level vows, form medium-level relationships, and enjoy low-level blessings; choose a high place to stand, find a flat place to live, and walk to a wide place. (Zuo Zongtang inscribed the plum garden in Wuxi, Jiangsu)

45. The spirit is old everywhere; the spirit is flat when the knowledge is deep. (Coupled by Shi Yunyu)

46. True learning comes from the Five Ethics; great articles come from the Six Classics.

47. There is leisure in the garden, bamboo dew, pine, wind and banana rain; no long-term possessions at home, tea, smoke, piano, rhyme and books.

48. Determine not to follow the trend; it is difficult to learn from the ancients.

49. Surrounded by mountains and rivers, all families are worried and happy.

50. Make friends with the world's virtuous elders; often be the master of the country.

Lin Zexu

Sit cross-legged with incense in the quiet room

Looking at paintings in the promenade

51. I like to have sharp eyes and make more friends; I hate to have ten years of free time to read all kinds of books. (Bao Shichen's study)

52. Don't weed the garden to keep the business; love to raise fish in pots.

53. Explaining the old to supplement the new life; extremely wise and moderate.

54. Sit quietly and think about your own mistakes; don't talk about others.

55. A hundred feet tall, can support a bright moon; a low house with a few rafters can't lock in the sound of five nights of books. (Zheng Banqiao's self-titled couplet)

56. Splashes intend a thousand heavy snows; peaches and plums are silent and a team of spring.

57. Reading is refreshing; reading the world is full of pride.

58. Willing to ride the wind and break the waves; willing to face the wall and read for ten years. (Sun Yat-sen's self-titled couplet)

59. Wang Wei's painting of a beautiful scene in a window; Du Fu's poems with green mountains on four walls.

60. Infinity is original; (Coupled by Yu Youren)

61. People are born thin; (Coupled by Wang Anshi himself)

62. Ride horses on the sunset plain; write poems on the ancient autumn road. (Zhang Daqian's own title page)

63. Morality is on the shoulders of iron; (Coupled by Yang Jisheng)

64. Morality has no past or present;

65. A woodcutter song resounds from all the mountains; (Li Zixian's self-titled couplet)

66. Less learned and self-knowledgeable; less polite and often feel slow and more people.

67. Sunny snow and cold plum blossoms are poetic and picturesque; new wind and freezing rain are full of pine and bamboo sounds. (Gao Shiqi's own title page)

68. The mountains and rivers are in the picture;

69. The nature is fixed and the heart is far away; the body has too many leisure activities.

70. Bamboo is suitable for rain and pine is suitable for snow; flowers can be used for Zen and wine can be immortal.

He Shaoqi

Sound of pounding outside the rain

Green mountains on the green water screen in the piano

71. Learn to stand upright, and be naturally chaste; round and square, talk calmly.

72. A glass of water is as light as its name; Yingxin village tea is more fragrant than wine. (Qi Gong)

73. Ask for true knowledge; don't make fake articles.

74. The white bird forgets the plane, and sees the clouds rolling in the sky; the green hills are not old, and the flowers bloom in front of the court. (Kangxi gave Zhang Yinglian)

75. Work diligently day and night; embrace the past and the present. (Kang Youwei)

76. Flip through the book a few times; it is worthy of three meals.

77.Shui Neng Xing Dan is my friend; Zhu Jie Xin Gui is my teacher. (Ruan Yuan titled Shenyang Imperial Palace Yanqing Palace)

78. If you can be content with things, you will always be happy; (Chen Baiya's self-titled couplet)

79. Not wanting money is not easy; being too nice is also selfish. (Lin Zexu's self-titled couplet)

80. Whether I have read a book or not, I can tell others everything.

81. Don't talk about the world to Qingshan; don't use words to occupy time.

82. There is no need to be big in an elegant room; there are not many fragrances of flowers. (Zheng Xie)

83. To cultivate the mind, there is nothing to cultivate one’s desires; nothing is more enjoyable than reading books.

84. How can I be as good as I want; but I want to be worthy of my heart.

85. The body fish swims lively; the leisure ink dances innocently. (Collection by Zhao Jinguang)

86. What is moving, the apricot blossoms in February and the laurel; whoever reminds me, the lights are on the third watch and the chicken is on the fifth watch. (Peng Yuanrui)

87. Diligence is the foundation of life; sincerity is the foundation of all generations.

88. It is great to have tolerance and virtue; to be at peace without deceit.

89. The river flows across thousands of miles, and the pillars of heaven are inserted into three peaks. (Chen Binru titled Guilin Nanxi Mountain)

90. Leave room for writing; keep infinite secrets in your chest.

91. Do not offend heaven and earth with your intentions; leave a good example for your children and grandchildren with your words and deeds. (Yuan Chonghuan)

92. Holding prejudices alone and going his own way.

93. Every major event is calm; I don't believe that there are no ancient sages. (Weng Tonghe's own question)

94. Dongbi Library, West Garden Hanmolin.

95. It is intentional to splash ink on mountains;

96. Looking at the flowers facing the water, Xiao Zhige is at ease.

97. Mountains and rivers of hundreds of battles left smoke trees at the head of this building; nine heavenly pearls and jade blown into articles on the water. (Zeng Guofan)

98. Gentleness is in the world; happiness is in the mountains. (Kang Youwei)

99. Open the curtain to face the spring tree; flick the sword and blow the autumn lotus. (Song Yu's own title couplet)

100. There is no price for the breeze and bright moon; mangroves and green mountains have poetry. (Liang Qichao)

Weng Tonghe

Hui Cao Rao Shuqi

Fusang ascends to Zhaohui

Zhang Zhidong

The world in the pen turns to Cong Qian

Shuizhuzhan Tsinghua University

Wu Changshuo

I hate to read strange books for ten years

Lucky to have two eyes and make good friends

Source: An ancient poem every day

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