:10 major classifications of commercial font design - learn to travel all over the world without being afraid-Font Tutorial免费ppt模版下载-道格办公

10 major classifications of commercial font design - learn to travel all over the world without being afraid

To answer your questions: 10 categories of commercial font design. 1. Sans-serif fonts: Sans-serif fonts are fonts without extra lines or embellishments. This typeface is often used in modern, clean design styles such as web pages, posters, etc. 2. Serif

Nowadays, original font design is required in many jobs, and more and more bosses and customers are asking designers to design original fonts with good-looking fonts.

Font design is already an indispensable part of the work of plane-brand-e-commerce-packaging-webpage, etc.

The following is a summary and analysis for everyone. Includes all font design methods in the design world, and I divide them into 10 categories.

1-rectangular font 2-Song typeface 3-Heiti 4-linear font 5-creative font 6-art font 7-cartoon font>

These 10 categories are basically common types in commercial font design. Each category has tens of thousands of different expressive artistic techniques, that is, our common different styles of characters.

Art fonts are a general category. Except for the deformed characters above without obvious characteristics, they are collectively called artistic fonts. The above types can be distinguished from the surface of the font. glyph.

If a designer can learn these 10 types, he can be said to be an all-round font designer. It may take several years of research to do well.

If you want to learn these 10 categories in one month, you need a complete system of professional font courses. Learn to design it without a watch, so it is necessary to strictly guide and guide homework, and exercise different fonts and 72 changes in thinking.

In the second month, can find the design you are best at, conduct professional research on more different styles of deformed fonts, and you can use more Spend energy and time on design and avoid detours.

If you want to learn, start recommending below-This set of all-round learning commercial font design live courses. This set of courses is based on 10 categories of learning.

I thought about it for a long time before changing this category. Many people prefer to learn methods and skills. Basically, those are more conventional. Including the videos we often post for public classes, we share them in this way< /span>.

Why should I talk about it by category? In fact, it can be understood in this way. The methods you can see are not called methods. They are just small skills within a category.

Skills can be said to be tens of thousands. Professional designers who study fonts can transform hundreds of deformation ideas. Now they are organized into categories for you to learn. Less detours, and at the same time can exercise your thinking changes ability.

Every month, we will live broadcast by category, design and transform content to study different styles, use different ways of thinking to express the design.

What can I do after learning typography? Let’s learn about the application range of font design in business. Basically, where there is font design, it belongs to high-end design.

The first month - universal learning

Basic 0 (you can learn software) all-round learning overall classification, each class has homework + professional tutoring in class to guide everyone's problems.

The second month - the road to master

Based on the first month, I will help you locate and select several types of special development that you are good at, and further strengthen and improve.

Including the font group works you saw on the Internet, all of them are font classes, high-end works for training within one to two months.

There are many collections of student works in the past, and I basically posted all of them online.
The overall commercial font courses on the market are around 2,000 yuan. If you want to join the intensive training of the font special combat team, now there is a best price.
Each period - the first 20 people sign up for only 1314 yuan(Please reserve a place in advance when you see it)
Our font group has been taking high-end design counseling and learning at a low price. It is better to participate in the live broadcast permanently to learn more thinking ideas and exercise design skills.
Sign up to join the font team and directly add my WeChat
WeChat ID zhangvv66
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< /section>
Let’s share another new trend of fonts
Commercial font design
It is also a new trend in the past one or two years. Designers make their own characters into fonts and use their spare time to make a set of font products of their own.
Let’s take a look at the typeface works designed by members of our font team in the past.
Gothic font, at that time, a designer of the font special war group liked to design Gothic characters, but he insisted on designing, but half of it was done, and he couldn’t insist on it, because the modification was too much It is difficult to grasp the multi-structure. It was placed in the middle for a while, and it was almost deleted.
Finally, I tried to let a 00 in the previous group do it later. He usually spends a lot of time in school, and I helped tutor him, but the result was okay I made hundreds of words at once, but fortunately, the emperor paid off.

Sky body, the design of this typeface is very interesting. It turns out that he is a male designer who is taking a postgraduate entrance examination, and he is learning font design with his girlfriend.

As a result, he took his girlfriend away and became a jungler himself. At present, this young lady also goes to work during the day. There are thousands of words, and I often modify the font until midnight.

Twisted font is the earliest typeface produced by Font Legend. It is the youngest designer of our font team. It is the post-00s who were in school who designed the font I tutored. To be honest, I have been designing fonts for so long. , or a post-00s who now designed a typeface.

At present, the post-00s seem to have graduated from an art school. They say that they are returning home to finish this set of characters, and they are also planting fonts at home.
When communicating with him, I seem to be helping with farm work every day when I go home. It seems that I have only designed more than 3,000 words in half a year. The font library should be almost completed. Everyone has their own choice, something to experience, and doing what they like. He is happy even if he is working in the countryside at home.

This was also designed by that 00. At that time, it seemed that he was learning Song typeface modified characters, and it was also a relatively conventional font.

The name of this word is more casual. At that time, it seemed that I was designing three art words of jackfruit. Under my instigation, I designed hundreds of words in one go, and named it The pineapple font is also the first two words.

The following two Republic of China-style artistic characters were designed by a young lady from the font group in 2018. They also went to work during the day and went home to do calligraphy at night.

She prefers this style of design, and it took a month or two to design hundreds of glyphs. I remember that I revised it once a week and changed it at night. It's until 12 o'clock. I hope that all the design efforts will be rewarded.
The above are some of the members of the font class. After two months of study, they did the visual extension of the font VI. Everyone has their own favorite and style that they want to design, and finally they have their own style, which they are studying.
The font library design class learns on the basis of the font class. After signing up, I will learn step by step according to the commission. Question, As long as you want to make a set of such works, feel free to entrust yourself to me.
We have coached several waves of excellent font brand designers.
After finishing the font class, you can directly sign a contract with the font legend designer to develop a complete set of font products.
Sign up to join the font team and directly add my WeChat
WeChat ID zhangvv66
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A group of like-minded designers worked hard together
Design a font library of their own for future career Add bricks and tiles.

Articles are uploaded by users and are for non-commercial browsing only. Posted by: Lomu, please indicate the source: https://www.daogebangong.com/en/articles/detail/10%20major%20classifications%20of%20commercial%20font%20design%20%20learn%20to%20travel%20all%20over%20the%20world%20without%20being%20afraid.html

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